Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,417 Is this a dragon? 5 lines dragon body

The holy realm of Dzogchen!

Qin Chuan was stunned for a long time. He directly skipped the realm of perfection and directly reached the realm of Dzogchen.

After all, the three realms of Consummation, Dzogchen and Half-Step Mighty Man are all existences like a chasm in the sky, but now they actually skipped one of the realms of Consummation.

How could Qin Chuan not be surprised by this, but soon his eyes lit up, and the Nine Divine Dragons also broke through, which was still the very important fourth level.

But now he was no longer in the mood to continue thinking about this, because a small thing crawled out of the huge dragon egg.

Golden body, meaty, huh?

Is this a dragon?

Qin Chuan suddenly felt that his head was not enough. It looked like a dragon, but this dragon head was too cute. It was not ferocious or mighty at all. The small dragon horns were just small protrusions, small bumps, and dragon claws. This is a dragon's claw, with too much meat, like a bear's paw...

The round body and the dragon tail are, well, nice-looking and a bit cute, but is this a dragon?

A pair of big eyes, crystal-like, childlike, when they saw Qin Chuan, they climbed directly onto Qin Chuan's body like a koala and hung on him.

Qin Chuan suddenly had a feeling that he didn't know what to feel. Originally, Qin Chuan had thought about many possibilities. After all, this was a dragon egg. He felt that it must be a mighty little guy. After all, where is the bloodline, or it could be ugly, the type of dragon. Many, many of them look ferocious and ferocious, but what is this guy in front of me...

Qin Chuan instinctively held it and looked at it. The dragon aura on the little guy was terrifying. This was the most terrifying dragon aura Qin Chuan had ever experienced.

This can also confirm that this guy is really a dragon, a pure dragon.


The little thing might have just been born and fell asleep directly. Qin Chuan simply put it away and ignored it. This time the breakthrough of the nine divine dragons was also due to this little thing, which also shows that this little thing is a real dragon.

But this figure is round and round, without any mighty dragon posture, only cute and good-looking. Qin Chuan has no idea whether this person is good-looking or ugly. What he cares about is the might, but seeing this little thing for the first time, he feels that this is real. It's ridiculously beautiful.

Especially those crystal-like dragon eyes, like those of a child.

Qin Chuan went back,

Meeting Lang Kuan, Lang Kuan seemed a little happy this time.

"Brother, everyone is worried about you when you disappear for several days." Lang Kuan looked at Qin Chuan and said.

"I'm delayed because of something, sorry!" Qin Chuan smiled and walked inside.

"Brother, you have been out for so long. Have you ever thought about going back? How about we go to your place to have fun together?" Lang Kuan said with a smile.

Qin Chuan smiled: "I don't plan to go back now. Let's wait for a while and let Langyuan come with us."

Lang Kuan's face became even happier: "I miss Sister Langyuan a little bit too. How about we go pick her up now?"

"She is currently pregnant and is not suitable for walking around. It will take a while!" Qin Chuan smiled.

Lang Kuan's mouth twitched.

He never expected this to happen. Although he was said to be a man from Langyuan, he always felt that he was just a boyfriend and girlfriend. Are they going to have a baby now? Does the Holy Son still like it? If the Holy Son knew, would he go crazy?

Qin Chuan went back without looking at Lang Kuan.

Lang Kuan watched Qin Chuan disappear and returned to his father helplessly.

"What, Langyuan is pregnant with his child?" This time Langjing looked extremely ugly.

I gave him a guarantee and asked him to wait, guaranteeing that Langyuan would be pure and pure.

How can I keep my innocence now? The baby is about to be born...

Qin Chuan will not go out to practice, and then he will observe the baby dragon if nothing else happens.

But this little guy is a foodie and has a huge appetite. He only eats food made by Qin Chuan.

And he has a big appetite, but the little thing seems to have really good abilities, and it's not just because of the Taotie Immortal Beast Stone that the little thing's strength is half-powerful.

Moreover, the strength of the body exceeds that of the treasure beast, it is proficient in the five elements, has infinite strength, and is so sharp that even the treasure beast cannot match it.

Power, speed, sharpness.

I don’t know if it’s because he was young, but he doesn’t have any special supernatural powers.

But there is one innate ability that makes Qin Chuan look forward to it, and even a little excited.

Five Elements Divine Dragon Body!

Could this little thing be the descendant of a divine dragon?

But no matter how you look at it, you can't connect her with Shenlong.

Qin Chuan couldn't understand, so he stopped thinking about it. This little thing was much higher than the treasure beast. This was also a powerful partner of his. When he reached the realm of a powerful person, he might be even more terrifying.

When he came back this time, Qin Chuan clearly felt that Lang Kuan was not as patient as before.

It even seems like I don’t want to pretend.

Qin Chuan didn't take it seriously. He should eat and drink when he should, and he didn't worry about anything.

During this period of time, I got started with the practice of Phantom Infinite Killing.

In Qin Chuan's opinion, it is just a beginner, but if outsiders see it, it is definitely a master level existence.

The power of this Phantom Wuji Kill is really terrifying, especially after Qin Chuan integrated the Nine Steps Against Heaven into it, the power is simply unimaginable.

Coupled with the characteristics of Haoran's domineering body.

Coupled with the current improvement in strength, Qin Chuan feels that things will develop better and better.

"Qin Chuan, what are you practicing for?"

Just then Lang Kuan's voice sounded.

Qin Chuan had previously practiced Phantom Wuji Kill.

Qin Chuan smiled and said: "Phantom clone!"

"You lied, how dare you secretly learn my father's stunts." Lang Kuan's face looked ugly.

Qin Chuan looked at him with a smile: "Why are you following me these days? You follow me wherever I go and monitor me?"

Lang Kuan shuddered. He always felt that what he did was very covert. The other party actually knew about it a long time ago, so what was the point of following him.

"Don't change the subject. You will be kicked out of the door for stealing lessons like this." Lang Kuan looked at Qin Chuan.

"Qin Chuan, we are not kind to you, why are you doing this?" Lang Kuan's brother Lang Xian said.

Qin Chuan was still smiling. He knew that such a day would come, and he didn't feel it was early or late, but he felt very emotional.

"I can leave!" Qin Chuan said.

"Leaving, you think it's just as simple as being kicked out of the door, and you also have to destroy your cultivation." Lang Kuan said.

"Lang Kuan, you finally can't bear it anymore," Qin Chuan said.

"I don't understand what you are saying. I hope you don't resist, otherwise no one can save you." Lang Kuan said.

"Do you know that I killed the powerful man of Ziyan's family in Dragon City?" Qin Chuan said softly.

"Haha, that's because the Ziyan family is too weak." Lang Kuan laughed with a proud expression.

"Uncle Third, come out!" Qin Chuan said.

"Qin Chuan, no matter what, I like you very much, but it's a pity that we can't be friends." Lang Jing said with regret.

Now the two sides are actually in a showdown.

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