Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1567 Sikong Tenglong came, in a panic

"Where is she now?" Qin Chuan said.

Qin Chuan naturally asked about Jinxiu.

"They are still in their own courtyard, but they are being guarded and their cultivation has been temporarily disabled. I can't beat them. Brother, please help Sister Jinxiu." The little demon looked at Qin Chuan pitifully.

"Let's go and take a look!" Qin Chuan said.

"Well, by the way, brother, are you confident?" Xiao Yao looked at Qin Chuan.

"No?" Qin Chuan said simply.

"Brother, wouldn't I be harming you by doing this?" the little demon said after stopping his struggle.

On one side is the sister, on the other side is the brother.

"Who told you to be my sister? Let's go." Qin Chuan took the lead and walked out.

The little demon gritted his teeth and walked out.

When we arrived at the Jinxiu courtyard, we found that there were four people guarding the entrance of the courtyard, two people were guarding the door, and two people were drinking and chatting. They looked middle-aged.

"Hey, the reinforcements are here. Isn't this Qin Chuan? It seems you don't want to rest for a few days." A man looked at Qin Chuan and Xiaoyao with a smile, without even standing up.

Qin Chuan ignored them and walked directly towards the small courtyard with Xiao Yao.

"Stop, outsiders are not allowed in here, otherwise they will be killed without mercy." He walked to the door and was stopped by the two standing guards.

Xiaoyao and Jinxiu are not in the same courtyard, but they are next to each other. They could go in when they were alone before, but now they can't go in because they are with Qin Chuan.

"Get out of the way, I'm going to find Sister Jinxiu!" Xiaoyao frowned.

Qin Chuan took action very simply.

Bang bang!

Qin Chuan also took action out of anger, so he directly said that the two people were seriously injured and unconscious.

The other two people ran away as soon as they saw it, not even paying attention to the two unconscious people on the ground.

Qin Chuan and Xiaoyao walked into the courtyard and saw Jinxiu.

Jinxiu smiled lightly when she saw Qin Chuan and Xiao Yao.

She was still so calm, as if she didn't feel that the situation in front of her was dangerous at all.

Jinxiu looked at Qin Chuan and said softly: "You go, they won't let you go."

"What will you do if I leave? If you really like to marry that person, I will leave." Qin Chuan looked at her and said.

Jinxiu lowered her head slightly: "I don't want to owe you anything, let alone take risks for me."

"Haha!" Qin Chuan laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Jinxiu looked up at Qin Chuan and asked.

"I'm laughing at you, silly girl, silly woman."

"You're stupid!" Jinxiu glared at Qin Chuan angrily.

"You're so sentimental, forget it, I'm a compassionate person, even a kitten or puppy will help. Buddha said saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, so I'll just do it for this seven-level pagoda."

Jinxiu glared at Qin Chuan angrily: "You are the puppy."

"Sister, please don't be angry with your brother." Xiao Yao said.

"Hey, the Taiyin Sect is basically the Taiyin Sect of the Sikong family." Jinxiu sighed and said.

"What? Accept your fate." Qin Chuan asked.

"I miss this world very much, Qin Chuan, let's go. If I can live, I will definitely change my life style." Jinxiu said softly.

Qin Chuan knew that she had already begun to contemplate death.

"I said you were a stupid girl, a stupid woman, and you still don't want to admit it." Qin Chuan smiled.

"You're still laughing!" Jinxiu looked at Qin Chuan angrily.

"Okay, I really don't care about this poison. Bring your hand." Qin Chuan said.

"What are you going to do?" Jinxiu took a step back instinctively.

Qin Chuan shook his head: "I'm not interested in you. I'll help you detoxify!"

"you you……"

Jinxiu angrily handed her hand to Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan grasped the warm little hand, which was as white as jade, well, it should be said to be warm jade, as warm and cool as jade, and it was very comfortable to hold.

Jinxiu's face was very red, she trembled slightly and lowered her head.

Qin Chuan began to expel the poisonous gas from her body with sacred energy. Under the golden eyes, the so-called poisonous gas had no way to escape, and was soon forced out of her body by Qin Chuan.

And Jinxiu's cultivation level naturally recovered.

Looking at Qin Chuan, Jinxiu gradually calmed down.

"What should we do? They should arrive soon." Jinxiu said.

"Don't be afraid, we also have a backer." Qin Chuan said.

Soon, a group of people arrived and surrounded the small courtyard. Qin Chuan was not worried and walked out with Jinxiu and Xiaoyao.

The leader was an extremely handsome young man. There were nearly a hundred people surrounding the small courtyard, most of them were middle-aged men, and there were also two old men.

Qin Chuan looked at the young leader opposite with a sneer. He had already guessed the identity of the other person.

Sikong Tenglong.

Sikong Zhuo was not among them.

Invitations to the Sikong family have been sent out a long time ago. Sikong Zhuo and Jinxiu are getting married. Sikong Zhuo is Sina, so he naturally needs to prepare well and prepare well. He also needs to entertain some friends who come to congratulate him.

Qin Chuan looked at these people and said nothing. He was waiting for the other party's movement.

"Miss Jinxiu, what's wrong with marrying into the Sikong family?" Sikong Tenglong asked with a frown.

Jinxiu didn't speak, but looked at Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan had no choice but to stand up as he was the only man here.

"Are all the Sikong family fools like you?" Qin Chuan asked.

Sikong Tenglong glanced at Qin Chuan sharply, staring at Qin Chuan like a sharp sword: "I want you to live a few more days, but you don't know how to cherish it. In this case, you can die."

"I don't want to talk to idiots." Qin Chuan was speechless and said disdainfully.

Sikong Tenglong's body trembled, and his figure flashed towards Qin Chuan.

"I will kill you today!" Sikong Tenglong shouted angrily.

"Don't hide if you have the guts!" Qin Chuan stretched out his hand and struck out.

Golden Dragon Vine!

Sikong Tenglong felt cold all over his body, and an extremely dangerous aura appeared.

Divine Eyes Immortal Power!

The wrath of the divine pupil!

Wrap, lock!

Nine steps against heaven!

A holy blow!

Dragon Leopard Beast, Dragon Baby, Treasure Beast King Kong Rat!

Diamond Dragon Claw!


Qinchuan's attacks were crazy and intensive, almost airtight.

This time Qin Chuan had no reservations, and his violent attack suddenly put Sikong Tenglong into a passive position of being beaten.

Sikong Tenglong, who had been hit by a sacred blow before, lost all his opportunities.

Qin Chuan seized the opportunity and cooperated with several treasure beasts to suppress Sikong Tenglong in an instant.

Especially a few treasure beasts and baby dragons.

The precious beasts dragon and leopard beast, the precious beast King Kong rat, the precious beast white jade tiger, and the baby dragon are all taken action.

Since we are going to fight, we are absolutely afraid of fighting.

After three rounds, Sikong Tenglong's body was already stained with blood, and he was dodging and dodging desperately.

He even shouted for others to join him.

There were many people coming. Seeing that Sikong Tenglong was forced into this situation, he started to intercept Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan was intercepted, but Qin Chuan's several treasure beasts and baby dragons were still able to evade those who intercepted him and continue to chase Sikong Tenglong.

More and more people were watching, and then they saw this scene.

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