Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,478 The Chitong Family of Evil Cultivators

The position of heaven!

Qin Chuan never expected that it would be like this. The human body is really amazing and has a huge heart. They say that the human body is like a small world that can be developed infinitely.

Now Qin Chuan understands somewhat.

The position of the way of heaven, the position of the way of heaven is also divided into big and small, and also by chance. For example, the position of the earth king is only the position of the earth king in the land of Tianyun. It may only be regarded as a very small position. Maybe it will not be possible if it is replaced by another person. Will inspire the position of heaven.

This requires opportunity, and Qin Chuan is very lucky.

The other is the Territory Lord. The Territory Lord's position must have the Territory Lord's Supreme Order, and even the Territory Lord's weapons, such as Qin Chuan's Heavenly Domain Divine Sword. Therefore, it does not mean that the Territory Lord will definitely have the position of heaven, but the Territory Lord after all It is a transcendent existence. Qin Chuan doesn't know that. In addition, each domain does not have only one domain master. The concept of domain master is very general and vague.

Now Qin Chuan is still unclear about the position of Heavenly Dao.

This time, by chance, Qin Chuan's door to heaven's position has been opened. He will gradually understand it in the future, and by then, everything will be understood.

With the opening of the Heaven's Path, an acupoint in Qin Chuan's body opened, and a trace of Heaven's power circulated in his body, and the acupoint connected the heaven and earth. This trace of Heaven's power will never be exhausted.

This is the most basic position of heaven, and it is passive. It is one of the top three passive positions of heaven in terms of preciousness.

This is the best way to replenish the power of heaven. In the future, if you master some other magical powers of heaven, which require the power of heaven to display, then you will know how precious Qinchuan's position of heaven is.

The divine power of heaven can be restored by itself and absorbed from heaven and earth, but the speed is too slow.

The divine power of heaven slowly flows through the body, washing the flesh, and when it flows into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Qin Chuan was stunned.

The Yin-Yang Diagram actually directly absorbed the power of heaven, as if a person who was about to die of thirst encountered a sweet spring.

It's just that the spring is too small.

But the wins keep coming.

After a while, the Yin-Yang diagram underwent a subtle change. This change was indescribable. It was still the same, as if the veins in a leaf became clear.

My strength suddenly improved a lot,

There is no breakthrough, and this kind of improvement is even more mysterious.

When Qin Chuan came back to his senses, he found that someone was already saying something on the stage. The middle-aged man seemed to have pretty good prestige. In fact, Qin Chuan had become the master of Tianyun Land. If you violate the agreement, you must obey Qin Chuan's instructions.

Standing up, Qin Chuan felt refreshed.

The Cao family has left, and the Bei family's original residence is empty again.

This has become Qin Chuan's residence, but Qin Chuan is hesitant to discuss with Master Chu Qingzhu whether he should move the Immortal Sword Sect here?

In the end, I felt like forget it. Qin Chuan didn't plan to live here. He still felt comfortable dominating the Immortal Sword City, and Tianmen Escape was also in the Immortal Sword City.

After the incident here ended, the previous group invited Qin Chuan and others to have a drink and dinner.

Qin Chuan didn't refuse either.

These people are all powerful people in Tianyun Land, and they are all overlords of one side, but now they are all very respectful to Qin Chuan, and the same is true for Master Chu Qingzhu.

Naturally, we talked about the dominant family of the Rainbow Land.

The Chitong family!

They are a family of evil cultivators. There is no difference except that their eyes are a little red. However, they are real evil cultivators. The cultivation process is particularly cruel. Every once in a while, they need to devour a newly dead person. The essence and blood of the strong.

The Chitong family is the master of the rainbow land, but they don't dare to go too far in the rainbow land. After all, the water is deeper somewhere, not to mention they are the king of the earth there, and rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests.

So I set my sights on the Land of Sky Clouds, which was not as good as the Land of Rainbow Light.

The Land of Sky Cloud is at least one level lower than the Land of Rainbow Light, or even more, so the crazy Chitong family wants to use the Land of Sky Cloud as a supply place and back garden for their family's cultivation.

Although the Land of Sky Cloud is not as good as the Land of Rainbow Light, there are capable people after all. It didn’t take long for me to get to know the evil cultivator family of the Land of Rainbow Light, but there was nothing they could do about it. The disparity in strength between the two sides was a bit big, so I could only watch with open eyes. Just as there are fewer people in this force today, there will be fewer people in that force tomorrow.

And they are all strong men of the sect, at least the backbone of the force. Most of them are young people with strong energy and blood, and some are powerful middle-aged people.

They thought of several ways to deal with it, but they couldn't help each other. They went to protest and argue with them, but the people who went there didn't come back either...

Therefore, everyone is on tenterhooks, especially the big forces. The greater the strength, the more worried and sad they are. They are the overlord, but they and their relatives have no protection. They are always afraid that someone will suddenly disappear that day.

"Tianyun Land is so big, how do we prevent it and how do we know that the other party's people are coming?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Mr. Qin, we have also summarized a rule these days. In the middle of every month, which is also around the full moon day, there will always be more than ten or dozens of people lost. They will not be concentrated in one force, but each of them will be lost." The most powerful forces can kidnap and kill one person." The middle-aged man Zheng Jing was the one who spoke.

The Zheng family is also a big family in Tianyun Land.

"Mr. Qin, we have received news that they are going to attack those powerful people this time." Another person said.

Today is already the last day of the first ten days of the month, and there are only five or six days at most before the other party takes action.

Qin Chuan thought for a while: "Now that we know the opponent's target, we can arrange manpower to ambush in advance and kill the target directly when the time comes."

"That's okay, Mr. Qin, one of the people who came this time is more troublesome..." he said solemnly and awkwardly.

"I'll come with this person. You tell me his location when the time comes. Keep it a secret. Don't alert others. Even if you kill him, don't make it public. Kill them one by one." Qin Chuan said.

He nodded happily.

The others left, and Qin Chuan and his party were the only ones left in the Bei family.

He originally planned to go back. After all, it was very convenient to use the teleportation array, but it would only last a few days, so Qin Chuan planned to stay here with Master Chu Qingzhu and Canglan and his wife, and the others would go back first.

Qin Chuan and Chu Master Qingzhu looked around the empty Bei's house. It was very big and it was the best location in Tianyun Land, with the Qianlong Pond.

"Qinchuan, the Chitong family is very evil. Their inheritance is Chitong. They are born with strong fighting ability and evil cultivation. Don't be careless." Master Chu Qingzhu said as he walked.

"Well, it feels good to be cared about, Qingzhu, I'm actually not worried about myself." Qin Chuan smiled.

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