Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,485 You are a man, don’t cry...

Bloody punch!

It seems to ignite the target's blood.

The opponent's fist is filled with essence and blood, and as long as it comes into contact with the target, the blood can enter the target's body. This is highly poisonous and can quickly destroy the opponent's blood, and the target will soon die or lose combat effectiveness.

Shenlong Five Elements Hand!

The use of Qinchuan's conditioned reflex.

The opponent's violent fist technically belongs to the water of the Five Elements.

Qin Chuan used the thick earth dragon hand in the five elements of the dragon.

The Dragon Five Elements Hand is similar to the Diamond Dragon Claw, but it is mainly based on the Five Elements ability and comes with powerful Five Elements abilities. For example, Qinchuan's Thick Earth Dragon Hand has a heavy earth attribute.

The five elements earth overcomes water!

Qin Chuan was already proficient in the Five Elements, and this thick earth dragon hand was extremely powerful.


Along with the dragon's roar, a huge earth-yellow dragon claw shot out, directly facing the golden-robed man's bloody fist.


The khaki dragon claws instantly turned into blood red and spread towards Qinchuan.


Qin Chuan was about to stop, when the nine divine dragons in his body let out a low dragon roar, and a pure power rose up.

The power of the dragon!

The powerful dragon's power rushed forward, and wherever it passed, the blood red disappeared, and the thick earth dragon's hand became thicker and simpler.


This time the man in golden robe was shaken back and looked at Qin Chuan, his demonic eyes full of pride.

He felt that Qin Chuan would soon lose his fighting ability.

Haoran is upright!

Suppress this evil existence.

Forged sword hammer!

Qin Chuan looked at the proud look of the man in gold robe,

Unable to hold back, he gave me a golden magic sword again.


A circle of ripples appeared on the opponent's third eye mark again, and the man in gold robe screamed again and covered his eyes. This time it seemed more serious than the last time, because Qin Chuan found blood overflowing from the opponent's fingers.

The man in golden robe was blind in one eye, and this time he was really scared.

I originally thought that after Qin Chuan used the golden magic sword once, he would definitely not be able to use it again in a short period of time, but he didn't expect that he could still use it. However, his defense ability was insufficient and he almost went blind in both eyes.

At this time, he had begun to think about quitting due to hunger.

But Qin Chuan didn't want him to escape.

This time, the forbidden bead was directly played.

Envelop all the other party's people in it.

The forbidden beads are becoming more and more useful to Qin Chuan, mainly because Qin Chuan is worried about his opponent escaping, and at the same time, they can be used to deter his opponent.

After all, everyone will panic after being shrouded by the Forbidden Bead, which will affect the performance of combat power. If you dare to use the Forbidden Bead, then the opponent will definitely be sure to kill you.

This is a powerful psychological repression.

The man in golden robe felt like the end was coming.

He couldn't see anything at this time, but he could feel the threat.

He wanted to run away. He had a little treasure for escaping, but when he secretly used it, he found that it didn't work.

You must know that this little treasure of his has a very high level, and ordinary taboo beads cannot trap him.

This is one of his little trump cards. If he can't get away with this, it's really a dead end.

Others were also in a state of panic. In this situation, people were either frightened out of fear or irritated and went crazy.

Sea of ​​blood!

Canglan took action.

Qin Chuan summoned several monsters.

Especially the Xuan Shui Turtle, combined with Cang Lan's Blood Sea, is extremely powerful.

In addition, as long as he is restrained by Qinchuan's golden dragon vine, he will definitely die.

The members of the Chitong family died one by one.

The man in golden robe knew that things had reached a point of no return, and he even knew that he would definitely die here today.

Half an hour later, the battle was over.

All fifty or sixty members of the Chitong family died here.

Although the death of these people did not cause the Chitong family to be shaken, the death of the man in the golden robe definitely dealt a huge blow to the Chitong family.

Because the strength of the man in golden robe is not much inferior to that of the head of the Chitong family, his future potential is even more immeasurable.

It's a pity that the most powerful Chi Tong has become a burden in front of Qin Chuan.

The Golden Divine Sword is fatal to eyesight skills like his.

After finishing here, Qin Chuan left directly and headed to Tianhong Lake.

He was still a little worried about Master Chu Qingzhu.

Fortunately, it is not too far from Tianhong Lake, but it will take nearly an hour to travel at full speed.

This is because it is very close to the outside of the city.

Qin Chuan was still a little uneasy and felt uneasy in his heart. The closer he got, the more he felt like this.

His speed got faster and faster, and when he arrived at Tianhong Lake, he suddenly ran away.

Master Chu Qingzhu was holding a child, his body covered in blood, while dozens of people surrounded him and surrounded him, and more than ten people died.

But Master Chu Qingzhu seemed to have reached the end of his strength.

Qin Chuan's eyes instantly turned blood red.

A stream of blood rushed directly into his brain. Qin Chuan didn't know what happened. When he woke up, he found that he was holding Master Chu Qingzhu.

And she was completely unconscious.

Lost state of mind.

He didn't know how he killed these people. He was scarred and covered with wounds. He had never been so embarrassed, but he couldn't care about it now.

Qin Chuan saw Master Chu Qingzhu and the child he was holding.

Master Chu Qingzhu was poisoned.

Qin Chuan didn't know what kind of poison it was, but he knew that the other party used the child as a lure to poison the child. Master Chu Qingzhu saved the child from the poison.

The poison has penetrated deeply into the body, including the internal organs.

Even her immortal body couldn't stop it.

Qin Chuan's needle had already been pierced into Master Chu Qingzhu's body, but it was of no use. He couldn't even block the poison with his face.

The child is a drug addict, but he is fine and is still asleep at this time.

At this time others arrived.

Including Cang Lan and others.

"Qin Chuan, what's wrong with you? Fairy Master Chu?"

Qin Chuan returned the child to the head of the Zhou family, shook his head slightly, and walked away with Master Chu Qingzhu in his arms: "I'm leaving, Canglan, make arrangements for the Immortal Sword Sect, and I will destroy the Chitong family."

"Qinchuan, I'll go with you." Canglan said with red eyes.

Qin Chuan shook his head: "Okay, listen to me."

Call out the colorful dragon bird.

Qin Chuan held Master Chu Qingzhu and climbed onto the back of the colorful dragon bird.

Qin Chuan was still extremely angry at this time. He wanted to destroy the Chitong family. This thought was uncontrollable.

Master Chu Qingzhu's skin trauma is recovering quickly. Qin Chuan has the elixir, so he can recover quickly.

It's rare that it's the poison in his body.

However, Qin Chuan's current medical skills are helpless.

But before, he directly killed all the opponents without asking for the antidote.

So Qin Chuan decided to go to the Chitong family to see if he could find the antidote.


Master Chu Qingzhu woke up.

Qin Chuan hurriedly lowered his head: "I'm here, I'm here."

Master Chu Qingzhu was very weak. She looked at Qin Chuan with a smile: "I'm sorry, I have to make you worry about me every time."

This was the third time he was struggling on the line of death. Qin Chuan was not sure whether he could survive this time, so he had been trying to contain his crazy thoughts.

"Don't destroy the Chitong family. Listen to me again. Don't kill innocent people indiscriminately. Don't kill the women, children, old and weak of the Chitong family." Master Chu Qingzhu said.

Qin Chuan's tears fell drop by drop.

Master Chu Qingzhu tried his best to raise his hand to wipe Qin Chuan's tears: "You are a man, don't cry!"

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