Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1510: Family happiness, the palace of rules...

Family happiness is one of the happiest things in life.

Qin Chuan now feels like the happiest person. After staying at home for a while, the little girl said she wanted to go out to play, and Qin Chuan naturally agreed.

The little girl sat on Qin Chuan's shoulder, while Qin Chuan held Cheng Cheng's hand.

In Zhongtian City, the Cheng family is the largest family, and its strength has long surpassed that of this place. Even the local hidden forces are not as good as the Cheng family.

However, the Chengchi family is very low-key and kind. They have done a lot of charity and pursue the simplest happiness. The Chengchi couple, who have experienced life and death, have long seen through it. They don’t have much ambition and just want to live quietly with their daughter and granddaughter. Son, grandson, granddaughter, a family and a happy life.

The only thing is Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan is their son-in-law, but he cannot always accompany his daughter. As parents, they naturally want their daughter to be happy. They look at their daughter and feel that she is very happy, but sometimes she feels lonely.

However, at this time, Chengcheng was very indifferent. She said that she liked this kind of life. This was the life she wanted. If Qin Chuan stayed by her side for a long time, it would be better to keep some distance and look forward to it.

Besides, Qin Chuan was really busy and couldn't accompany them all the time. It was good to come back every once in a while, which made Chengcheng feel the most perfect.

"What's wrong with your hair?" Chengcheng said softly.

"Does it look good?" Qin Chuan asked with a smile.

"Yeah, beautiful!" Chengcheng said softly.

"Daddy is the most handsome." The little girl giggled and stretched out her hand to tug on a strand of Qin Chuan's white hair.

"It's because of cultivation that it will recover after a while." Qin Chuan smiled and told a white lie, while reaching out to pinch his daughter's face.

"Well, one has to be careful. I want you to be well and always be well." Chengcheng held his hand tightly.

"Don't worry, your man is not willing to die." Qin Chuan looked at Chengcheng playfully, making her blush.

It was getting late, so I didn't go to my parents in Chengcheng.

When she returned to Tingfengxuan, the little girl was already sleeping in Qin Chuan's arms.

Holding her is like holding the most precious pearl,

Kiss that little apple-like face, and a smile will spread all over your face unconsciously.

Chengcheng felt sweet in his heart when he saw Qin Chuan and his daughter together. He couldn't describe the feeling, it just felt beautiful and good, because this was the man and child he loved most.

Just like when a man sees a beautiful woman holding a child, the heartwarming picture of a man and a child together is also very touching.

He gently placed her on the couch and covered her with a thin quilt.

Chengcheng let out a soft exclamation, and Qin Chuan picked her up and put her on the couch outside.

Chengcheng was very excited today. He cooperated with Qin Chuan enthusiastically and even took the initiative with a blushing face. She was like a beautiful knight, galloping on the battlefield, her beauty was alluring. She was beautiful, enchanting, elegant and dignified, trembling in the strong wind.

The sound comes out of the dust, and the water drops on the jade plate, just like walking around the beam for three days, making people feel relaxed and happy, like singing and crying, melodious, the pink surface reflects the snow, and the snow jade is red...

Qinchuan seemed to be ups and downs in the sea, and his soul was flying.

After quieting down, Chengcheng lay shyly in Qin Chuan's arms, not daring to raise his head.

Qin Chuan was so funny. He was so brave before, but now he is so embarrassed. He put his hand on her pink back and spoke softly. Cheng Cheng just responded with his nose twice without raising his head.

However, Qin Chuan naturally would not miss such a good opportunity and used some small tricks to make her raise her head.

That pink beauty is truly stunning.

She closed her eyes tightly, Qin Chuan tried to talk, and finally opened her misty beautiful eyes, trembling, heart trembling, that kind of beauty flowed directly into everyone's heart, filled the whole body, and blended into the blood.

Qin Chuan reached out and kissed her, and naturally there was another romance.

The next day Qin Chuan got up for morning exercises, and Cheng Cheng also got up, radiant, really radiant, and Qin Chuan looked dumbfounded. It was really indescribable, that kind of charm, that kind of grace.

Her skin is like snow, her black eyebrows are like distant mountains, and her eyes are like the starry sky, the sun and the moon, which seem to suck people in. Standing there with a faint smile on her face, it makes people feel that she is leaving behind a layer of Jiutian Huashan. Independent and proud in the world.

Chengcheng blushed and smiled. Seeing this guy looking at him stupidly, he felt happy and in a particularly good mood. He smiled softly and said, "Let's eat. By the way, go get the little girl up."

Qin Chuan smiled a little, kissed her gently, and then walked into the bedroom with a smile.

"Little lazy pig, get up." Qin Chuan pinched the little girl's pretty little nose.


Opening his big crystal-like eyes, he saw Qin Chuan and opened his little hands.

Qin Chuan picked her up, dressed her, and took her to wash her hands and face.

The little girl is very well-behaved, like a little koala, giggling from time to time, which is particularly contagious.

Chengcheng was particularly happy when he heard his daughter's laughter, which was crisp and milky, and a little bit milky like a child's. The sweetness in his heart was indescribable.

Sometimes she actually still thinks that it would be nice to have Qin Chuan by her side, but if she thinks about it again, if she keeps doing this, she won't have such happiness. Happiness also needs to be accumulated, and so does longing.

As long as she was awake, the little girl was always pestering Qin Chuan. Qin Chuan helped her dress, wash her, and feed her when eating.

"Xi'er, you have learned to eat by yourself, eat by yourself." Chengcheng said looking at his daughter who was waiting for Qin Chuan to feed her with her mouth open.

"I just like to be fed by daddy."



In fact, Qin Chuan knew that Chengcheng was teasing his daughter on purpose.

Qin Chuan also enjoyed it, and felt a sense of accomplishment feeding his daughter.

After dinner, we went to visit Chengcheng and his wife.

This time Qin Chuan promised the little girl that he would come back to see them from time to time.

The Five Elements Immortal Flag gave Qinchuan this condition.

After staying for three days this time, Qin Chuan went back without going home or going to see Mu Yuwu. After all, Linhai City was not peaceful, and he felt a little uneasy after being away for three days.

So I went directly back to the Temple of War.


The atmosphere is not right.

When Qin Chuan came to the Temple of War, he found that the place was surrounded. In a bad mood, he directly killed several people who intercepted him. These people were all people from the Temple of Rules.

When I arrived at the Temple of War, I felt relieved because the battle hadn't happened yet, but it had already reached the moment of tension.

"Hand over that boy first, otherwise I won't mind destroying the Temple of War."

"Elder, he's here." A man pointed to Qin Chuan, who was approaching the old man who spoke before.

Qin Chuan embarrassedly walked to Wu Qingxue and Ye Qingcheng: "I went out for a trip."

Seeing Qin Chuan appear, Wu Qingxue exhaled for a long time, as if a heavy burden on her body had been thrown away, and then looked at Qin Chuan: "It's just the right time for you to come back!"

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