Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,506 Arrogant to the point of ignorance

It would be okay if the other party didn't die, but now that the other party has died, maybe they will really come to cause trouble and kill people.

Not to mention that the Temple of War was attacked by surprise, the treasures were gone, and the casualties were greater than those in the Palace of Rules. In the end, what matters is strength, who has the strongest fist.

If you try to reason with others and reason with them, and the other party punches you directly, you don't need to talk anymore. If you want to talk to others, you can do it after you win.

Qin Chuan thought for a moment and smiled: "Don't worry, it'll be fine. I dare you to come here and ask him to vomit out his food and apologize."

Wu Qingxue reached out and touched Qin Chuan's forehead: "No fever."

Qin Chuan: "..."

"How big is the gap between our Temple of War and the Temple of Rules?" Qin Chuan asked.

He knew that Wu Qingxue wouldn't be able to feel at ease if he didn't show some ability.

"There is a big difference. The main reason is that there are strong men sitting in the Rules Hall. Although those strong men do not take action, it is a deterrent. We do not have it in the War God Hall. There is a big gap between us and the opponent in terms of momentum." Wu Qingxue said.

"You already said that those strong men won't take action. What are you afraid of?"

"In principle, we won't take action. As long as nothing big happens in the Hall of Rules, we won't take action at all. But even if we remove those people, they are still stronger than the God of War." Wu Qingxue said helplessly.

"This should be limited!" Qin Chuan said.

"It is limited, but we still don't have the strength to fight. Even with your spiritual formation to help, we will still be worse." Wu Qingxue thought for a while and said.

Qin Chuan directly gave Wu Qingxue a twelve-flower god position.

"This shouldn't be any weaker than the other party!" Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile.

Wu Qingxue was stunned and looked at Qin Chuan in disbelief. She came to her senses after a while and looked at Qin Chuan strangely. She really didn't know how good this man was.

A spiritual formation master, a miraculous doctor, and a powerful warrior, and now he has an incredible formation divine position, which is even more terrifying than a spiritual formation master.

Formation gods generally have few seats, very few.

This increase in strength by more than ten times makes people's scalp numb just thinking about it. If some big forces knew about Qin Chuan's abilities, they would probably invite Qin Chuan over at all costs.

With Qin Chuan here, not to mention how many people come according to the rules of the palace, even if those ancestors come, Wu Qingxue is confident to fight.

Wu Qingxue was particularly happy. People tend to do excessive things when they are happy, especially when they are excited.

Wu Qingxue happily hugged Qin Chuan.

I was so happy. With this happiness, I hugged Qin Chuan. Not only that, I jumped on Qin Chuan happily.

Qin Chuan hugged her instinctively.

Wu Qingxue hugged Qin Chuan's head tightly and held him in her arms very hard. She was so happy.

And Qin Chuan's entire face was buried in the mountain peak.

That tangy fragrance, and that rich and heavy pressure.

After a while, Wu Qingxue realized something and suddenly got off Qin Chuan. Her face turned red and she thought about the sunset on the horizon. Only then did she realize that she had suffered a loss, a big loss...

Qin Chuan coughed awkwardly: "You want to suffocate me to death..."

As soon as he said it, Qin Chuan felt that something was wrong.

Wu Qingxue's face turned even redder, and finally she raised her foot and stepped lightly on Qin Chuan's foot: "Asshole!"


Qin Chuan was speechless. It was really unreasonable to know whether he had done anything.

Three days later!

The people from the Hall of Rules really came, not many people came, only ten people, led by a middle-aged man, walked into the Temple of War in a swaggering manner.

"People from the Temple of War come out."

The clear voice reached almost every corner of the Temple of War.

Qin Chuan naturally heard it too. Although he didn't know who the other party was, he guessed that he was from the Rules Hall.

When he arrived at the War Temple Square, many people from the War Temple were already there.

Wu Qingxue is also there.

After Wu Qingxue saw Qin Chuan, she felt relieved, but her face turned slightly red. When she thought about that day, she hated herself and Qin Chuan. She hated herself for being so impulsive. She didn't know what this guy would think.

"We are from the Hall of Rules. Now hand over Wu Gang and Pei Da and take them away to us. It's over now." The middle-aged man said softly.

Before Wu Qingxue could speak, Qin Chuan spoke at this time: "Are all the rules and regulations halls filled with stupid people like you?"

Qin Chuan had dealt with people from the Hall of Rules before and disliked them very much. Unexpectedly, the Hall of Rules he encountered here was almost exactly the same as the virtue he encountered last time.

Many people were confused by Qin Chuan's opening. Wu Qingxue knew Qin Chuan's ability, but others did not.

The man was stunned and looked at Qin Chuan: "Are you scolding me and the Rules Hall?"

Qin Chuan felt particularly sick when he saw the other party's surprised look.

"No, I just said that you and the Rule Hall are idiots and idiots. I didn't scold you." Qin Chuan said seriously.

Now the man naturally knew that Qin Chuan was scolding him and playing tricks on him. In fact, he heard it at first, but he just didn't expect it.

"Very good, you succeeded in irritating me, accept my anger!" The man stared at Qin Chuan and was about to take action.

"Stop!" Qin Chuan frowned and said.

"It's useless for you to kneel down and apologize to me now. You must die today!" The man frowned and said with a solemn expression.

"Holy shit, can you just stop talking? It smells worse than farts and is disgusting. If you want to beat me, just beat me. Where does all this nonsense come from?" Qin Chuan rubbed his ears as he spoke.

The man almost choked to death.

"Wait!" Qin Chuan once again interrupted the man who wanted to take action.

"The Hall of Rules used shabby sneak attacks to steal our treasures and kill people from the Temple of War. What do you say?" Qin Chuan looked at the middle-aged man and said.

"Treasures are ownerless things. Those who are virtuous can get them. Since they don't get them, it means they are not yours. As for sneak attacks, that's what you think. On the battlefield, no one will care about what means you use. Everyone sees What matters is the result, survival is the most important thing, casualties are inevitable." The middle-aged man said lightly.

"Then what are you doing here today?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Are you deaf? As I said before, your God of War Temple killed the people in my Hall of Rules. I want the God of War God to hand them over." The man said.

"Casualties are inevitable on the battlefield," Qin Chuan said.

"I don't care about that. I only know that if you kill people in my rule palace, you will pay for your life." The man said.

"Then the people from the Rules Palace who killed me from the War Palace, shouldn't you also hand over the murderers and let them pay for their lives?" Qin Chuan said.

"If the people in the Temple of War die, they will die. It doesn't matter. Can the Temple of War compare with the Hall of Rules? I say it one last time, hand over the people. Don't force me to take action and increase your casualties." The man said again.

Qin Chuan doesn't understand why there are such people, so arrogant and ignorant. Does this kind of arrogance and domineering feel good, or does it feel like eating the God of War to death? The previous sentence contained an insult and a command.

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