Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1511: Seeking death, all fall

Wu Qingxue was actually desperate before because Qin Chuan disappeared. She thought that Qin Chuan had run away. She thought that Qin Chuan ran away first after knowing the news. She was desperate. Many reasons were because of Qin Chuan.

This is one of the differences between women and men.

She didn't blame Qin Chuan, but there was a bitterness, an indescribable bitterness, and disappointment, because when he left, even Ye Qingcheng stayed in the Temple of War.

But now that I see Qin Chuan back, everything in my heart has disappeared, and I feel like I can see the moonlight when the clouds clear.

Suddenly it felt like the whole world became brighter.

"I knew you would come back." Wu Qingxue said softly.

Qin Chuan felt something different in her tone, but he nodded and smiled without thinking too much.

Then he took Ye Qingcheng's hand: "Are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid, I know you will come back." Ye Qingcheng smiled.

Wu Qingxue was stunned. She now seemed to understand why Qin Chuan loved Ye Qingcheng so much.

"Boy, you actually dare to kill the people in my Rules Hall, and you also dare to rob the people in my Rules Hall, you are so brave." The old man shouted sharply.

Qin Chuan looked at the old man without changing his expression: "Does the Hall of Rules belong to you? Are you the master of the hall?"

The old man was stunned. Qin Chuan naturally knew that this was not the case, so he continued without waiting for him to speak: "It seems that you are very ambitious. What will happen if the palace master finds out that you have an intention to usurp the throne?"

Qin Chuan actually did it just to disgust him.

The old man naturally knew what Qin Chuan meant. He looked at him with a sneer and said disdainfully: "You have the nerve to pull off such a little trick. You are such a brat who has not even grown hair yet."

"I heard that you want to destroy the War Temple?" Qin Chuan asked.

"What? You think I can't do it?" The old man looked at Qin Chuan.

"I'm just asking you if you want to destroy the War Temple. Are you sure?" Qin Chuan asked.

"So what if you're sure, so what if you're not sure?" the old man said with a frown.

"Okay, then you don't have to leave today,

Not sure maybe you can save your life. Qin Chuan said.

Qin Chuan said it very easily and casually, as if he was talking about an insignificant thing.

The old man looked at Qin Chuan as if he were a fool, and laughed angrily: "Haha, very good, I have lived for so long, and no one has dared to be so arrogant in front of me."

"Don't you, the Lord of the Palace, dare to be arrogant in front of you? Who do you think you are? You really think of yourself as God. You really think that you are great. Others just think you are stupid. You are really stupid, and you are also blind." Qin Chuan said coldly.

Qin Chuan doesn't like this kind of old man who relies on his old age. If you are old and highly respected, we respect you. If you want to be respected, you must look like an old man.

Don't blame others for disrespecting you if you rely on your elders and betray your elders.

Qin Chuan's words made the old man choke for a moment, and his anger suddenly rose, and he shouted: "Go ahead and kill him. I will destroy the Temple of War today and show him."

As soon as these words were spoken, Qin Chuan's eyes narrowed.

Without Qin Chuan's words, the blood of the people in the Temple of War was already boiling. If someone came to their door and wanted to kill him, it would be too cowardly if he didn't dare to kill him.

Qin Chuan directly used the Twelve Flowers God's Table and the Five Elements Formation of the Holy Buddha.

The God of War inheritance in the War Temple can enjoy the increase of the Holy Buddha's Five Elements Formation.

Twelve of them can enjoy the formation god status.

These people stand scattered and can take care of some people around them.

Many people were shocked by the power of Qin Chuan's formation.

There is also a divine formation that shocked Qin Chuan even more.

Qin Chuan called them back. This was a battle and they couldn't be distracted.

The battle begins.

Qin Chuan rushed forward alone, and first smashed down a dragon platform, releasing several monsters.

Boom boom...

Golden Dragon Vine!

The sacred cow collapses!

The great yin and yang hand covers the divine dragon seal!

Nine steps against heaven.

Qin Chuan's movements were very fast, and his shots were killer moves.

The opponents were scattered at once, and even a dozen people were killed by Qin Chuan and the monsters together.

Wu Qingxue and Ye Qingcheng also joined in.

With the cooperation of the formation gods, the people in the Rules Hall were suddenly killed and collapsed.

Before we fully understood what was going on, more than half of them were already dead or injured.

When the old man came to his senses, Qishan had already thrown him out, and he fell heavily to the ground, creating a deep pit.

It has to be said that the body of a warrior at this level is very strong, but even so, the middle-aged man is still spitting blood.

Was thrown out and seriously injured.

The current Gaoshan is already terrifyingly powerful after being double-enhanced by the Qinchuan Twelve Flowers God's Table and the Formation God's Table.

Lu Guangzong rushed forward angrily.

The old man was exhausted.

The battle situation was doomed from the beginning, so the Palace of Rules was overwhelmed and unable to withstand it. Dozens of people in the Palace of War were like sharp knives. Wherever they rushed, they were immediately defeated.

The Hall of Rules was confused. When did the Temple of War become so powerful? You must know that the people who came this time were the backbone of the Hall of Rules.

But now he is vulnerable. What is going on?

But now the old man doesn't even have time to consider this question. He has reached the end of his strength.

"We admit defeat and we are willing to compensate!" the old man shouted loudly

It's a pity that no one paid attention to him.

You have come here to exterminate the whole family, and why are you admitting defeat? Why don't you show off your face? It's really a joke and it's unforgivable.

Some people are ready to escape now.

Qin Chuan directly played the forbidden bead.

The entire War Temple is completely shrouded.

There is no way to run away.

Qin Chuan had given him a chance before, but they still wanted to destroy the family, so these people must die.

Those who couldn't run were desperate, and most of them were pale and frightened, but there were also many people who chose to fight, because there was still a glimmer of hope if they tried, and if they didn't fight, they would die. They walked all the way on the edge of the knife, and it was natural to see them. It's clear, it stimulates the bloody spirit, even if it's better to have someone to support you before you die.

But they also know that there is no point in trying their best, and nothing can be changed.

The battle lasted for a quarter of an hour.

Within a quarter of an hour, the dust settled.

Everyone cleaned the battlefield together, Qin Chuan also joined in, and finally burned it directly.

Only some mustard seeds and the like were left, and then rinsed and cleaned. After an hour, the place returned to its original state. Even the air was fresh and natural, as if nothing had happened here.

In the evening, everyone got together to eat. Fan Wan cooked, ate together, and discussed some things.

The Temple of War often discusses something at the dinner table.

Now Qin Chuan's status has unknowingly reached a level that is almost equal to that of Wu Qingxue.

After all, Qin Chuan had relied on Qin Chuan to get through the difficulties these few times without causing any harm to the Temple of War, and he had also saved five people before.

Qin Chuan also has a very good personality. Everyone likes him. Both men and women are very close to Qin Chuan. This is the charm of his personality. He has the ability to be unassuming, is kind to others, is enthusiastic, and does not stand out. Only he can handle big things.

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