Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,486 The Yin-Yang Avenue in the Harmony of Heaven and Man

Qin Chuan's tears fell drop by drop.

Master Chu Qingzhu tried his best to raise his hand to wipe Qin Chuan's tears: "You are a man, don't cry!"

Qin Chuan's heart ached so much that he couldn't even breathe. His face was so pale that there was no trace of blood. He didn't know the last time he shed tears. He didn't even remember that he had been so unable to control himself.

He wanted to cry.

He has never been so weak as he is today. Master Chu Qingzhu is the pure land in his heart and the sustenance of his soul. If Chu Master Qingzhu is gone, he can't think of what he will become. Is it death? Or crazy?

"Don't cry, Qin Chuan, don't cry." Master Chu Qingzhu said softly. She wiped Qin Chuan's tears, but the more she wiped, the more tears he shed.

Master Chu Qingzhu's aura gradually weakened.

However, Qinchuan actually weakened at the same time as Master Chu Qingzhu's aura, and Qinchuan's vitality weakened.

Master Chu Qingzhu seemed to realize this and called anxiously: "Qinchuan, Qinchuan, don't be like this. You want to live. If you want to live, do you want me to die in peace?"

"Without you, what's the meaning of my life? The world is gray. I can't control my body and spirit. I can't control myself."

Qinchuan's vitality was lost and his hair began to turn white. Master Chu Qingzhu was poisonous and there was no change. What Qinchuan lost was his vitality.

In just a moment, the long hair on the temples turned snow-white.

The way of life of all things operates automatically.

Resisting the loss of life is an instinctive protector.

However, the way of creation of all things, with the current superb state, cannot resist the loss of vitality.

"Qin Chuan, kiss me!" Master Chu Qingzhu said softly.

This time Qin Chuan lowered his head naturally and kissed Chu Master Qingzhu's mouth.

Kiss her gently.

Master Chu Qingzhu's body was trembling slightly. Even when he was close to his deathbed, he was still trembling slightly, and a spontaneous force of immortal energy rose up in his body.

This is Master Chu Qingzhu’s natal immortal energy.

And Qin Chuan didn't know when a ray of solar power came out,

This is the fusion of the mighty body, the power of the divine dragon, the divine power of yin and yang, the power of gods and Buddhas...


Qin Chuan didn't know when he felt his body rumbling, and his whole body was confused. When he woke up, he found that he was still kissing Master Chu Qingzhu.

At this time, Master Chu Qingzhu seemed to have recovered a little.


The Yin-Yang Avenue has been broken through.

Master Chu Qingzhu broke through the Yin-Yang Dao of the Dzogchen realm of refining the void and combining the Dao.

The realm of unity between man and nature!

The Yin-Yang Avenue has been broken through.

It took Qin Chuan a while to recover, but suddenly he thought, could the Yin-Yang Avenue in the realm of harmony between man and nature save her?

Qin Chuan reorganized the abilities in his mind and now knew what the poison in Master Chu Qingzhu was.

The poison of nothingness!

There is no antidote at all.

However, Qin Chuan's ability to integrate the Yin and Yang Dao of heaven and man has made Qin Chuan relieved.

Yin and Yang coexist.

If you use this ability once, your lifespan will be halved.

And it can only be used once. This is an ability that comes with Yin Yang Dao after it reaches the realm of unity between heaven and man.

Qin Chuan didn't know how much life he had, but he did not hesitate to use Yin and Yang. Even if his life span was reduced by half, even if he died, he would not hesitate to save Chu Master Qingzhu.

It's not that he is stupid, this seems to be his instinct.

Master Chu Qingzhu suddenly felt that his body was well. He was puzzled and looked at the two strands of snow-white hair on Qin Chuan's temples. They seemed more handsome and mature, but they were so eye-catching.

The poison in her body is gone. This is the horror of yin and yang. Master Chu Qingzhu is not affected, but Qin Chuan's lifespan is halved. However, with Qin Chuan's current cultivation level, even if his lifespan is halved, he will still have at least five hundred years. Normal longevity.

The poison of nothingness, Qin Chuan didn't know why the Chitong family had such poison. After all, this kind of poison would not normally appear in this place.

Also, the more overbearing the poison, the more stringent the conditions for its use. This time Chu Master Qingzhu was poisoned because of the baby around him.

Master Chu Qingzhu knew it was poisonous, so he still took action, but he didn't expect it to be such a terrifying poison.

Qin Chuan's mood suddenly felt better now, completely healed, but Master Chu Qingzhu looked at Qin Chuan with distress, holding Qin Chuan's face and looking at the two striking strands of white hair.

"Does it look better than before?" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Well, she looks good and mature."

After Master Chu Qingzhu finished speaking, he asked again: "Can these two strands of white hair turn back to black?"

"Yes, it will get better gradually in the future. In fact, I prefer the way I am now. I am even scared by how handsome I am." Qin Chuan said with a relaxed smile.

In fact, Qin Chuan knew that it was basically difficult to recover after using Yin and Yang, yin and yang, and black and white hair. Maybe there might be hope for a breakthrough in the yin and yang avenue in the future, so Qin Chuan didn't lie to her if he said he could.

And now there are only two strands of white hair on the temples, which really looks much better than before...

The Yin-Yang Avenue breaks through the realm of unity between man and nature, allowing Qin Chuan's strength to break through three small realms at once, which is almost as fast as flying.

The pinnacle of the eighth level of the mighty one.

In fact, Master Chu Qingzhu is in the realm of unity between heaven and man, but he is already a semi-immortal.

Qin Chuan is considered slow at this level, and Qin Chuan also understands that this is the reason why Haoran dominates the body.

The actual combat strength is terrifying, and the progress in realm is relatively slow.

This is the balance of heaven.

Qin Chuan told Master Chu that Qingzhu broke through the Yin and Yang Avenue because of the kiss, so he was able to save her.

Master Chu Qingzhu could never forget the sight of a grown man in Qinchuan crying for her. She still didn't know what kind of touch it was in her heart.

Qin Chuan really didn't feel much about the loss of life span. He thought about the level of Jiutian Xuannv Temple. If he could reach that level, five hundred years of life span would be nothing. Even then, the five hundred years lost would be nothing. The centenary longevity is back.

Find a place to rest, wash up, and change clothes.

Qin Chuan's injuries have also healed, but Master Chu Qingzhu is still as elegant as a fairy and does not eat fireworks.

At this time, this place is already a land of rainbow light.

Looking for a city, Qin Chuan and Master Chu Qingzhu went directly to Hongguang City.

At this time, the Chitong family in Hongguang City.

"Everything is dead, everything is dead..." The head of the Chitong family suddenly sat on the chair, his face pale at this time.

He knew that the Chitong family was at the point of life and death.

"Master, what should I do? What should I do?"

The family living in the huge rainbow land was full of fear at this time.

Moreover, many forces were watching with eager eyes, but no one took action at this time, because these people were also well-informed and knew that Qin Chuan had arrived in the Land of Rainbow Light.

Soon, the Chitong family will disappear.

This is an unchangeable result.

"You take your family and leave." The head of the Chitong family became much older instantly.

p.s. It rained heavily and the power was out for a long time. Alas, I have to stay up late again, begging for votes, begging for rewards, begging for support, begging for assists, begging for knockdowns...

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