Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,467: Resentment and resentment dissipate, merit...

Above the sea of ​​blood, Qin Chuan was much more confident.

Qin Chuan has experienced Canglan's sea of ​​blood several times. This ability is very powerful. As long as Canglan is not defeated, this sea of ​​blood will be difficult to disappear.

As long as they don't disappear, then these people can't even think about going out. Fighting here will naturally take advantage of the right time and place.

Qin Chuan waved his hand and once again summoned one of his monsters.

Black water turtle!

The huge black water turtle in the blood sea exuded a powerful aura and submerged into the blood sea in a flash.

Keep breaking the formation!

Qin Chuan's mysterious heavy bow still attacked the weak point.

Nine steps against heaven!

Master Chu Qingzhu's strength is actually very strong, even if it is not as good as the Qisha female corpse, not as good as the Bei monster, or even not as good as those old people, but after Qin Chuan's increase, the gap will not be too big.

Coupled with the Moonlight Demon Cat and two little lions, Master Chu Qingzhu's strength should not be underestimated. Besides, Master Chu Qingzhu also has the Immortal Killing Sword.

Master Chu Qingzhu's Immortal Killing Sword is very powerful.

The opponent knew that Qin Chuan was breaking the formation, so he naturally wanted to stop him.

Bei Yaokai didn't know if Qin Chuan could break the formation, but at present, the formation was shaking violently, but it would be difficult to break it for a while.

So I felt a little more at ease.

Master Chu Qingzhu summoned the Five Elements Crystal Beast.

In this sea of ​​​​blood, the Five Elements Crystal Beast is still very terrifying, enough to compete with an old man.

The battle is becoming more and more confusing. From the perspective of Bei Monster, and from Qin Chuan's perspective, he knows that his side has a good chance of winning before the battle.

As long as you break the opponent's formation, the Seven Evil Female Corpse can kill the opponent.

Qin Chuan didn't know whether the other party was aware of this problem.

The formation-devouring beast was constantly devouring the formation, cooperating with Qin Chuan's bow and arrow.

The Qisha female corpse and the shell monster are fighting together. Now the Qisha female corpse has a slight upper hand and can suppress the shell monster.

"You are such a despicable person, just wait to die today!" Qisha female corpse said angrily.

"Since I dare to come, I have the ability to kill you." Naturally, the shell monster will not show any cowardice.

In fact, he already felt a little timid in his heart. After all, he was not sure about getting rid of the Seven Evil Female Corpse.

Qinchuan is still working on the flaws in a hurry.

Boom boom...

Once or twice...

At first there were people who stopped Qin Chuan, but then they each found their opponents, and with the addition of a few monsters, the opponents gradually ignored Qin Chuan, and they felt that Qin Chuan could not break the formation.

Canglan's huge Blood River Cart was running rampant, and wherever it passed, waves of blood surged into the sky, as if it was about to ignite everyone's blood.

If Canglan's own strength is not enough, then adding the Blood River Cart and the blood sea can still create chaos.

Today's Blood River Vehicle is different from the past, with more powerful capabilities. There is also a small probability of directly knocking the target unconscious, slowing down the target's reaction and speed, and even causing a short blank.

This is also a terrifying ability for masters to use against each other.

Kaiyoukai and others also summoned their own monsters.

They are all powerful monsters.

Qin Chuan naturally weakened him unceremoniously.

It even directly combined the dragon leopard beast and the black water turtle to cooperate with the great yin and yang hand to cover the sky divine dragon seal!

Suddenly, a powerful demonic beast was brought into the sea of ​​blood, and was killed by Xuan Shui Turtle and Canglan's bloodthirsty beast.

Canglan's bloodthirsty beast is Canglan's natal beast. Its ability is very powerful. It is not weaker than the treasure beast. Of course, it does not count the ability of treasure hunting. In this sea of ​​blood, the bloodthirsty beast is even more powerful.


The black fish ripple array suddenly trembled violently.

Bei Monster's face was about to stop Qin Chuan, but the Qi Sha female corpse naturally did not do what he wanted, and stopped Bei Monster with a sneer.

Yin Qi is entangled!

Imprisoned by the underworld!

But Qin Chuan stood up at this moment, and in an instant he took nine steps that defied the sky.


An arrow flew out, and the dragon's roar shook the sky.

Tyrannosaurus Archery!

The shell monster's dragon subduing method seems to be not as powerful as last time. In fact, the strength of the seven evil female corpses has increased, and the seven-story demon-suppressing fairy tower can also weaken the opponent's strength by 10%.


The black fish ripple array dissipated directly.

Almost at the same time, the Seven Evil Female Corpses took action.

The Seven Evils' life-chasing hand!

"court death!"

The shell monster was extremely angry. The dragon-headed crutch in his hand hit the Qisha female corpse with a dragon shadow.


The Qisha female corpse did not dodge, and her heart was penetrated by the dragon-headed crutch of the shell monster.

However, Qisha's life-chasing hand cut off the shell monster's neck, and the head was missing.

The monster's eyes didn't close until he died.

He didn't expect that the Qisha female corpse would come directly to him to fight for her life.

So in the end, he died with his eyes closed.

But the life of the Qi Sha female corpse will also come to an end.

Because that resentment has dissipated.


The Qisha female corpse laughed, turned around and bowed to Qin Chuan. Her figure became lighter and lighter, a smile appeared on her face, and her body slowly disappeared.

Where resentment and resentment are, she is there. When resentment and resentment are gone, her body will dissipate with the wind. Resentment, resentment and the Yin Qi of the earth support her body bones.

Leave behind two beads and the Blood Emperor Bone.

Seven Evil Spirit Beads, Seven Treasure Spirit Beads.

Qin Chuan put it away and at the same time felt a warm and strong force rising in his body.

The power of merit.



The power of merit reaches the second level. It is said that reaching a certain level will build a body of merit.

But this difficulty is said to be very high.

The shell monster is dead, and others have nothing to fear.

In the blink of an eye, the remaining ones all fell here.

The battle is over!

The sea of ​​blood disappears.

Looking at the people surrounding the Immortal Sword Sect, Qin Chuan threw a golden dragon vine directly at them.

Kill one piece.

Qin Chuan didn't have any good impressions of the people of the Bei family. These people were all worthy of death.

These people are like bereaved dogs. Now that they are here, they should naturally stay. If he and his team hadn't won, then these people would have been the executioners of the Immortal Sword Sect. Qin Chuan would not be merciful to such people.

Some people deserve to be killed, and kindness to these people is sin.

During this day, what happened quickly spread throughout the Tianyun Land.

Rumors spread about the Immortal Sword Sect, Fairy Master Chu, the Beauty Sect Master, Qin Chuan, Young Master Canglan, and the Mei family that had not been mentioned for a long time.

Of course, the old monster from the Bei family and others were killed, and some backbones were also killed.

This time it's better. Over the past thousands of years, the Bei family has offended too many people and killed too many people. Without the Bei monster, the Bei family is like a lost dog.

The speed was unimaginable. In just a few days, the master of Tianyun Land was directly changed.

And this time the Bei family was beaten very thoroughly.

Qin Chuan didn't care about these things. Now he felt very comfortable and in a good mood.

He leaned on the rocking chair and held Master Chu Qingzhu in his arms, rocking comfortably.

"Did you find anything?" Master Chu Qingzhu raised Xianyan in Qin Chuan's arms and said.

"What did you find?" Qin Chuan asked.

"The water in Tianyun Land is very deep. The Bei family may not be the strongest, but for various reasons, they have sat as the ruler of Tianyun Land for thousands of years." Master Chu Qingzhu said. ( )

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