Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1512: Constraint of thoughts, storm in Beitang

Let's eat together. On Qin Chuan's right is Ye Qingge.

Wu Qingxue sat on the left side of Qin Chuan, and on the other side of Wu Qingxue was Bai Yulong.

Everyone sat together. Today's battle also made the God of War realize a lot. For example, the God of War is not that weak. Of course, the premise is that Qin Chuan is there.

This immediately reflects the importance of Qin Chuan, a being who can change the sect.

Wu Qingxue knew before that if the outside world knew about Qin Chuan's terrifying ability, they would probably take Qin Chuan away at all costs. As long as Qin Chuan is there, he will be an extremely terrifying trump card.

We all had a great time chatting, after all, this was a disaster.

This experience has also made everyone more united, living and dying together. We were already very united, but now we are even closer like a family.

"Qin Chuan, after so many people died in the Rules Hall this time, we will definitely not give up." Wu Qingxue said.

Qin Chuan thought for a while: "The soldiers will block the water and cover up the soil. At worst, we will start a war. We are not afraid of them."

Wu Qingxue nodded and said nothing more. Now she felt that Linhai City was not afraid of those big forces in the Northern Empire.

Most people actually have a strong attachment to the Temple of War. Now that they see how powerful the Temple of War is, they are naturally very happy. Everyone hopes that their family will be strong, their sect will be strong, and their country will be strong.

He leaned against a big tree to enjoy the shade, but if he was not strong enough, he would be targeted and humiliated, and he might be killed at any time.

Qin Chuan's heart was not as relaxed as it seemed.

The Hall of Rules must know that this is done by the God of War. If you don't even have this ability, it will be impossible to stand as one of the top forces in the Northern Xinjiang Empire.

After suffering such a big loss, the other party must find out what happened.

If some strong men might have ignored it before, but now that so many people have died, they must investigate and see what's going on.

So Qin Chuan set up a formation in the Temple of War just in case.

There is no way, Qin Chuan relies on formations, and Qin Chuan rarely deploys formations unless there is a certain danger.

Ye Qingcheng accompanied Qin Chuan in setting up the formation.

People in the War Temple knew that Qin Chuan was setting up the formation, and Wu Qingxue would come to see him several times a day.

Qin Chuan would teach Ye Qingcheng when setting up the formation, because he found that Ye Qingcheng was a half-assed formation mage.

But now with the guidance of Qin Chuan, a formation master, she has naturally made rapid progress, especially in many places where Ye Qingcheng set up formations by hand, and Qin Chuan just told her how to do it.

Sometimes it's just like this. If you try it, you will learn a lot of things without a teacher. It's better to try it once than to listen to it a thousand times. That's the truth.

Ye Qingcheng's participation made the formation much slower. Qin Chuan increased the time. In this way, the time spent was not much longer.

Over time, Ye Qingcheng's progress has been huge.

Many places can be revealed with just one click. If one place is cleared, it will cause a chain reaction. The next step, the next step, and the next step will continue to understand. It feels really good. Suddenly, it feels like the formation is not that difficult. There are many Everything is lit up and it looks so simple.

Arrays that used to feel extremely cumbersome. When I saw others being able to set up cumbersome formations, I would be very envious, or feel that they were amazing because they could set up large formations so easily.

Now that I understand and master it, I find that it is so simple.

Ye Qingcheng was so excited that he even forgot to eat and sleep.

This made Qin Chuan feel funny. He actually didn't have much interest in it, just because he had the Golden Eyes and Haoran Hegemony. If he could learn such complicated things by himself, he really didn't know if he could do it.

Ye Qingcheng is very smart, and he seems to really like formations. They say that only if you like it, you can do it well. If you don't like it, it is basically impossible to do it well.

Three days later!

After the formation was arranged, Qin Chuan felt relieved. With the formation, he felt at ease.

The last time I killed many people in the Hall of Rules, as long as the other party had some brains, they would generally not act rashly again.

Qin Chuan originally wanted to take time to go back. After all, he hadn't been home for a long time. He wanted to go home to see his parents, grandparents, Mu Yuwu, Langyuan and their daughter, and Yuan Suyanjun.

The last time he came back was just in time, so Qin Chuan didn't dare to leave easily now.

Otherwise, if something happens, it will be a lifelong regret.

Unknowingly, ten days have passed, and there is still no movement. Even some people in the Temple of War have gradually forgotten what happened in the Hall of Rules.

Qin Chuan knew that this calm was only temporary, and there must be movement in the Hall of Rules.

Half a month later, on this day, someone came to the Temple of War.

Just one person, a middle-aged man.

He is personable, handsome and elegant, with a smile on his face, like a Confucian scholar.

Wu Qingxue brought Qin Chuan to see the other party.

Qin Chuan did not refuse. When he saw this man, Qin Chuan felt as if his whole body was tied up with ropes. This feeling was very clear and absolutely true.

Bound by thoughts!

Qin Chuan knows this ability. It is a very powerful ability. It can even kill people invisibly. Of course, this is only in legends. Thoughts can only interfere, can only make the target suffer and be restrained, and cannot directly kill people. Even this is just Every illusion, a false feeling.

Just like Qin Chuan now, he feels like he is being restrained, as if he is tied by a rope. It just doesn't feel real, but the impact on people is still huge.

If the other party takes action at this time, it will definitely be very dangerous.

Qin Chuan looked at each other, and the middle-aged man also looked at Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan broke the opponent's restraints. This ability was still not enough in front of Qin Chuan, and he was even a little tricked. However, Qin Chuan did not fight back, he just resolved it, as if he didn't feel it.

"My name is Beitang Fengyun, the great elder of the Rules Hall." The man said with a smile.

"I wonder why Elder Beitang is here?" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Haha, Brother Qin is very interesting." Beitang Fengyun said with a smile.

"Really? Where did this sentence come from?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Brother Qin, please open the skylight and speak frankly. I will talk to you on behalf of the Hall of Rules." Beitang Fengyun said.

"I wonder what Elder Beitang wants to say?"

"I don't know if you believe it or not, I have a way to kill you, or you don't believe it, but I have a way to kill everyone in the War Temple, including your wife and her." Beitang Fengyun finally pointed at Wu Qingxue and said.

"I hate people threatening me the most," Qin Chuan said.

"Me too, so the people who threatened me are dead." Beitang Fengyun said with a smile.

"That means you are here to die." Qin Chuan said.

"Then it depends on whether you have the ability to keep me here." Beitang Fengyun looked at Qin Chuan, his deep eyes becoming demonic.

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