Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,730: Earth Spirit Immortal Grass, Heavenly Powerful One

After taking over, only Qin Chuan and the others had the opportunity to see the so-called snow jade lava cave.

This is an important resource of the Demon Gate Temple. Although there are experts stationed here every day, it is actually relatively safe here.

It is not far from the Demon Gate Temple, and the influence of the Demon Gate Temple is still very strong. No one dares to come here to make trouble. After all, if they are caught, the consequences will be serious.

So it is actually very safe to come here to guard normally.

But Qin Chuan and the others came a little differently this time, because as expected, this was another conspiracy.

After all, the Demon Lord's status is a bit special. Even if the Great Elder wants to touch Qin Chuan, he can't do it unscrupulously, so he needs to find some reason.

If there was no Demon Lord, they wouldn't need to go to such trouble.

In fact, the people guarding the Snow Jade Lava Cave cannot enter and can only look outside. There are restrictions and formations here. There are formations at the entrance of the cave. In fact, the guards here are to prevent people from destroying the formations, or breaking the formations and forcefully. Chuang et al.

Important resources are protected by formations.

It was easy for Qin Chuan to go in and take a look, but after thinking about it, he resisted the idea. After all, the other party was looking for trouble for him, and his current strength was still a bit low. It was better to stay calm in the current situation.

A few people sat down and discussed some things. This was only the first day of three days, so basically nothing would happen.

In principle, no, but they didn't dare to be careless. Qin Chuan thought for a while and set up a formation at the entrance of the cave. The formation was not activated. The reason for this was to cope with accidents.

Qin Chuan, who was bored at night, looked around and thought it would be better to go in and take a look.

Once this thought occurs, it becomes uncontrollable.

"You guys keep an eye on it, I'll go in and take a look." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Jun Wushuang smiled: "Be careful!"

"Don't worry!" Qin Chuan nodded and walked in.

I have to say that this formation is actually very powerful, but it is a pity that it is like a fake in front of Qin Chuan. He easily passed through and walked into the Snow Jade Lava Cave.

Well, it's such a big pool. It's in a cave, shrouded in clouds and mist, and full of spiritual energy. It's scary.

Even just practicing here is a good harvest.

But obviously the most precious thing here should be the snow-white droplets in this pool, which are snow jade lava crystal milk.

Snow jade lava crystal milk!

Good thing, this pool is not big, but it is not small either. Now there is a small half of the pool. This thing should be used for bathing. I shook my head. It is a bit small now. Besides, even if I have the courage to take a dip now, the opportunity is not suitable. While you're waiting for others to defend below, you might be able to come in, take a dip, and leave...

This snow jade lava cave is not very big. In fact, it is just a natural stalactite cave.

Stalactite caves are also distinguished by quality. For example, the one in front of him is the best that Qin Chuan has ever seen. It is much better than what he has seen before.

He looked at Qin Chuan and planned to leave, but at this moment, Qin Chuan accidentally saw the bottom of the pool with his golden eyes, which should be several meters deep under the bottom of the pool.

There is a thing somewhere.

This is a milky white grass with a faint white halo on it.

Most people can't really see it, because the ground below the pool is all white, blocking it. If Qin Chuan's golden pupil hadn't been powerful enough, it would have been hard to spot.

Earth Spirit Immortal Grass!

Good thing, this is the Immortal Realm. If something can carry the word "immortal", if it is a good thing, it will definitely be the best.

This Earth Spirit Immortal Grass is a natural treasure, a very good natural treasure.

Because the Earth Spirit Immortal Grass can guarantee 100% success when breaking through to the Venerable, Lord or even higher levels, it is unimaginable how precious this Earth Spirit Immortal Grass is.

After discovering it, Qin Chuan had no reason not to take it away, so he took it easily. This was an unexpected gain and a huge gain.

Looking at the snow jade lava crystal milk in the pool, I resisted the idea of ​​taking it away now and walked out.

Seeing Qin Chuan coming out so quickly, Jun Wushuang and the others didn't ask anything.

Everyone stayed vigil, and whoever wanted to rest could rest. It was only three days, and it wouldn't have any impact on them if they didn't sleep.

The first night passed without any surprises.

It was boring, but the four of them didn't drink or anything. After all, it was not allowed during duty.

The second night there were heavy clouds of pollution.

Qin Chuan frowned. The dark clouds were a bit strange. It seemed that someone was proficient in the way of heaven and attracted the nearby dark clouds.

This is a warrior who controls the way of heaven and is also a warrior with considerable cultivation.

Hua Hua...

It rained heavily in an instant, the sky became pitch black, and the entire surrounding area instantly became invisible.

This kind of blackness is not ordinary black. Even if you light a torch, it cannot illuminate the surrounding area.

What's more, it's pouring rain, and the torch can't light up.

The strength of Qin Chuan and others is pretty good. The Golden Eyes prevented Qin Chuan from having vision problems. Qin Chuan activated the Holy Buddha Five Elements Formation.

Buddha’s insight!

The formation greatly enhances the vision of several people. Although the strength of Jun Wushuang and others will still be affected, it is not as serious as before.

Since it is man-made, someone will definitely come, and it seems that there will still be a tough battle to be fought today, but Qin Chuan is not very worried.

Thirteen Flower Goddess.

A figure appeared in the dark night sky.

Jun Wushuang and others couldn't see it, one was because of the distance, and the other was because the opponent's camouflage ability was too strong.

But Qin Chuan still saw it. The other person seemed to blend into the night. He could not tell his age, but Qin Chuan knew that he was an old man, at least he could barely join the ranks of old men.

The other party's eyes were as bright as two stars in the dark night, but they were black. Most of them were blocked in the dark night, and only Qin Chuan could see them.

"He has appeared. Don't panic. He is a little far away now. If he is close, you can see it. Don't rush to attack." Qin Chuan communicated in a way that only four people could hear.

The other party could accurately find the positions of Qin Chuan and several others in the dark night, and rushed over. He made no sound or trace as he ran, and even in the pouring rain, not a drop of water touched his body.

This is not the other party’s treasure, this is the way of heaven, the body of heaven cultivated.

It turns out that without doing anything, the fallen leaves will not stick to it, and the mosquitoes will not fall.

Soon the other party stopped not far from Qinchuan, and Jun Wushuang and the others also saw it.

This was an old man with an ordinary appearance. I don’t know whether it was because of his pride or some other reason, but he didn’t wear a mask or disguise himself.

"Who are you?" Jun Wushuang asked.

"Kill your people!" the old man said.

"Since you are killing us, there must be a reason!" Jun Wushuang said with a frown.

"I never need a reason to kill. Okay, are you ready?" the old man's voice came calmly.

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