Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1514: Ye Qingcheng breaks through, his thoughts are difficult...

"Yuhu, the opportunity has come." The old man said slowly.

Yuhu is the elder in the Presbyterian Church second only to Beitang Fengyun and the master of the Rules Hall. He has always wanted to replace Beitang Fengyun.

But Beitang Fengyun has a high prestige, and the Rules Hall is divided into two or three factions. Beitang Fengyun is very close to a deputy hall master.

This time, I took advantage of this opportunity to replace the position of the great elder of Beitang Fengyun.

"Thank you, Palace Master!" The man bowed respectfully and said excitedly.

"Okay, you are the person I value, but you have to do things beautifully this time, otherwise it will be difficult for me to speak in front of that person." The old man said.

"Palace Master, don't worry, I will do my job well and no one will get a clue." The man said.

"Okay, pack up and leave tomorrow." The palace master smiled.

The man left, and a relaxed smile appeared on the face of the palace master. The position of the Great Elder is really too important. The Council of Elders is the core force of a sect.

Everyone in the War Temple is practicing. Ye Qingcheng made a breakthrough today. It was the first life-and-death disaster in the semi-immortal realm.

The peak realm of half-immortal.

This breakthrough has greatly improved the strength, which also shows how powerful the life and death calamity is. After surviving the life and death calamity, it is really like being reborn. Every time is a huge leap.

Now Ye Qingcheng has joined the Temple of War.

Wu Qingxue also passed on the remaining God of War inheritance to Ye Qingcheng.

Qin Chuan frowned slightly when he found out.

He didn't like women who were too scheming. Ye Qingcheng specially explained to Qin Chuan, saying that he asked for it and that his sister had no intentions towards her, nor towards Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan still felt that Ye Qingcheng was too naive. Although he said he believed it, he was still a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Although Qin Chuan also feels that Wu Qingxue is a good person, who dares to say that he will definitely understand a woman?

Qin Chuan, who knew this, didn't say anything on the surface, but he always felt a little unhappy in his heart.

So he went out,

Came to the top of a mountain.

"Do you think I'm very scheming?" came the voice that belonged only to Wu Qingxue.

Qin Chuan turned around and saw her standing next to him.

The breeze blowing on the top of the mountain is very refreshing and makes me feel much better.

Qin Chuan shook his head.

"I know you must miss me so much, Qin Chuan, do you think I will be scheming towards you?" Wu Qingxue said softly.

Qin Chuan said nothing.

"Are you disappointed in me?" Wu Qingxue looked lonely, turned around slightly, and prepared to leave.

"Aunt Xue, why are you doing this?" Qin Chuan frowned.

"Qin Chuan, I never thought of taking advantage of you. If you think I took advantage of you that day, please believe me. I don't even know." Wu Qingxue looked back at Qin Chuan, her eyes sparkling.

Qin Chuan sighed, walked to her and sat down: "Sit down and let's take a look at the scenery together!"

Wu Qingxue was stunned for a moment, then sat down next to him.

"I think you are disappointed in me, not that I am disappointed in you." Qin Chuan couldn't help seeing Wu Qingxue's current appearance. She now looked like a child who had not grown up.

In fact, Qin Chuan no longer had the same thoughts as before, or maybe he was too sensitive.

"Qin Chuan, do you know that when I saw you like that just now, I suddenly felt that you were so far away from me, and I felt as if the sky was getting dark. I won't be sad if anyone doubts my motives, but you doubt me, I really It’s very sad, very sad.”

Wu Qingxue hugged her knees and said softly.

It was the first time Qin Chuan saw her so weak, and what exactly did he mean by these words.

"Aunt Xue, because I care about you and you are my relative, I feel a little uncomfortable. Can I apologize to you?" Qin Chuan said carefully.

"As long as you don't doubt me, it's fine. You are my relative. I really regard you as my relative, my dearest relative. If you doubt me, I feel very sad." Wu Qingxue said softly, looking up at Qin Chuan. .

The pear blossoms are raining, and the circles under my eyes are red.

Qin Chuan didn't expect that she would have such a big reaction. He suddenly thought of something. He had advised her not to act rashly and tell him if she had anything to say. She agreed. It seems that the reason why she reacted so weakly was because of this. It might be related.

Seeing her like this, Qin Chuan was a little at a loss.

"Don't cry, don't cry, I didn't do anything, Aunt Xue, my dear aunt..." Qin Chuan was at a loss.

Wu Qingxue might have been depressed for too long, so she threw herself into Qin Chuan's arms and cried.

Qin Chuan had no choice but to hold her and let her cry until she had enough.

It's been suppressed for too long.

After a long time, Wu Qingxue stopped. Qin Chuan's clothes were wet somewhere on his chest.

Wu Qingxue felt better and said softly: "I'm sorry!"

"Aunt Xue, relax, don't be so burdened. It was my fault before, and I apologize to you." Qin Chuan said.

"It's my fault. In fact, the main reason this time is that Sister Qingcheng and I are sworn sisters, just like biological sisters, and she said she wanted to stay in the Temple of War. I also advised her to think carefully and said she could follow you, but she I'm sure, so I joined the God of War. I have the benefits of the War God's inheritance. If I don't give it to her, who can I give it to?" Wu Qingxue said and looked at Qin Chuan resentfully.

Qin Chuan realized that he really blamed her wrongly. Qin Chuan could still feel this.

At this time, Wu Qingxue found that she was still lying in his arms and left in a panic.

His embrace is really warm.

She found that she didn't hate him at all, and even liked his scent. Thinking of these things, her face turned slightly red, and she shook her head slightly. She couldn't think randomly. She had done something wrong last time, and she couldn't make any more mistakes, otherwise she wouldn't even have her relatives. Gotta do it.

Wu Qingxue left.

Qin Chuan kept watching her figure leave, shook his head, and stopped himself from thinking about her. Qin Chuan had no feelings for Wu Qingxue. He only had memories of his childhood. He was a fellow villager. If he were in Panshi Town, he would probably not be able to talk to her anymore. I won’t say anything.

When you come here, you will naturally become close to each other. This is like meeting an old friend in a foreign country, and you will naturally become good friends, very good friends.

Qin Chuan strengthened the formation in the past two days, and Ye Qingcheng also accompanied Qin Chuan, very happy and quiet.

This is a considerate woman who has nothing to say to Qin Chuan. She always thinks about Qin Chuan and never thinks about herself.

In her words, as long as Qin Chuan is good, she will be fine.

This made Qin Chuan very touched, because this sentence was not like what many people just said, just to please the other party, but Ye Qingcheng was different, she really came from the heart, which is why Qin Chuan didn't want to provoke her at first, but now he I really love her from the bottom of my heart.

Mature, charming, enchanting and dignified, sometimes like a little girl, she was sitting on the grass, and Qin Chuan was resting on her thigh, bathing in the warm sunshine, very comfortable.

Ye Qingcheng gently massaged Qin Chuan's head with his fingers. Her technique was very good. He smelled the fragrance on her body. This was a smell that only belonged to her. It smelled particularly good and made Qin Chuan feel indescribable. Enjoy, relax, all worries disappear.

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