Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,487 The Chitong family is finished

"You take your family and leave." The head of the Chitong family became much older instantly.

"Brother, do you feel like we're leaving?" the man said with a wry smile.

The head of the Chitong family sighed: "Let's go, take as much as you can."

The colorful dragon bird stopped in the sky above the Chitong family, looking at the luxurious manor below, like a palace in the sky.

Qin Chuan's anger rose again.



Qin Chuan took action, and the huge Shenlong Platform was several times larger than before. Like a small mountain, it directly hit the gate of the Chitong family.

That area was directly blown down, a piece of powder and smoke filled the air.

The entire Chitong family manor was trembling.

"Come out, do you want me to ask you to come out?" Qin Chuan's voice sounded.

The Chitong family walked out.

The Chitong family is a big family. This time, there are two hundred strong people who came out. Each of them seems to be patient, anxious, and has conflicting expressions. The leader of the Chitong family is at the front. At this time, he has a solemn expression and an ugly face.

Now the situation has reached a dead end, and there is no possibility of peace.

They knew it very well, so they decided to give it a try, not without a chance of winning.

"Young man, you've gone too far to bully others." The head of the Chitong family looked at Qin Chuan and shouted coldly.

Qin Chuan walked down from the air with his hands behind his back. He was full of natural aura, rich and handsome, with clear and beautiful eyes. Now he had two strands of long snow-white hair, and his whole person seemed to have a fairy spirit. Qin Chuan was handsome at this moment. On the contrary, his anger was completely revealed.

At this time, Qin Chuan was more attractive than that kind of elegant and troubled young man, because Qin Chuan's temperament was perfect.

"You have the nerve to say this." Qin Chuan smiled and walked to a stop not far from the head of the Chitong family.

"Tell me, what do you want?" The head of the Chitong family calmed down.

"What do I want? I want to kill people." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"If you put forward any conditions,

As long as it's not too much, I can promise you. "The head of the Chitong family thought for a while and said.

Qin Chuan shook his head: "I said, I want to kill, kill, kill..."

Qin Chuan used Buddha to shout out, one after another, which shocked many people to the point where their minds went blank.

At the same time, Qinchuan rose into the sky.

Nine steps that defy heaven and earth!

Divine Eyes Immortal Power!

The wrath of the divine pupil!

Wrap, lock!

The seven-story demon-suppressing fairy tower!

At this time, nine steps were taken against the sky and seven steps were completed, which directly shook the small world. Then Qin Chuan raised his hand while spinning.

The sky became dark.

A huge hand appeared, covering the sky and the sun, with an aura of destruction.

A lifelike giant dragon, a sharp heavenly sword.

The great yin and yang hand covers the divine dragon seal!

This is the great yin-yang hand covering the sky divine dragon seal performed under the yin-yang avenue in the realm of unity between man and nature.

This is the Great Yin Yang Hand Covering the Heavens Divine Dragon Seal with the amplification of the Divine Dragon Platform.

This is the great yin and yang hand covering the sky divine dragon seal that Qin Chuan used after reaching the eighth level peak of the mighty.

"Run, run!"

The smell of destruction emanated, and the head of the Chitong family had already realized that something was wrong. This young man's attack was devastating, and they had no way to resist it, but they seemed to have no time to escape now.

They feel their bodies stiffen.

Boom boom...

This small world was shattered, and everything was reduced to ashes. After all, there were two hundred people in this area, but dozens of people escaped, including the head of the Chitong family, and those who did not escape died directly.

With one move, he killed hundreds of people, and they were still strong ones. This made the head of the Chitong family completely lose his desire to fight.

Qin Chuan also smiled. Today's Yin and Yang Avenue is really different from before.

The state of unity between man and nature cannot be forced into the state of refining the void and combining the Tao.

Qin Chuan took out his own forged sword and hammer!

Then a person rushed into the crowd of the opponent's sanctuary.

The head of the Chitong family.

Yin-Yang Forged Divine Hammer!

The power of the violent God-Forged Sword Hammer at this time made Qin Chuan feel shocked. The hammer was blasted out like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

After the Forged God Hammer merges with the Yin-Yang Avenue, its power is really indescribable.

The head of the Chitong family was tired of resisting, but it was just a move, as if he had been blasted by a hill.

The Yin and Yang Nine Palaces cross the world!

Qin Chuan's current speed has also greatly improved. Cao Jiusha back then was not as fast as Qin Chuan's current speed.


The head of the Chitong family is dead!

This is the first, but not the last.

His footsteps were like flowing clouds and flowing water. This was truly flowing clouds and flowing water. At this moment, Qin Chuan was even more like an avenging angel, moving freely through the opponent's crazy attacks, easily taking away the lives of everyone.

When the last person fell, Master Chu Qingzhu appeared beside Qin Chuan and held his hand: "Okay, don't kill anymore."

Qin Chuan knew that Master Chu Qingzhu was worried that he would kill too many people, which would affect his state of mind and even lead him to become possessed.

The Chitong family is finished. Qin Chuan doesn't need to take action anymore. Someone will naturally make the Chitong family disappear.

Qin Chuan will not show mercy to a family of evil cultivators.

"Qinchuan, I want to go see Tianhong Lake!" Master Chu Qingzhu said.

Qin Chuan was stunned, but still nodded.

He left the Chitong family directly.

Tianhong Lake is a dead lake. It is very large and stretches as far as the eye can see. It can be said to be a sea.

Maybe it was because the two people had kissed, but now they were very affectionate, like a man and woman in love.

Qin Chuan held Master Chu Qingzhu's hand tightly, as if he was afraid that she would disappear.

Master Chu Qingzhu had a happy smile.

"Qinchuan, I always feel like there is something calling me here." Chu Master Qingzhu said.

Qin Chuan was stunned.

After thinking for a while, he asked, "Do you want to take a look?"

"Yeah!" Master Chu Qingzhu nodded.

This place is known as a dead lake, with no grass growing, no fish or shrimp, but Qin Chuan did not find any poison in the water.

After thinking for a while, he summoned the Xuan Shui Turtle.

Qin Chuan communicated with Xuan Shui Turtle and asked him to go down to explore the road.

The black water turtle has a stronger sense of water and enters this lake directly.

There is no danger after an hour.

Qin Chuan and Master Chu Qingzhu also went down on the Five Elements Crystal Beast.

Rushed towards the place where Master Chu Qingzhu felt the sensation.

The huge body of the black water turtle gave Qin Chuan some peace of mind in the water.

Legend has it that there is a terrifying monster here, and it may not be without reason, so we still have to guard against it.

An extremely huge palace.

Under this huge dead lake, Qin Chuan saw the shadow of the palace. Although it was far away, his eyesight was still very good. Could it be that it was this huge palace that summoned Master Chu Qingzhu?

The odds are high.


Suddenly, the pores on Qin Chuan's body stood up, and at this time, the Xuan Shui Turtle also sent out a frightened message.

Qin Chuan saw a huge figure disappear in a flash.


Before he could do anything, Qin Chuan felt it again. This time Qin Chuan saw it, and the sight of it made his spine even colder.

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