Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1513 The decision of the Rules Palace

"Then it depends on whether you have the ability to keep me here." Beitang Fengyun looked at Qin Chuan, his deep eyes becoming demonic.

Qin Chuan didn't like Beitang Fengyun at all. This kind of approach that she thought was smart and the extreme means she used to easily control others made Qin Chuan particularly disgusted and made her have murderous intentions.

Many times, one is clever but misled by cleverness.

Qin Chuan looked at Beitang Fengyun: "I may not have this ability now, but I can destroy your entire family including the Rules Hall in the future."

If you threaten me, then I can also scare you, not to scare you. Qin Chuan believes that he must have this ability in the future. Now he is just to put pressure on the other party. As long as he does not die, the other party will not do anything to the people around him in the end, otherwise he will wait to destroy the family. .

Beitang Fengyun looked at Qin Chuan very seriously, with murderous intent bursting out in his eyes without hiding it. He stared at Qin Chuan. He could still see something about this young man. He was very evil. They said don't bully young people who are poor, because no one can I don’t know how high a person’s achievements will be in the future, especially young people.

"You have killed so many people in my Rule Hall. I need you to give me an explanation. People cannot die in vain." Beitang Fengyun said.

"You want an explanation? I still have to explain to the rules of the palace. You are so embarrassed to come. Now that you are here, you can give me an explanation in the Temple of War!" Qin Chuan frowned and said.

"You killed so many of my people, and you want me to give you an explanation?" Beitang Fengyun's anger rose.

"What will you do if the God of War sneak attacks the people in the Hall of Rules, seriously injuring five of you and taking away your treasures? If this is not enough, seriously injuring five of you and taking away your treasures, will you also go to your sect to take away a few people who resisted? ? What will you do? It’s not enough for another large number of people to come to destroy the rules of your palace. Is it enough? If it’s not enough for someone to go to the palace of rules to ask you for an explanation, what will you do to this person? " Qin Chuan said lightly.

What Qin Chuan said was naturally to change the situation of the War Temple and the Rules Temple.

Beitang Fengyun naturally knew this and frowned slightly. To be honest, he felt that the Rules Hall had gone too far.

But sometimes, it is not a mistake to make a mistake by yourself, whether to help relatives or not, strength determines everything.

But now the God of War, who had not paid much attention to it, now seems not that simple, especially this young man, who is aggressive, or refuses to give in, which makes him a little unsure. After all, there are only two possibilities for such a situation.

The first one is arrogant, ignorant of the heights of the world, and thinks that he is the best in the world.

the second,

There is support and a terrifying trump card, enough to control and occupy.

Based on his many years of experience in looking at people, this young man is not an arrogant person, so he feels that it is the second possibility. In this case, he really does not dare to act without authorization.

Because it was not easy for him to get to where he is today. He is not afraid of death. When he reaches this state, it is like what ordinary people say, knowing destiny at fifty.

Beitang Fengyun could feel Qin Chuan's threat. He didn't want to take any risks, but the Rules Palace asked him to handle this matter. Now he is in trouble.

Qin Chuan looked at Beitang Fengyun calmly, with a confident look, which made Beitang Fengyun dare not act rashly.

Not everyone can scare others. To scare people, you must first have the ability to scare people, and secondly, it must be true and false, which requires coincidence and strong psychological quality.

Because at the real juncture of life and death, there are very few people who can keep their expressions calm and calm. No matter how great their achievements are, the fear of death is an instinct ingrained in their bones.

Of course, we are only talking about fear of death. Many people are not afraid of death sometimes. For example, when their relatives and children are bullied, many people are really not afraid of life and death at that time.

When I say I'm afraid of death, I mean I don't want to risk my life because of my mistakes in decision-making, or because of unnecessary unnecessary death.

This is something that smart people should avoid. There are too many things that capsize in the gutter, and that is something that cannot be settled in peace.

He struggled, never expecting that one day he would be hindered by a young man.

This step is not easy to overcome.

"Do you know what it means to bully someone too much? If you are still struggling like this, you will die sooner or later. Either fight or leave. I don't have time to waste time with you here." Qin Chuan glanced at this man.

He knew that the other party no longer had the courage to fight.

Beitang Fengyun clenched his hands into fists, but he just didn't have the courage to take this step.

"It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, I have a 60% chance of killing you, but you don't have a 10% chance of killing me." Qin Chuan said lightly.

This sentence made Beitang Fengyun leave.

I left without hesitation.

Qin Chuan was also relieved in his heart. In fact, Qin Chuan was really afraid that the other party would take action. The strength of the Great Elder of the Hall Rules was still very terrifying. It was because of his terrifying strength and good vision that he could feel Qin Chuan's difference.

This is also how you can scare the other person.

Qin Chuan was afraid that the other party would take action. He was afraid that the other party would really attack Ye Qingcheng crazily, just in case something went wrong.

After all, he is not 100% sure of controlling the other party now.

Although there is a formation, I don't know if the formation can block the opponent Qin Chuan. In short, I don't want to take risks, and I don't want to force the opponent to jump over the wall. The conflict with the rules hall can be resolved later.


You still have to work hard to improve your cultivation. The Northern Empire is a place of right and wrong. If you don't have strength, you will be bullied and even die without a burial place.

And at the same time!

In an extremely luxurious mansion in the capital of the Northern Xinjiang Empire, Beitang Fengyun stood in front of an old man.

The old man's face was a bit ugly, and he looked at Beitang Fengyun: "You were just scared back by him?"

Beitang Fengyun had a natural look on his face and bowed slightly: "Palace Master, there is no need for us to offend this young man. Besides, it was our fault from the beginning to the end. He is a monster, and he may surpass everyone in the Northern Xinjiang Empire in a short time. "

"You are the great elder of the Hall of Rules. I just found out today that you are really too timid. Even if a young boy is a monster, he is still in the realm of a powerful person. If you destroy him, geniuses are the most likely to die young. Otherwise, why are there so few geniuses? I will give you a chance now, and I will not force you to get rid of that young man and kill some people in the Temple of War. Or I will replace you with someone else, but you have to let go of the great elder. You choose." The old man said slowly.

Beitang Fengyun nodded slowly: "I will give up my position as the Great Elder."

The old man, who is also the master of the Rules Hall, looked at Beitang Fengyun: "Hey, I'm actually optimistic about you. Let's do this. You can rest in the sect during this period."

"Okay!" Beitang Fengfu bowed and left.

After a while, a tough-looking man walked in.

"Palace Master!" The man saluted respectfully.

"Yuhu, the opportunity has come." The old man said slowly.

p.s. Many places here are flooded. The flood is less than ten miles away from us. There will be heavy rain today. The factory is on holiday and the kindergarten is on holiday. We have prepared dry food at home...

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