Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,477 Qin Chuan ascends the throne, the throne of heaven...

"I will give you two choices today. The first one is to abolish your cultivation and wipe out the grievances between the Immortal Sword Sect and the Cao family." Qin Chuan said.

After saying this, the people around him didn't think Qin Chuan was too much, nor did they think Qin Chuan was crazy.

Even the head of the Cao family was not angry immediately.

The head of the Cao family thought for a while and looked at Qin Chuan: "What is the second option?"

"You don't have to agree to the first one," Qin Chuan said.

In fact, Qin Chuan gave the Cao family leader a choice, either to abolish his cultivation, or to let the two sides talk through force. However, Qin Chuan also said before that as long as he dared to take action, the Cao family would disappear.

Sometimes it's like this. The higher your position, the less freedom you have and the less you can be willful.

The head of the Cao family is now. If he can fight Qin Chuan regardless of everything now, it is estimated that the Cao family will soon oust him from the position of head of the family.

This is reality, the cruel reality. Your actions affect the entire family, but sometimes you can't choose by yourself.

The only choice is sacrifice.

This may seem cruel, but all of this is the decision made by the Cao family leader himself, from the initial Cao Jiu Kill attack to the previous trapped dragon formation, so this is his own fault and he deserves it.

There are many people from the Cao family around, but at this time everyone feels that this problem is difficult.

No one would think that Qin Chuan is just a young man, and that a young man in the realm of a powerful person is easy to bully. On the contrary, such a monster can often do things that are shocking to the gods.

"We have a fight. If I lose, I will abolish my cultivation." The head of the Cao family said.

Qin Chuan smiled: "Are you stupid or am I stupid?"

"I don't have that much time. If you don't choose, I will help you choose. Don't even think about taking all the good things in the world. You can't do it. Everyone must be responsible for what they do. After living this way, You still don't understand at this age?" Qin Chuan continued.

The head of the Cao family is struggling.

A warrior's cultivation is more important than his life.

"Don't push people too hard." The Cao family leader's eyes were red.

"Master Cao,

You've been forcing me from the beginning, you're the killer every time, I'm forcing you? Where did I force you? Even now I still spare your life, what else do you want? Don't be too greedy. Qin Chuan looked at the Cao family leader with a sneer.

"Cao Tianhe, come back and live a happy life with your family!" An old voice sounded.

Patriarch Cao's originally red eyes slowly dimmed.

He is the head of the family, the head of the hidden aristocratic Cao family.

Abandoning his cultivation, he couldn't bear the grievance. It was a life worse than death. All of this was caused step by step by himself. He couldn't blame others and provoked the evil star.

Knowing that the other party is not simple, he still does it, and his son also promoted the progress of this matter.

If Cao Jian had not been killed, he might not have taken the initiative to provoke him.

The son he spoiled did not live up to expectations, which harmed him and himself.

At this point, it may be lifeless.

Raise your palms.


A slap hit him on the forehead, killing himself.

Qin Chuan lowered his eyes slightly, turned around and walked off the martial arts platform.

Hundreds of people died.

The grudge between the Immortal Sword Sect and the Cao family is over, but the matter is not over yet because Qin Chuan has gone in one direction.

Huang family!

Many people have guessed that since the Huang family is involved, it is impossible to stay out of it.

Qin Chuan walked up to "Old Huang".

"I'll give you a choice too!" Qin Chuan said softly.

"Sir, tell me." "Old Huang"'s face turned a little pale.

"Break off one hand!" Qin Chuan said.


"Old Huang" was very straightforward and cut off one of his own hands with his sword.

Qin Chuan smiled, turned and left.

After doing all this, it was basically over. As for who sat on the throne of the Earth King, he didn't care, as long as he didn't think about stepping on the Immortal Sword Sect to step on him.

But at this time, a group of people stopped Qin Chuan.

"Sir, we won't introduce ourselves for now. We want you to assume the position of King of Earth." A middle-aged man at the head said respectfully.

Qin Chuan shook his head: "I don't have this idea. If you want to sit, you can sit. I won't interfere. I don't want to interfere with the Cao family. It's just that the Cao family not only wants to sit on the throne of the Earth King, but also wants to step down on the Immortal Sword Sect and me." .”

"Sir, we are serious. If you don't take the position of King of Earth, Tianyun Land will be destroyed. Please save Tianyun Land and lead everyone to stand up." The middle-aged man said.

"The land of Tianyun is going to end? What's going on?" Qin Chuan asked in confusion.

"In the Rainbow Land to the north, the person sitting on the throne of the Earth King is an evil cultivator. In other words, their entire family is an evil cultivator. They need a lot of corpses to grab, and they are still fresh corpses. They don't want to He killed people in the Land of Rainbow Light, but he didn't dare to attack other places, so he set his target on the Land of Sky Clouds." The man said.

"Why haven't you heard this news?" Qin Chuan asked curiously.

"The other party will not say anything. In fact, at least two strong men from each major family have disappeared. Everyone knows what is going on, but there is no way."

Qin Chuan hesitated, still thinking that he was not the savior. In fact, he had nothing to do with the life and death of others.

But evil cultivators use merit to kill evil cultivators. Qin Chuan is now at the second level of the power of merit. This is a good thing to gain faith and collect merit.

"Sir, don't refuse anymore." Some middle-aged men bowed directly.

Originally, many people here didn't know about the evil cultivators in the Rainbow Light Land, but now that they know, they feel uneasy and scared. Now they see some of the top people in the Sky Cloud Land begging Qin Chuan to take the position of Earth King to save them. .

Now many people joined in and begged Qin Chuan to take the throne of Earth King.

Qin Chuan did not pretend to be pretentious, nodded and said: "Okay, I can sit on the position of King of Earth, but if anyone has any objections, if you raise it now, I will give it to him."

There was no one around to talk, it was a joke, whoever dared to argue with Qin Chuan, there would definitely be many people who would be happy to beat him to death without Qin Chuan talking.

Finally, Qin Chuan walked towards the position of the Earth King.

I didn't feel anything at first.

But as Qin Chuan walked upward step by step, he suddenly felt an indescribable feeling, and he was approaching his seat unknowingly.

That feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

Qin Chuan sat down slowly on the luxurious and solemn seat, majestic and domineering, a symbol of status.

Suddenly a breath rose in his body.


A special portal opens in the body.

The position of heaven.

Qin Chuan was stunned, and suddenly understood why so many people wanted to be in high positions, because this was the way of heaven, and people in high positions, such as domain lords and empresses, were well-deserved.

The fame is well deserved. It turns out that the benefits of the fame are huge.

Because of the opening of this seat, Qin Chuan can use a little bit of the power of heaven.

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