Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1422: The Abandoned King, the Lord of Puyang Realm

Qin Chuan narrowed his eyes and raised his hand directly, and instantly there was a big yin and yang hand covering the sky divine dragon seal.

He patted the head of Ziyan's family quickly and neatly.

The head of the Ziyan family was furious. He raised his hand and made the same seal to strike at Qinchuan's Great Yin Yang Hand Covering Heaven Divine Dragon Seal.


With such a quick move, the head of the Ziyan family was shot with blood spurting out of his mouth. This was because Qin Chuan did not weaken the opponent, nor did he use the formation, nor did he use the Nine Steps to Defy Heaven.

It's just a big yin-yang hand covering the sky divine dragon seal.

As for the head of the Ziyan family, he could not take a single move and was seriously injured by Qin Chuan. The injury was so serious that he could not even fully recover.

He can't die, but he can't even fully recover.

This strength stunned the rest of Ziyan's family.

The head of the Ziyan family is a powerful person, and he is also a person at the fourth level of a powerful person.

Qin Chuan glanced around, and everyone else took a step back unconsciously, their expressions changing greatly.

Because Qin Chuan was strong enough to kill him easily, it was normal for those who offended the strong to be killed, and according to normal people's thinking, Qin Chuan had no reason to let them go now.

Bang bang...

Since you have the energy, let it out as much as you want.

So in a short time, everyone fell to the ground here, everyone was seriously injured and their cultivation was destroyed, including the head of the Ziyan family.

But no one died.

But for them, there is no difference between now and death. For warriors, at this level, strength is more important than life.

After the fight, Qin Chuan left directly with Langyuan.

Head to Langyuan City.

Because Langyuan's uncle is also in Langyuan City, Langyuan City is very big, Langjing is located at the Holy Sect of Langyuan, and Langyuan's uncle has left the Holy Sect.

This time, after using the teleportation array to reach Langyuan City, we did not go to the Holy Gate of Langyuan, but to the Langyuan home in the northeasternmost direction of Langyuan City.

That is Langyuan's uncle's house.

This is a quaint street.

Well, it just feels a bit antique, and it gives people a slightly unreal feeling. This is a huge corridor street, and it is surprisingly clean.

However, there are almost no people on this corridor street, very few, outsiders are not allowed in, and there are guards at the entrance of the corridor.

Only people who live here can come in.

Qin Chuan and Langyuan were stopped at the entrance of the corridor.

"You need a token to enter here," the guard said.

When Qin Chuan was about to say something, Langyuan took out a small sign and the guard stepped aside.

"My uncle gave it to me a long time ago." Langyuan said softly.

Looking at everything familiar here, Langyuan'e was also filled with emotion.

Go all the way to the end.


The Langjia is located at the very back. The facade is neither very big nor gorgeous. It is very classical and gives people a sense of antiquity and vicissitudes of life.

In Qin Chuan's opinion, such a facade can be regarded as the facade of a big family, and it feels good.

Two guards stood at the door.

Langyuan said to find his uncle Langtong.

The guard didn't dare to neglect and went to report it quickly.

Soon, several people walked over quickly, led by an old man. Although he looked slightly younger than the average old man, he was already an old man.

With his gray robe, slender body and delicate face, he looks like a wise man and a Confucian scholar.

"Uncle!" Langyuan shouted happily when she saw the old man.

"Girl, okay, you are now an adult." The old man said happily.

"Uncle!" Qin Chuan also shouted.

The old man was stunned and smiled: "Girl, we are married."

"Not yet, we will get married when uncle comes out." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

After hearing Qin Chuan's words, the old man's face turned bitter and he looked at Qin Chuan without saying anything.

"Come on, let's talk inside!"

Langyuan introduced Qin Chuan to his uncle's family.

The uncle's family is the most prosperous in the Lang family, but Langjing and Shengzi colluded to frame Langyuan's father and exclude the uncle.

"Girl, I know why you are here. In fact, I have been working hard. Unfortunately, our family has people like your third uncle, otherwise our Lang family would not be in this situation." Lang Tong sighed.

"Uncle, I hope you can support me." Langyuan said.

"Girl, as long as the uncle can do it, he doesn't want to do it with this old bone." Langtong said seriously.

"Things are not that bad, uncle, I want to reorganize the Langyuan Holy Sect, what about Third Uncle?" Langyuan naturally hated Third Uncle in his heart.

Langyuan's parents were imprisoned, which is inseparable from Langjing.

"Don't call him third uncle in the future. He is no longer a member of the Lang family. In the future, he will be able to get rid of this scourge for the family." Lang Tong said.

"Uncle, Lang Kuan has received the Necronomicon inheritance and was found to be practicing the Necronomicon before." Qin Chuan suddenly thought of this and felt the need to say it.

Langtong's expression changed drastically: "What did you say? Langkuan has successfully obtained the inheritance of the dead?"

"Well, I was present with my own eyes at that time. It can be said that Lang Kuan almost died at that time." Qin Chuan said.

"Oops, Langjing has been trying to find a way to complete Langkuan's undead inheritance for these years. He must be stopped." Langtong said with an ugly face.

"Is this inheritance terrifying?" Qin Chuan asked in confusion.

"This inheritance requires killing many people." Langtong said.

Qin Chuan understood a little bit.

"You guys take a rest first. We will go find Langjing together tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." Langtong said.

"Why don't we go now so we won't be tired?" Qin Chuan said.

Lang Tong seemed to be in a hurry, he hesitated and nodded.

In addition to Langtong and Qinchuan Langyuan, more than twenty old men also went there, each of them a warrior in the realm of the mighty.

The group went to the Holy Gate of Langyuan.

Until mid-afternoon, the group arrived in front of the Holy Gate of Langyuan.

Qin Chuan is familiar with this place. After all, he has lived here for a while.

Lang Kuan happened to come out. He was stunned when he saw Langtong, and was stunned again when he saw Qin Chuan. When he saw Langyuan, his face was filled with surprise.

A person next to him left quickly.

Lang Kuan walked over with a smile: "Who did I think it was? Lang Tong and we have nothing to do with each other anymore. What are you doing here?"

Langtong's face turned blue, and now he could see that Langkuan had really completed the inheritance of the undead. Not only that, but it seemed to have become a trend today.

"Qin Chuan, do you still remember me?" came a voice.

Qin Chuan frowned.

The Lord of Puyang.

The Puyang Realm Lord who had his family wiped out by the old demon who massacred the city.

Qin Chuan once took the initiative to find him, but he did not agree with Qin Chuan to fight against the old devil together. He refused and was destroyed by the old devil. He saved his life and was saved by Qin Chuan, and then they fought against the old devil together. At this time, Qin Chuan His strength is very strong, and he can kill the old devil even if he doesn't cooperate.

The Puyang Realm Master had a twisted mentality and blamed Qin Chuan for the destruction of his family. He blamed Qin Chuan for not killing the old devil again, causing him to lose his family.

He was not grateful to Qin Chuan, but regarded Qin Chuan as his enemy.

In this case, he got the recognition of the dying old demon's monster, the abandoned beast. The two sides resonated and automatically recognized the master, and the Puyang Realm Lord also received a inheritance, the inheritance of the abandoned king.

He became the King of Abandonment and possessed the powerful Beast of Abandonment.

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