Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,481 The blood of the extreme sun, the man with red eyes...

Qin Chuan looked at Master Chu Qingzhu and smiled.

Thousands of beauties and styles, women are picturesque and full of postures. The only question is whether she is willing to bloom for you and whether you have the ability to make her bloom.

Master Chu Qingzhu has just begun.

"It's okay not to say it, but if you say it once, I won't say it, otherwise I will keep calling you in your ear." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Master Chu Qingzhu trembled slightly, she couldn't shout, she really couldn't.

In fact, Qin Chuan was very well-behaved in front of her, but sometimes he just couldn't help teasing her.

Especially a woman like her!

Like a fairy!

"I will definitely call you from now on, okay?" Master Chu Qingzhu said softly in Qin Chuan's ear.

Qin Chuan smiled and touched her forehead; "Okay, don't worry about it. One day, maybe you will take the initiative to call me."

"No way, what a beautiful idea!" Master Chu Qingzhu also smiled.

"Baby!" Qin Chuan called softly.

"Disgusting!" Master Chu Qingzhu replied softly.

"I ask you to call me, but if you don't, if I call you, you have to say yes!" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"You are a bad thing." Master Chu Qingzhu felt a little overwhelmed by shame today.




Finally humming, Qin Chuan happily hugged her and spun her around a few times.

Some things are difficult at first, but will become easier after you start, because if you try some things, you will find that they are not difficult. The difficult thing is to shrink back before starting and not try.

Qin Chuan is actually trying.

Because if he doesn't try, he will always regard Master Chu Qingzhu as a fairy. The two of them will not be able to get together, and she will not be truly happy.

She is a fairy,

But more of a person.

Qin Chuan has a pure heart for her, but for her, he has to slowly change, hoping that over time, he can truly let her fall into the mortal world.

The next day several people went to Tianyun City.

Qin Chuan took the position of Earth King, the Earth King of Tianyun Land, and even the Immortal Sword Sect also joined in.

This time the Land of Sky Clouds will confront the Land of Rainbow Light.

When Qin Chuan and others arrived, Zheng Jing breathed a sigh of relief when he heard about it. He was really afraid that Qin Chuan wouldn't come, and there was nothing he could do about it. He knew that they were not greedy for the position of King of Earth, but that he and his party had asked for it.

Now seeing Qin Chuan and others coming, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't know why, but he felt completely at ease with Qin Chuan. Following Qin Chuan, he dared to fight anyone without fear of hurting his family.

He himself doesn't understand this kind of madness, but his intuition has always been accurate and has never been wrong. This is also an indispensable reason why the Zheng family can be as brilliant as it is today.


If you are in the right direction, then it is just a matter of going faster and slower. There will be no detours, and there will be no delay or waste of time.

Today we all sat together and started discussing details and allocating manpower.

"There are about thirty goals. Let's do this. We are responsible for each goal here." Qin Chuan said when the discussion was almost done.

"Okay, Mr. Qin, there is a position, that is, the Zhou family. The person coming will be an elder of the Chitong family. The target is an infant son of the Zhou family. The son of the Zhou family is the blood of the extreme sun. That day is just right. It’s a full moon,” Zheng Jing said.

"Okay, I will go to this place, remember it, capture it and kill it on the spot, and then deal with it cleanly." Qin Chuan said.


Qin Chuan and others settled down at Bei's house. Zheng Jing originally planned to find some servants for Qin Chuan, but Qin Chuan refused.

However, Qin Chuan himself went outside to find some old, weak, sick and disabled people to work here. There was no shortage of such people in that place, so that he could help them and at the same time have someone standing guard to deliver messages.

After his actions became known to many people, many people felt that this powerful young man had a very kind heart.

Zheng Jing and others also felt relieved.

They feel comfortable facing Qin Chuan, especially Qin Chuan's temperament and aura, which are not overwhelming at all. With those clear eyes, everyone can be sure that he is a good person.

But there is a saying that one knows a person but not the heart. Although they don't want to doubt Qin Chuan, they are still old people and rely only on their feelings. That would be fools.

Now that I see Qin Chuan doing all this, I feel completely relieved. This is not a disguise, it is unnecessary, not to mention that the woman next to him is like a fairy, and the two of them are really one of a kind.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and Qin Chuan and his party settled down near the Zhou family. At the same time, Qin Chuan set up an array in the small courtyard where the one-month-old son of the Zhou family lived, and released the array-devouring beasts.

This is to be sure.

Full moon day!

Qin Chuan was outside Zhou's house, and he felt that tonight was the time for him to come.

But it was already late at night, but there was still no movement.

The street seemed to be much quieter at this time, and it was time for the night market to end. After all, it would be dawn in another hour.

At this moment, an elegant middle-aged man stood up at a food stall.

"Boss, give me money!" the middle-aged man's voice was clear.


Qin Chuan looked at it casually, and was stunned when he accidentally glanced at the man's eyes.

Red eyes!

Qin Chuan did not expect that this elegant and handsome man who had been sitting here for most of the night was actually Chi Tong, and Qin Chuan was sure that the man was the elder of the Chi Tong family.

Unexpectedly, the other party was always not far away from me. The more dangerous place is the safest place.

Qin Chuan came alone, Master Chu Qingzhu and Mrs. Canglan stayed at home, and formations were also set up at home. Besides Chu Master Qingzhu’s strength and the monster beasts he owned, plus the Five Elements Crystal Beast, no one could keep him. he.

After paying the money, the middle-aged man walked towards Zhou's house.

Qin Chuan stopped for a while and walked in the other direction.

Qin Chuan did not look back, but he did feel the gaze of a gaze. With his golden eyes, he could see that it was the man. The eyes staring at him were as red as a demon.

"It seems that the other party has also noticed me."

Qin Chuan continued walking with a smile on his face, but he did find that after the other party disappeared around a turn, he chased him from the other direction.

This made Qin Chuan stunned. In this case, he might as well enter the formation.

Qin Chuan went to Zhou's house.

Then enter the small courtyard of the formation.

The man watched Qin Chuan enter the small courtyard. He was not in a hurry, but his red eyes were staring at the small courtyard.

"Little tricks!"

His red pupil ability is very strong, and Qin Chuan's formation can be clearly seen under his notification.

A quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour, and nearly half an hour later, the middle-aged man entered the courtyard directly.

At this time, Qin Chuan had already opened a formation door, and the one-month-old child of the Zhou family and her mother left the small courtyard.

The middle-aged man was slightly startled when he saw Qin Chuan sitting in the small courtyard drinking tea with a comfortable expression.

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