Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,418 A Complete Showdown

Now the two sides are actually in a showdown.

It was a complete showdown, but Qin Chuan didn't have any surprises or any major reactions.

It was very plain and indifferent, which made Langjing feel particularly shocked.

"I knew there would be this day. This day came later than I thought. Now that I have reached this point, I have to face it. As the old saying goes, whatever choice you make, there will be what kind of result. There is no regret. Yan, I hope you won't regret it." Qin Chuan said lightly.

"Haha, I have walked more roads than you have crossed, and I have eaten more salt than you have eaten. I still need you to teach me a lesson?" Langjing shook his head and said.

"Third uncle, this may be the last time I call you. No matter what the reason, I will call you again, but I must say that respecting the elderly is what each of us should do, but relying on the elderly and selling the elderly is not recommended and will make people disgusted. Yes." Qin Chuan smiled.

"Qinchuan, we will be able to bring Langyuan back soon, but you and we are antagonistic. Let's put an end to it today!" Langjing said.

"You can't find Langyuan." Qin Chuan said.

"Isn't it just in the Holy Mountain? Haha, you think we are really going to the Mortal Realm. If nothing else happens, it will take three days at most. In three days, my people will arrive at the Holy Mountain." Langjing looked at Qin Chuan with a smile and led With a hint of pride.

Qin Chuan was shocked at first, but he was slightly relieved when he heard that it would take three more days, but it would be three days at most. This made Qin Chuan not want to stay any longer. He wanted to leave immediately and go back.

Otherwise, Langyuan would not be able to stop the opponent at all, and someone powerful would definitely go there.

Although the realm of chaos will be restricted by the rules of heaven and earth, there are some treasures that can fight against the way of heaven. They cannot completely resist it, but they can slightly change the way of heaven, such as making the suppression less, which is a super advantage.

Qin Chuan's expression changed.

No wonder the other party wanted to have a showdown, because the other party already knew the exact whereabouts of Langyuan, so naturally he no longer had to act with him.

The other party seems to be impatient to kill them, but they are also a little complacent. If they don't have Tianmen Escape, the consequences will be really disastrous.

"I won't play with you today. I will definitely have fun with you another day." Qin Chuan's figure began to fade after saying this.

He had already used Tianmen Escape before.

Qin Chuan didn't want to stay here any longer.

So go back immediately.

"Quickly interrupt him!" Lang Jing's expression changed.

But it was too late, Qin Chuan's figure had disappeared.

Holy mountain!

Qin Chuan appeared at the foot of the Holy Mountain and quickly went up the mountain. When he got up the mountain, he saw that there was still no change, but he felt uneasy.

Just as Langyuan and Mu Yuwu walked out holding the little girl, chatting and laughing, they were slightly startled when they saw Qin Chuan in a hurry.

After Qin Chuan saw the two women, he breathed a sigh of relief, slowed down, stepped forward and held the two women's shoulders with one hand in each hand.

"What's wrong Qin Chuan?" Langyuan asked.

She knew something must have happened, otherwise she wouldn't have come back so soon.

"It's a showdown," Qin Chuan said.

Now, naturally, there is nothing to hide, so he also told about the other party's arrival at the Holy Mountain soon.

Langyuan felt a little sad.

There was still some time, so Qin Chuan was ready to do something. He decided to set up a formation so that he could relieve himself if he could not cope with it.

Of course, this is the worst outcome, and it basically won't happen, mainly because there are Langyuan, Mu Yuwu, and the little girl around.

In the realm of chaos, Qin Chuan is not afraid of anyone here.

Even if you are a powerful person in a high level.

For two whole days, Qin Chuan did not bother to hold his daughter and arranged the formation overnight. On the morning of the third day, the group appeared at the foot of the holy mountain.

It took three days at most. On the third day, Qin Chuan discovered these people immediately. The other party did not use any king-level teleportation array to teleport people to the mortal realm.

When I was lying to the other party, it seemed that the other party also knew it.

Qin Chuan asked Mu Yuwu to come out.

He and Langyuan walked out and happened to meet a group of people walking up.

More than thirty people.

Two old men were leading the team, the others were all middle-aged, and there were several young people. Two of them saw Qin Chuan as if they were seeing a ghost.

"How can you be here?"

Naturally, these two people knew Qin Chuan and had drinks together.

Qin Chuan also recognized them, but they never expected that Qin Chuan could appear in the Holy Mountain in the Chaos Domain.

Qin Chuan looked at them with a sneer.

"It seems you know everything." An old man at the head said.

This old man is no stranger. Qin Chuan and he even had dinner together.

"Elder Ye!" Langyuan also knew this old man.

The old man looked at Langyuan, as if he couldn't bear it, but soon he stared at Langyuan with sharp eyes: "Do you want to go with us by yourself, or do you want us to take you back by force."

Langyuan sighed.

Qin Chuan took her hand and looked at the old man: "You have lived a long life, but you have been a human being in vain."

"Little thing, you dare to scold me?" The old man waited for Qin Chuan angrily.

"I will kill you today." Qin Chuan said lightly.

"Okay, kill him and take Langyuan back." He gave the order directly.

Qin Chuan sneered, pulled Langyuan and rushed in directly, taking action at will, making continuous bangs...

As long as he is hit by Qin Chuan, he will vomit blood with just one move, just like defeating Ge.

Even the old man couldn't resist Qin Chuan's attack.

In the realm of chaos, no matter who you are, Qin Chuan is not afraid. Now he is like a tiger among sheep, like entering a deserted land.

The old man was extremely frightened at this time.

How many days did my group travel to get here, just like this?

Looking at the messy and horrific scene all over the ground, most of them were dead and injured.

Even he was injured.

What kind of strength this young man has is completely beyond his belief. In the Chaos Domain, he is not afraid of the Domain Lord, but now he has no power to resist...

Cut it off!

Qin Chuan did not intend to go back. Qin Chuan decided to stay here for a while. If he could reach the level of the Mighty One, it would be best to take Langyuan directly to the Holy Gate.

But Qin Chuan still felt it was a bit tricky.

The Holy Son will become the master of the Holy Sect in the future.

I wonder if we can stop him before he becomes the sect leader?

How to stop it?

Do you want to join the main gate of the Holy Gate first? But if you want to enter the main gate, you need to be recommended by the branch.

I don't know when Langyuan was standing beside him. Seeing Qin Chuan's frown, he reached out and gently smoothed Qin Chuan's brow.

Qin Chuan smiled and hugged her up.

Langyuan gave Qin Chuan a slightly angry look.

"Qin Chuan, don't think so much, just let nature take its course!" Langyuan leaned into Qin Chuan's arms and said softly.

"It's okay. As long as I'm here, you can rest assured that my husband will help you fulfill your wish." Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile.

"Bad guy!"

"It would be great if your third uncle could fight with us." Qin Chuan said.

"It's too difficult to turn him back after reaching this point." Langyuan shook his head.

ps Yesterday, there were suddenly a lot of rewards, which was a bit surprising. I don’t know what day it was. Thank you friends who gave rewards. Thank you for your support. If you have votes, please vote. Thank you!

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