Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1568: The head of the Sikong family, the strange man Zhang 9...

More and more people were watching, and then they saw this scene.

Everyone was extremely surprised and shocked.

This is Sikong Tenglong, the number one in the inner sect, but now he is forced to run for his life by several monsters from Qinchuan...

This has almost become the most beautiful scenery.

Qin Chuan was now wearing the armor of the God of War, holding the Forged God Sword and Hammer in his hand. He was standing in front of the two women. Three people were already dead in front of him, killed by Qin Chuan using the yin and yang fire.

This made other people avoid approaching, and Qin Chuan did not pursue him.

He just wanted to teach Sikong Tenglong a profound lesson.

At this time, Sikong Tenglong's soul was almost leaving his body.

Several treasure beasts and baby dragons could easily hurt Sikong Tenglong. At this time, his body was almost covered with injuries and he almost died several times. He felt like he had hit a ghost today.

He ran to Sikong's house without his life, and was already badly injured.

But at this time, several treasure beasts and baby dragons returned.

At this time, the great elder and his party appeared, and a group of elders were also there. Then the great elder spoke: "Take them all away, and those who resist will have their cultivation abolished."

This time, these people did not dare to resist and were taken away obediently.

Qin Chuan smiled and said to the great elder: "Old man, it's a good thing you're here, otherwise our lives might not be saved."

The great elder shook his head: "The Sikong family is so outrageous!"

"Old man, how could this happen?" Qin Chuan asked.

The great elder sighed: "Needless to say, the younger generation of the Sikong family. Sikong Tenglong and Sikong Zhuo are both dragons among men. This is not the most important thing. Although the younger generation is the future, what we are looking at now is the previous generation, and the Sikong family Geniuses have really emerged in these generations, and the current head of the Sikong family has completely surpassed the leader in strength. In addition, the ancestor of the Sikong family is still here, so he is a powerful one."

No wonder the Sikong family can be so unscrupulous, it turns out they are confident.

"Old man, you have captured so many Sikong family members, will they cause trouble for you?" Qin Chuan asked.

“The Sikong family won’t take action against me yet.

"The great elder shook his head and said.

Qin Chuan also feels that things are a bit tricky now. Others may not be afraid, but that ancestor must be an extremely terrifying existence.

"Old man, do you think the ancestor of the Sikong family will take action?" Qin Chuan asked worriedly.

The great elder smiled: "Basically not, he will only take action when the life and death of the Taiyin Sect or the Sikong family is at stake. Therefore, as long as the Taiyin Sect and the Sikong family are both present, the old man will not take action."

Qin Chuan laughed when he heard this and knew the reason why the great elder and others dared to confront the Sikong family.

As long as he is here, even if the head of the Sikong family comes, he will not get any benefits.

The incident this time was actually quite big. Sikong Tenglong had less than half his life left when he returned to Sikong's house. The most important thing was that his courage was frightened.

But Qin Chuan's reputation has really come into being this time. Although Qin Chuan's name is not on the ranking monument, Qin Chuan is now truly the number one inner disciple, and even the number one among the younger generation.

At this time, the Sikong family was very gloomy.

The head of the Sikong family looked at his pale son lying on the bed. This was his proudest son, the strongest of the younger generation, but now he was almost beaten to death.

Who is he, the head of the Sikong family, and the Taiyin Sect can be said to be his, but now his son's life is almost lost, which makes him very angry.

"Brother, how is Tenglong?" A young man walked in and asked.

"The injury is no longer serious, but it has been mentally affected. This will have a big impact on future cultivation. It still depends on recovery?" said the head of the Sikong family.

"This Qin Chuan is so brave. I'm going to kill him." After saying this, the young man turned around and left.

"Lao Liu!" the head of the Sikong family shouted.

The young man stopped.

"It's not that simple here. The great elder has a hand in it." The head of the Sikong family said.

"Brother, your strength can stabilize the great elders. Do we need to be afraid of them?" the young man said.

"This is not a question of whether you are afraid or not. It is not as simple as you think. The Great Elder has a strong foundation in the Taiyin Sect. The ancestor does not care about worldly affairs. So what if I can barely defeat the Great Elder? Can I really kill him? That way The Taiyin Sect will definitely be in chaos. At that time, many forces will want to fish in troubled waters, and the Taiyin Sect will be in danger at that time." said the head of the Sikong family.

"Is this the end of it?" the young man said unwillingly.

"Of course not. That young man must be eliminated, but we can't do it blatantly."

"Well, he must die, otherwise no one can stop his rise in the future." The young man said.

"Brother, how do we get rid of him?" the young man asked curiously.

"Half a month later, there will be a martial arts exchange between the Taiyin Sect and the Sun Sect. There is a strange man in the Sun Sect named Zhang Jiu Ming. As his name suggests, it is said that he has nine lives. Every time he dies, his strength will double. You go When the Taiyin Sect found him, I told him that as long as he helped us get rid of Qin Chuan, we would agree to his terms."

The head of the Sikong family said.

The young man didn't ask any conditions, he just agreed and left.

The great elder finally let go of those members of the Sikong family.

The matter seemed to have ended like this.

However, Qin Chuan's reputation was completely established, and he became famous in the Taiyin Sect.

There seems to be someone who is adding to the excitement, causing Qin Chuan's name to spread quickly. At least in the huge Taiyin Sect, everyone knows about it.

Qin Chuan always felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know where.

Until he got the news about the martial arts exchange between Taiyin Sect and Sun Sect, Qin Chuan seemed to vaguely know something.

This is a feeling, but Qin Chuan still has some basis.

Qin Chuan felt that someone was deliberately targeting him due to the rapid spread of his reputation in the martial arts exchange.

Qinchuan's life is very ordinary, with a library, a small courtyard, and cultivation.

Jinxiu and Xiaoyao basically have to go to Qinchuan for a meal in two days at most.

Qin Chuan didn't bother to worry about it, so he just did more when he came.

Qin Chuan is very happy that the first level of the Semi-Immortal Realm has been stabilized. This is very important. It means that the foundation of the Semi-Immortal Realm has been laid.

This is crucial.

The little demon didn't come today, but Jinxiu came.

This was the first time, and Qin Chuan was a little surprised.

"Little Demon has something to do and is unable to come." Jinxiu said a little embarrassed.

Although the two of them are very familiar with each other now, the little demon is usually present. During this period, the two of them have almost never been alone together.

"Well, what do you want to eat?" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Anything is fine!" Jinxiu said.

"It's so easy to make a living!" Qin Chuan said casually.

"You can't say anything nice!" Jinxiu gave Qin Chuan a slightly angry look.

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