Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,480: The destined one, the beloved...

The old man's words were clear and Qin Chuan could feel it. It was a kind of deep longing, spoken with a man's attitude.

It seems very plain, but it makes people feel very warm.

Master Chu Qingzhu rarely had such strong emotions, with tears in his eyes: "Brother, I'm fine, and you should be fine too."

Qin Chuan looked at the old man Qing Yun. Even though he was tortured by the disease, he was still a pure-hearted Liu Yun. This made Qin Chuan wonder what kind of magnificent people Chu Master Qingzhu's parents were, so that they could have a daughter and eldest brother like Chu Master Qingzhu.

Suddenly the old man saw Qin Chuan, his eyes lit up, and he smiled happily: "Who is this little brother?"

Chu Master Qingzhu saw a hint of expectation in his elder brother's eyes and lowered his head slightly: "His name is Qin Chuan. Qin Chuan is my elder brother Chu Master Qingliu."

"Hello, big brother." Qin Chuan quickly stepped forward to greet him respectfully.

"Okay, good, good, Qin Chuan, my little sister may be different from ordinary people. I hope you can be more considerate." Master Chu Qingliu said softly.

The tone is very comfortable and calm.

"Brother, you are overthinking this. I will treat Qingzhu as my dearest person. As long as I am alive, I will treat her well and will not let anyone bully her." Qin Chuan said seriously.

"I believe you!" Chu Shiqingliu smiled.

He wasn't too worried, but he was still a little worried. After all, the younger sister was a girl and she was different. Although she had not only taken care of herself but also Master Chu's family over the years, people would always suffer in some areas.

Some powerful and proud daughters of heaven are only emotionally miserable. He doesn't want his sister to be like that. The younger sister is miserable. As the eldest brother, he can't give her anything. Now, there is nothing that can make her happy. Only her future man.

"Brother, I take the liberty of saying that I am a pretty good doctor. I can help you take care of your health!" Qin Chuan said.

Master Chu Qingzhu’s eyes lit up.

Master Chu Qingliu was stunned and smiled: "You just arrived..."

"Brother doesn't regard me as one of his own." Qin Chuan smiled.

"You, you are the one my little sister likes. How could you be an outsider? Well, then I won't be polite to you." Chu Shi Qingliu shook his head and smiled.

Master Chu Qingliu's situation is naturally nothing in Qin Chuan's hands.

A little acupuncture, conditioning with sacred energy, and immediate recovery.

Master Chu Qingliu couldn't believe it. He already felt that he was about to reach the end. He didn't expect that he was so good. He felt relaxed all over, no longer suffering from illness, and his whole body felt energetic.

"Miracle doctor!" Chu Shi Qingliu said these two words after a while.

Before I knew it, it was daybreak.

A handsome boy in his teens and a beautiful girl aged six or seven came in.

This is Chu Shiyu’s child.

In terms of seniority, the two little guys are going to call "aunt"...

Master Chu Qingzhu happily held one by the other, luckily there was a gift on him.

Master Chu Qingzhu's return not only shocked Master Chu's family, but also many heads of forces in Cangyun City came to pay their respects.

For the sake of Master Chu’s family, I really want to meet you. Although others know that Master Chu Qingzhu is now high and mighty, this is your hometown and the situation is different.

In order to reassure Chu Master Qingzhu, Qin Chuan directly helped Chu Master Yu tame two powerful monsters. In Cangyun City, even the mortal realm can protect itself.

After staying for a day, Master Chu Qingzhu planned to go back with Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan wanted to visit his hometown.

Go to Nanhai City.

Very fast at today's speed.

There are people taking care of and running the Qin family here. Qin Chuan and Master Chu Qingzhu went in to take a look without identifying themselves.

Nowadays, almost no one here knows them. The once magnificent Chu Master Qingzhu and the evil Qin Chuan have been baptized by time and few people remember them anymore.

Qin Chuan went to Qianjia.

After so many years, Qin Chuan didn't know if Mr. Qian was okay.

When I walked to the door of Qianjia, I happened to see an old man walking out, full of energy.

It was Master Qian.

"Old man!" Qin Chuan walked up.

The old man was stunned, looked at Qin Chuan and said in surprise, "Qin Chuan?"

"You never recognize me." Qin Chuan smiled bitterly.

"You have changed a lot, but you can still see it, hahaha, it's great, it's great, it's been so many years..." The old man sighed with emotion and was extremely happy.

"Is this your wife?" At this time, the old man saw Master Chu Qingzhu.

Before Qin Chuan could speak, the old man's eyes lit up: "From Master Chu's family?"

The old man remembered that it was this woman who saved Qin Chuan and the entire Qin family.

"I've met the old man!" Master Chu Qingzhu said hello with a smile.

"Ah, you're welcome, you're welcome, don't take it seriously..." the old man said quickly.

This is a super strong person.

But the old man also knew that the other party was so polite to him because of Qin Chuan.

"Old man, Qian Fei went far away. I have seen her and she is fine now. Don't worry, take care of yourself. I will bring her back to see you in the future." Qin Chuan felt guilty.

He felt that he failed to protect her.

"Well, child, be good. Let her not miss home. It's a good place here. Chuan'er. If there is hope, I hope you can take care of her." The old man said softly.

"Old man, don't worry, I will do it." Qin Chuan said seriously.

The old man knew very well that Qin Chuan and Qian Fei did not get together. He could know that the problem was Qian Fei, but it was a pity that he could no longer control it.

After having a meal at the old man's place, Qin Chuan walked around here and then prepared to go back with Master Chu Qingzhu.

Fairy Sword City!

Qin Chuan and Master Chu Qingzhu returned to Immortal Sword City, not far from Immortal Sword Sect.

Returning to the Immortal Sword Sect, I found that Cang Lan was also back.

There were still about four days before the so-called Chitong family came, but to be on the safe side, Qin Chuan decided to go to Tianyun City in two days.

Master Chu Qingzhu returned home once, his worries were solved, his eldest brother's health was also getting better, and a big problem seemed to be solved in his heart.

Before, she was actually worried about going home. She was really afraid that her home would be gone.

You don’t have to go back if you have a home, but if you have a home in your heart and it’s gone, it will be really sad and sad.

"So happy?" Qin Chuan rarely saw Master Chu Qingzhu so happy.

"Well, you have saved me several times, and now you have saved my elder brother. My last worry is gone." Master Chu Qingzhu said with a smile.

"This is all because you saved me first, so you are the most precious person in my life." Qin Chuan smiled.

"How expensive is it?" Master Chu Qingzhu also laughed, feeling relaxed enough to make a joke.

"Just like my heart, the best treasure." Qin Chuan said.

Master Chu Qingzhu was stunned for a moment, then his face turned red and he lowered his head slightly.

The meaning is obvious, my sweetheart...

Qin Chuan leaned over and said, "You are my treasure, as sweet as my heart. I can't live without my heart. Without you, I will go crazy."

Master Chu Qingzhu blushed and hugged Qin Chuan's neck, leaning into his ear: "Stop talking!"

ps fifth update, yesterday’s fifth update, hey, I’m so tired, I hope I can catch up, I worked so hard, voted, and robbed~~

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