Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,468 The Cao family wants to be in power, femininity

Qinchuan knew about Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Sky Cloud Land.

However, these have nothing to do with Qin Chuan. He originally helped the Qisha female corpse for the sake of merit, and at the same time he could help the Qisha female corpse. Qin Chuan has a kind and righteous heart. He is willing to eliminate some evil people if he has the ability. Evil.

"Have you heard any news?" Qin Chuan asked, holding her in his arms.

"There is some rumors that some people are now promoting the Immortal Sword Sect to take over the dominant position of Tianyun Land. If you don't accept it, then whoever wants to accept this position must get the approval of the Immortal Sword Sect." Master Chu Qingzhu said.

Qin Chuan understood after thinking about it. After all, the strength displayed by the few of them was too powerful, and they could kill the ancestor of the Bei family after all.

"What do you want to do, Qingzhu?" Qin Chuan asked.

Master Chu Qingzhu smiled: "If the Immortal Sword Sect doesn't sit down, just let nature take its course!"

The Qisha female corpse disappeared, leaving behind the Qisha spirit beads and the Qibao spirit beads, as well as the blood emperor bones that absorbed the Yin energy of the Qisha female corpse. At this time, the blood emperor bones were devouring the Qibao spirit beads and the Qisha spirit beads. .

Qin Chuan smiled, knowing that the time had come.

Assist the Blood Emperor Bone to swallow the Seven Evil Spirit Beads and the Seven Treasure Spirit Beads.

Instilling your own thoughts, this is a puppet, similar to machine beasts and machine people, but much more advanced than those.

After all, there are Seven Evil Spirit Beads and Seven Treasure Spirit Beads.

Each spirit bead may form the existence of a treasure beast or a spirit beast, and the blood emperor bone may also have its own remaining consciousness.

But what Qin Chuan needs to do is to completely control the Blood Emperor Bone. Because this thing itself is a bit weird, plus the Seven Evil Spirit Beads, he carved the mark of life and death from the beginning.

Fortunately, this Blood Emperor Bone has been maintained in Qinchuan's Essence and Blood Pool, so there is no need to worry too much. It can be said that it is just like a clone of him.

One day later, the Blood Emperor Bone had completely absorbed the two beads.

Puppet Blood Emperor Bone!

Moreover, the current Blood Emperor Bone is about the same size as a normal person, slightly taller, with well-proportioned bones and blood red as jade, but after all, it is a Blood Emperor Bone and a Spirit Bone, which looks very eye-catching.

At this time, the Blood Emperor Bone seemed to be Qin Chuan's clone.

He has the consciousness and mind control instilled by Qin Chuan, and the Blood Emperor Bone is very powerful.

The strength can only be suppressed to the same strength as the Qinchuan monster.

But Qin Chuan was also satisfied.

Looking at the Blood Emperor's bones, Qin Chuan got busy again. He found the hardest glazed gold ore among the materials he collected, and directly forged a suit of armor.

Includes helmet, armor, boots, gloves and a spear.

He dressed neatly and put it away. This was only called out during battles and was not used in general battles. The Blood Emperor Bone also had potential. He didn't know how far it could grow in the future.

As soon as I came out, I happened to meet Master Chu Qingzhu.

"Qin Chuan!" Master Chu Qingzhu walked to Qin Chuan's side.

"Is something wrong?" Qin Chuan saw that Master Chu Qingzhu was a little different from usual.

Master Chu Qingzhu hesitated for a moment: "The demon king we killed last time was tamed by someone else."

Qin Chuan was stunned: "The demon king can also tame a tame one?"

Master Chu Qingzhu nodded: "What's so strange about this? As long as you are strong, you can make the most powerful people follow you. This is the same as tameness."

Qin Chuan thought about it.

"Why, did the master find this place?" Qin Chuan asked.

"No, I just asked someone to bring a message and let us give an explanation." Chu Master Qingzhu said.

"Who is the other party? We didn't ask him for an explanation. Instead, they told us who he was." Qin Chuan smiled.

"The other party is also from the Land of Sky Clouds. They are a hidden family, the Cao Family. Since the disappearance of the Bei Family, the Cao Family has become more high-profile. Among them, the Bei Family has killed many people by them. Now it is also vaguely called the Land of Sky Clouds. The presence of the Lord.”

"That demon king was not tamed by this Cao family." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"You mean this is just an excuse." Master Chu Qingzhu said.

"Well, the Cao family wants to step on us, so that the Cao family will be as stable as Mount Tai in the land of Tianyun. Maybe the Cao family has been waiting for an opportunity, and now we are their opportunity." Qin Chuan said.

Master Chu Qingzhu said nothing.

Qin Chuan took her hand: "Okay, don't think about this anymore. If they don't have eyes, we will blow their balls."

"Don't say such disgusting words." Master Chu Qingzhu gave Qin Chuan an angry look.

Well, Qin Chuan looked at Master Chu Qingzhu with a smile, his fairy-like charm, and his every frown and smile were extremely touching, especially the anger that belongs to a woman now, it is really indescribable.

This is a kind of femininity. Femininity is mysterious, touching, elusive, deep in the bone marrow, and confusing. ‘

It is a kind of elegance, a kind of calmness, like water like honey, like smoke like fog.

Feminine, as quiet as a clear pond and as moving as ripples.

Beautiful women do not necessarily have femininity. Master Chu Qingzhu can be described as a fairy-like figure with unparalleled beauty. However, the prerequisite for femininity is temperament, cultivation, and grace.

Master Chu Qingzhu has all this, but is missing some details.

So now a small angry look made Qin Chuan feel a strong sense of femininity.

"Qingzhu, you are becoming more and more womanly now." Qin Chuan smiled.

"I am a woman." Master Chu Qingzhu said angrily.

Qin Chuan found that Master Chu Qingzhu was now much more emotional than before.

"You are not a woman yet, you are a fairy, and you will be a woman when you become a real woman." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Master Chu Qingzhu was stunned, thinking of the voices she heard when she was listening to Fengxuan and Shengshan. She was a fairy, but she still knew some things.

Now when he heard Qin Chuan's words, he blushed uncontrollably.

This was the first time she blushed visibly.

Qin Chuan also saw it.

As stunning as a dragon swimming in the sky.

"You are getting more and more courageous now." Master Chu Qingzhu said softly.

The same words, said today, made Qin Chuan feel different from before. Today, it was like a little style belonging to a woman, as if she was coquettishly speaking.

Yes, just acting like a spoiled child.

This thought made Qin Chuan pick her up and became much more courageous.

It is said that a man's courage is related to a woman's charm and style.

Qin Chuan held her for a walk, bathing in the sunshine. At this moment, Qin Chuan's mood was calm, quiet, content, and happy.

It is rare to have such a state of mind in life. It is something that can only be encountered. It is one of the most beautiful things in life.

Nothing can buy happiness, such as family happiness, which is truly selfless, and that kind of happiness comes from the soul.

There is also a supreme joy between men and women, especially spiritual and conscious communication.

There is no need to say many words, the kind of calmness and joy, the beating of two hearts, like the water moving, the fish swimming, and occasionally the water ripples, it seems to bloom directly in the heart.

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