Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,731 The extremely powerful old man

Qin Chuan frowned, this old man was really talking crazy.

But the other party does have arrogant capital.

Qin Chuan looked at him with a sneer, unable to feel the other party's true strength, and asked: "Brother, can you feel the other party's strength?"

Jun Wushuang nodded: "Yes, but I'm really surprised. The increase you gave me is already terrifying, but I didn't expect that even if it was like this, the other party would be at least better than me. I'm really curious about where the other party comes from."

This made Qin Chuan stunned. Needless to say, Jun Wushuang's strength was unexpected. After being boosted like this, he was still at least one level behind his opponent.

Although he was a little short, Qin Chuan felt relieved, now that the opponent would have no problem fighting.

"Have you ever thought you would die?" Qin Chuan asked, looking at the old man opposite.

"Death, everyone will die, but you can't kill me." The old man said confidently or arrogantly.

"I'm just assuming, if you knew you were going to die today, what would you do?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Of course I will run." The old man said honestly.

"I'll give you a chance now. You don't have to run. Just walk away now." Qin Chuan said.

"Are you telling a joke?" The old man looked at Qin Chuan coldly.

"I'm giving you another chance. It's only this time. It's up to you whether you can seize it or not." Qin Chuan said.

"Okay, let's stop talking so much. It's time to send you on your way." The old man didn't take Qin Chuan's words seriously at all.

Qin Chuan smiled: "Brother, prepare to take action. I'll hold the line for you."

Jun Wushuang nodded and stepped forward to confront the old man seriously.

"I don't know whether to live or die!" The old man snorted coldly, flashed his figure, and rushed directly towards Jun Wushuang.

He is like the devil in the night.

The moment he stood up, Qin Chuan's eyes flashed with golden light.

Divine Eyes Immortal Power!

The seven-story demon-suppressing fairy tower.

All of a sudden, 30% of the opponent's strength was weakened.

He was originally stronger than Jun Wushuang, or a little more, but his strength was suddenly reduced by 30%, which directly caused his strength to drop a lot.

The degree of this decline is terrifying, and this is no longer a problem.

Slightly inferior, in fact, only a small amount of strength.

And weakening it by 30% directly and completely separates the high and low, and the gap is huge.

Boom boom!

Jun Wushuang and the old man fought together.

The old man was shocked at the moment he was weakened, but it was too late at this time, so he could only fight against Jun Wushuang.

Jun Wushuang knew that he was not as good as his opponent, so he used all his strength.

After being weakened by Qin Chuan, Jun Wushuang naturally had the upper hand in this confrontation. He blasted out with one move and pushed the old man back at once, and the retreat was more powerful.

Jun Wushuang was stunned.

But the old man was not surprised. After all, his strength had been weakened a lot.

This suddenly made him panic. After all, the reason why he was confident before was because of his absolute crushing strength, especially because he had the right time and place.

"Interesting, but this is not enough!" The old man showed a cold smile.

The downpour in the sky became heavier.

The night is getting darker, and the wind and thunder are roaring and raging.

The old man's strength suddenly increased, and he looked like a ghost in the darkness.

His speed.

Five Elements Suppression!

The Holy Buddha's Five Elements Formation is really useful when used to suppress the Five Elements.

Buddha roars!

Qin Chuan let out a Buddha roar.

Today's Buddha's roar ability is also extraordinary, definitely different from what it used to be.

An unexpected move shocked the old man.

The old man was surrounded in the middle.

Although Qinchuan's level is quite different from that of his opponent, Qinchuan's current resistance is very strong, and Jun Wushuang is in front of him, so Qinchuan can also use some of his methods.

But this old man is really too strong, especially in the way of heaven.

A blow from heaven!

The sky suddenly lit up, and a brilliant halo seemed to come from the clouds in the sky, and also seemed to come from the distant starry sky.

As if he was resonating, the old man's momentum suddenly increased.

Take advantage of the situation!

Borrowing the power of heaven is just like water flowing to a lower place, such as a stream. You don't feel anything. If it is replaced by a rushing river, it is actually borrowing from the terrain. If it is stronger, a waterfall of ten thousand feet is also borrowing from the terrain.

The old man's ability to borrow the power of heaven is similar to this kind of ability. If used to the extreme, it would be unimaginably terrifying. The legendary god-man could just use the power of heaven and earth to move mountains and seas with ease.

So it's scary to take advantage of the momentum. Of course, the premise is to borrow enough momentum, which is too difficult.

The old man's attack was still very powerful, and Jun Wushuang's expression changed slightly.

At this time, Qin Chuan had already summoned the Blood Emperor Bone Puppet, so he directly let the Blood Emperor Bone Puppet push forward.


The noise caused by this blow was very, very loud.

The surrounding rocks collapsed, and huge ravines appeared on the ground.

Qin Chuan looked at the Blood Emperor Bone worriedly, and was relieved to see that the Blood Emperor Bone was now at the first level of the Venerable Realm, but it completely withstood the blow and did not suffer any damage.

The old man was also stunned. He couldn't bear the sudden appearance of the big guy. It was crucial for him to take advantage of the opportunity to strike. After all, it cost a lot to take advantage of the opportunity. He barely managed to hit the target three times with such an attack. Such attacks failed to destroy the target.

The huge figure of the Blood King Bone rushed over, opened and closed, and suddenly attacked.

The Blood Emperor Bone's attack may not threaten the opponent, but the Blood Emperor Bone has the Qi of the Seven Evils in it.

This still poses a certain threat to the elderly, and the longer it lasts, the worse it will be.

The battle seemed short, just a confrontation, but the tension between the two sides was extremely tense. No one was taking it easy, and there was a feeling of even strength.

The old man didn't need his killing move, so he couldn't do anything to Qin Chuan and the others.

Using the ultimate move, the big guy seems to be able to block it.

For a moment, I couldn't get off the tiger. I continued to fight, but I was not sure.

But he was unwilling to leave like this. Now he didn't even know the main situation of the other party. He didn't even think about accepting this task before, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult.

Gritting his teeth, he rushed towards Qin Chuan and the others again. This time, his target changed and he stared at Qin Chuan.

Because the mission this time is to kill Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan immediately felt chills all over his body, and he calmly called out the baby dragon.

He also kept the golden bell in his hand in case of emergency.

Besides, Qin Chuan had a death-avoidance talisman, so he was sure to save his life. The reason why he didn't show his trump card was because he wanted to kill the opponent.

The old man moved.

This time it was as fast as lightning, like a ray of light, rushing directly towards Qin Chuan.

Heaven and earth resonate, white light flashes.

Qin Chuan's golden eyes could see clearly, but for the first time he found that his body could not keep up with his eyes. He could see the old man's movements clearly, but his body seemed to be in slow motion.

It's going to happen!

As soon as this thought flashed, Qin Chuan saw the diamond beads in the hands of the Five Elements Formation of the Holy Buddha.

His eyes lit up.

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