Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,505 The world of 1 side, the palace of rules...

After Qin Chuan arrived here, he realized that this was just a world, a world in the Holy Domain. Some people said it was the northernmost location of the Holy Domain, but later he learned that there was no such thing as the northernmost. This was just a place in the Holy Domain.

One world!

Because the sanctuary is too big, it exceeds the direction.

Qin Chuan also didn't quite understand the term "one side of the world" now. It seemed a bit inappropriate to use a region to describe it. He thought of his nine steps against the sky, but he only had to be strong enough to crush a piece of heaven and earth.

It can also be said to be trampling on a piece of land.

Because it is too small. If it were a vast world, would it be a single world?

Shaking his head, Qin Chuan stopped thinking about it. Anyway, Qin Chuan wants to practice and improve his strength now. No matter who you are, you'd better not mess with me. Otherwise, I won't let you down regardless of whether you dominate the side or not.

In addition, Qin Chuan actually did not pay much attention to the Holy Domain because of Chu Master Qingzhu and Tantai Huangqing. Even though he now needs to be weak and submissive in the Holy Domain to survive in the cracks, his goal is the Jiutian Xuannv Temple, which is the Holy Domain. The world outside.

The Temple of War was attacked in a surprise attack. It was the regular palace of the Northern Xinjiang Empire.

In fact, everyone has powerful sects above them, so any small actions or frictions below will not affect the top ones at all. Even if a certain force in the Northern Xinjiang Empire is wiped out, it will not be reported to the top-level force.

I don’t know how many countries and forces there are in this world, and at that level, the Northern Empire can’t even touch it.

The God of War in the Northern Xinjiang Empire should not rely on anyone but itself. In fact, the biggest problem faced by every sect, family, and everyone is survival, and a better survival.

In this world of warriors, a person needs to find a force to rely on. In order to survive, the force must also develop and survive. Some people will find other forces to rely on, or form alliances to face some problems together and support each other.

In fact, it is still to survive.

No matter who you are, there are always dangers. Even if you dominate one side, the higher you stand, the greater the dangers.

In fact, everyone was very excited after knowing that Qin Chuan was a powerful spiritual formation master, especially since Qin Chuan's formation could increase the number of people by up to 60 people. You must know that all the gods of war in the Temple of War combined were only in their early fifties.

So once there is a battle, Qinchuan's Holy Buddha Five Elements Formation can benefit all the inheritors of the God of War.

Array Masters are basically of little use at this level, but Spiritual Array Masters are different. Not one of a hundred Array Masters can break through and become a Spiritual Array Master, but once they become Spiritual Array Masters, they will be scrambled by all forces. A Spiritual Array Master The role of the division in the battle is really too great.

The Demon Sect came so arrogantly just because they had a spiritual formation master, which shows how terrifying the spiritual formation master is.

The spiritual formation master's own fighting ability is not strong, which is a fatal weakness. Therefore, in large-scale battles, the spirit formation master with the fastest idea is to kill the opponent's spiritual formation master, but the spiritual formation master's protection is the best. Besides, the spiritual formation master has his own The life-saving ability is very difficult to kill.

Qin Chuan is now a super spiritual master, but his fighting ability is even stronger.

After deliberation for a long time, there was no countermeasure. The strength of the Hall of Rules was stronger than that of the God of War, or even more so. Take the initiative to take revenge and seek justice. If you have no strength, you will only be beaten, humiliated, or even come back without your life.

But just forget about it, it's embarrassing, and you're still holding your breath, especially since the treasures obtained in the secret realm were also snatched away by the Hall of Rules.

But even if the War Palace doesn't take revenge, maybe the people from the Rule Palace will come and kill them. The strong will be respected.

Although it is lucky that people are back and they are fine, this is because Qin Chuan is here, which is also the good luck of these people. Otherwise, people will die, become useless, and the treasures will be gone. At that time, for the God of War Temple The impact is incalculable.

So everyone was frightened when they thought of that scene, and everyone suddenly found that Qin Chuan's appearance made the situation not so bad.

Especially those five people who are now mostly recovered, they are grateful to Qin Chuan from the bottom of their hearts.

One was brought back from the gate of hell, and the other four could not die, but without Qin Chuan's cultivation, they would be useless. Without Qin Chuan's cultivation, it would be better to die.

Qin Chuan returned to the small courtyard and stood by the pond watching the fish in the pond, playing and carefree. Qin Chuan did not envy a fish, but he felt that there were many things to worry about and it seemed that he never stopped.

Now that he wants to find Master Chu Qingzhu and Tantai Huangqing, he must improve himself, walk out of the holy domain, and go to the Nine Heavens Xuannv Temple.

The journey was long and difficult, but Qin Chuan had no choice but to go.

Thinking about this, I suddenly realized that what happened here in the Holy Realm was nothing at all. Moreover, I opened two more mysterious gates of life and death, and realized the true meaning of life and death. I saw through it and opened up a lot.

Although you can't have wine now and get drunk the next, you still have to live happily every day, without forcing yourself or going against your own wishes. This is why they slowly came together when they met Ye Qingcheng this time.

Although they haven't come together yet, it is almost the same as coming together.

"What are you thinking about, so lost in thought?"

Wu Qingxue's unique and soul-stirring voice came.

Qin Chuan looked back and said with a smile: "I didn't think about it, why is Aunt Xue here?"

"Don't you welcome me?" Wu Qingxue said while looking at the candy.

"How is it possible? Aunt Xue is such a beautiful woman. She is so beautiful that I am so happy that you can come..."

Qin Chuan saw that Wu Qingxue was worried, and she was already worried. Now that the affairs of the Rules Palace were weighing on her, no one else would be in a good mood, so Qin Chuan's words were a little presumptuous, just to make her Feel more relaxed.

"It's not funny, what you said is not funny." Wu Qingxue said softly.

It's rare to show a trace of fatigue.

Qin Chuan smiled: "Are you stumped by this little difficulty?"

"How long has it been and you're still laughing?" Wu Qingxue said angrily.

"Why don't you smile? You can solve the problem by worrying. No, since you can't do anything, why don't you face it with a smile." Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile.

"I can't laugh, I really can't." Wu Qingxue looked at Qin Chuan with a bitter smile.

"Think of happy things."

"I'm really not in the mood to think, Qin Chuan, what should I do?" Wu Qingxue asked.

"You have to see some things clearly and thoroughly, and then you will find that it is not as serious as you thought." Qin Chuan said seriously this time.

Wu Qingxue's eyes lit up, she thought for a while and looked at Qin Chuan: "Then do you think the Rules Hall will come?"

"Why are they coming?" Qin Chuan asked.

"As you can see, there was a conflict this time. Although the other party made a sneak attack, if it weren't for you, we would have suffered heavy casualties, but we also killed two people from the Rules Hall." Wu Qingxue said.

Qin Chuan frowned slightly. The Rules Palace of the Northern Xinjiang Empire would still take the War Palace of Linhai City seriously, especially now that two people have died, they might actually come.

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