Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,423 Qin Chuan’s current strength

He became the King of Abandonment and possessed the powerful Beast of Abandonment.

Lang Kuan, on the other hand, has the inheritance of the undead and may become the King of the Undead in the future. He and the Abandoned King have a similar affinity. Recently, they got together and became the closest fighting partners because of their common enemy Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan was extremely kind and righteous to the Puyang Realm Master back then.

When he first came to him and refused, Qin Chuan really felt that he was not strong enough.

Later, he saved his life and finally avenged him, but now he provoked the other party to retaliate.

"Puyang Realm Lord, long time no see." Qin Chuan said.

"It's all you who ruined my family and made me alone now." Puyang Realm Master said angrily.

"I don't want to argue with you, an ungrateful person like you. Who saved your life? Who avenged you?" Qin Chuan said coldly.

"You are obviously capable of killing the old devil, why do you have to wait until I am at the end of my rope before taking action when there is no way out? Why?" Puyang Realm Master asked.

"Why? Do I have anything to do with you? Why should I take action in advance?" Qin Chuan looked at him with a sneer.

For such a person, Qin Chuan didn't even have an explanation. He was too lazy to explain, and there was no need.

"It was you who caused the destruction of my family. I must avenge this." Puyang Realm Master said coldly.


Qin Chuan was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, but Lang Jing came out at this time. After seeing Lang Tong, he smiled and said, "Why are you free to come today?"

"Langjing, I'm not your eldest brother. The main reason I came here today is to abolish Langkuan's undead inheritance. Otherwise, I won't be able to explain to my father or the ancestors of the Lang family." Langtong said.

"What inheritance of the undead? I don't understand what you are saying?" Lang Jing said calmly.

"Langjing, you are crazy now. Do you know how many lives need to be sacrificed to cultivate a king of the undead? This is more terrifying than massacring the entire city." Langtong roared angrily.

"What does it have to do with you how many people die? There are so many people in this world, so why do so many people die?" Lang Jing said indifferently.

"In that case,

Today I will do justice for heaven and get rid of these evils like you for the Lang family. "

"Langtong, I don't want to kill you. Get out of here now. For the sake of brotherhood, I still care about brotherhood. Otherwise, I won't mind killing you." Langjing stared at Langtong with a knife-like gaze. .

"Dad, why are you talking nonsense to them? Just do it and kill them directly to save trouble." Lang Kuan's light voice came.

Langjing didn't say anything, just looked at Langtong.

"Third uncle, you have changed." Langyuan spoke at this time.

Langjing looked at Langyuan and smiled: "Human nature is fickle. It's not surprising. Since you are here, there is no need to leave."

"I don't plan to leave, I want to reorganize the Langyuan Holy Sect." Langyuan said.

"Reorganize the Langyuan Holy Sect? How?" Langjing smiled.

"I want Langyuan Holy Sect to return to its former glory." Langyuan said.

"I can't go back. Well, if that's the case, let's make a decision today!" Lang Jing said confidently.

"I'll come first. I'll settle the grudge between me and Qin Chuan today." Puyang Realm Master said and stood up.

Langjing nodded without saying anything.

Qin Chuan shook his head and walked out: "What a white-eyed wolf."

"I regret it. If that's the case, why did you bother to save me in the first place?"

"I shouldn't save you, but this doesn't affect me. Since I saved your life, I will take it back today." Qin Chuan said coldly.

"Qinchuan, he is very strong." Langtong said.

"Uncle, don't worry, it'll be fine." Qin Chuan smiled.

"Come out!" Puyang Realm Master directly called out his monster.

The beast of abandonment!

That disgusting monster exudes a terrifying aura.

The realm of the mighty.

Qin Chuan released a dragon and leopard beast.

There is a huge battlefield here, which is the battlefield of Langyuan Holy Gate.

At this time, Qin Chuan and Puyang Realm Master were standing on top.


The abandoned beast rushed towards Qinchuan. Its huge body was rotten and filled with a suffocating stench. It was fishy, ​​putrid, and foul. When these odors enter the human body, they are directly poisonous gas.

Soaring dragon!

The dragon leopard beast roared, and a dragon appeared.

Qin Chuan took action almost as soon as Long Teng appeared.

Dragon Soaring is a sure hit, and the Dragon Leopard Beast that has entered the realm of the mighty is still very terrifying.

The Forsaken Beast was in a daze for a moment.

Qinchuan's golden dragon vine has arrived.

Huge golden dragon vines soared into the sky, binding the abandoned beast.

Qin Chuan is now in the realm of a powerful person, and his various abilities have undergone earth-shaking changes.


The abandoned beast was directly crushed by Qin Chuan's golden dragon vine, twisting its blood.

Puyang Realm Master's expression changed, and he stretched out his hand to pat.

Not surprisingly, the abandoned beast actually disappeared, leaving behind a pool of blood.

Qin Chuan knew that the abandoned beast was not dead, but was injured, not seriously.

This time Qin Chuan also realized the terror of his golden dragon vine. The improvement of the realm was different. The nine divine dragons also broke through, and there was also a mysterious baby dragon, which seemed to have a certain increase in his strength.

The speed at which the Golden Dragon Vine was activated was several times faster than before.

Qin Chuan rushed directly towards the Puyang Realm Lord.

The Yin and Yang Nine Palaces cross the world!

Yin Yang Mudra!


Puyang Realm Master's face changed, and at the same time he dodged and reached out to strike out.

Abandoned hands!

A gray handprint is somewhat similar to Qinchuan's Yin-Yang handprint, but it doesn't look as simple and ancient as Qinchuan's Yin-Yang handprint, and it's not as grand.

Crash together.

Qin Chuan did not move, and Puyang Realm Master retreated. However, the other party was not surprised at all, and instead had a smile on his face.

A strange aura immediately irritated Qinchuan's body, but it was quickly eliminated.

It was an existence similar to death energy, with abilities such as corrosion, poison, and paralysis.

This is the special ability of the Forsaken King, a very terrifying melee ability.

But Qin Chuan's yin and yang power is also an extremely domineering force.

Although Puyang Realm Master also felt a little uncomfortable, he didn't care. He was now more concerned about his impact on Qin Chuan.

Bang bang bang...

The Puyang Realm Master has very good speed and is also very capable of resolving force.

Soon, ten moves were passed. According to normal circumstances, Qin Chuan should have a problem at this time.

Since you want to play, then have fun and Qin Chuan play with him.

Qin Chuan was not affected in any way, but the Puyang Realm Master seemed to feel that something was wrong with him.

I just feel uncomfortable all over, and I don’t know where I feel uncomfortable. It’s very painful.

Bang bang...

Qin Chuan increased his strength, and Puyang Realm Master felt that his speed and strength seemed to be increasingly unable to keep up.

He felt that he could no longer resist Qin Chuan.

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