Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,752 The White Tiger Holy Cult is crushing

The opponent only attacks the strong ones, destroying sects and disappearing families wherever they go.

This came very suddenly, and this force was familiar yet unfamiliar, because everyone had heard the name, but very few people had come into contact with it. Coming from the West, it is the White Tiger Holy Cult from the West. It is a giant existence. It is definitely a terrifying existence in this world, especially there are several people among them, the more famous one is the White Tiger Star Lord.

The White Tiger Star Lord is at least a Star Lord according to his name. I don't know if he is the leader of the White Tiger Holy Cult, but he has become an iconic figure of the White Tiger Holy Cult.

This crazy killing by the White Tiger Holy Cult is also related to the special inheritance of the White Tiger Holy Cult.

The Western God White Tiger is the main killer. There are rumors that the White Tiger God Lord, the White Tiger Killer God, the White Tiger Evil God, the White Tiger True Lord, etc., all entered the Tao through killing. They are natural warriors with truly superior actual combat strength.

Many people are speculating about the attitude of the Yin family this time. Is there any relationship between the Yin family and the White Tiger Sect?

Qin Chuan also felt that it was a bit tricky. After all, the White Tiger Sect was very powerful, and the only one that could contain the White Tiger Sect was the Qinglong Immortal Sect in the East.

The White Tiger Sect and the Qinglong Immortal Sect are the two largest sects in this world, and one is in the east and the other is in the west. There has always been a competitive relationship between the two sects.

The location of the Demon Sect Temple is very awkward. It belongs to the neutral area. Normally, this area belongs to no one. The buffer zone is actually the battlefield of the two major sects. It is okay if the two sects do not fight. , once the battle occurs, this area will be the battlefield.

This time the White Tiger Sect is so aggressive, perhaps it is declaring war on the Qinglong Immortal Sect.

But many innocent people died unjustly.

This is the cruelty of the world of sects and the world of warriors. Even if you are a big sect, even if you do nothing, you can suddenly suffer disaster and even die without knowing how.

The major sects notified each other and got together in a hurry, and even sent people to the Qinglong Immortal Sect in the east to ask for help.

At the same time, the master of the Demon Sect Temple was also very anxious, but he thought of Qin Chuan. If the Qinglong Immortal Sect did not come, he might have no choice but to join forces with Qin Chuan, and maybe he could avoid this disaster.

Of course this is just an ideal situation, I really don’t know if it’s possible.

Qin Chuan was a little speechless. It had only been quiet for two months before the birth of the Yin family was resolved. Now there is the White Tiger Holy Sect, and this time the form is very serious. Many sects have chosen to relocate, or leave the sect. Take refuge.

It is very difficult to leave such a large sect. You have to give up a lot of things, and the most important thing is that the cohesion of the sect will be greatly affected. Many people will even leave the sect directly, leaving, and the sect will be disbanded overnight. There are also many.

Cohesion is an important reason for the sect. Another reason is the sect’s treasure pavilion and library resources, especially valuable resources, etc. Many of these things cannot be taken away.

There was still no movement from the Yin family and Tianyi Sect. This time, they had been discussing the matter for a long time but still could not come up with a result.

The person who went to Qinglong Immortal Gate to report the news also had no news.

In fact, to be precise, there is no need to report the news. If the White Tiger Holy Sect does not know about such a big movement, then the Qinglong Immortal Sect is not worthy of being one of the two largest forces.

So now it’s just a matter of whether the Qinglong Immortal Sect is willing to come.

This is a neutral zone after all, so it is natural for Qinglong Immortal Sect to take action and not to take action.

In the end, several sects still had to discuss a countermeasure and could not just sit back and wait for death. Qin Chuan was now setting up a formation, and it was a large formation that enveloped the entire Demon Sect Temple.

In terms of time, I don’t know if it’s too late, but I must try it. The formation is the biggest guarantee, and Qinchuan also has the formation-devouring beast. The physique and the divine beast formation eye stone can make the formation reach an absolutely terrifying state. .

Qin Chuan was busy, but the situation outside was getting more and more serious. Nuo Xue and others had already pushed to the Demon Gate Temple.

Although many people did not believe in Qin Chuan's formation ability, many people still retreated to the Demon Sect Temple.

However, there are also many people who believe in their own sect's formation masters, so they stick to their own sect and feel safer in their own sect.

Two days have passed, and Qin Chuan's formation has been completed more than half. This is the result of his working day and night and not daring to stop for a moment.

We had just received the news and started setting up the formation immediately, but now it would take at least two days to complete the formation.

But I had just received news that the White Tiger Holy Cult had appeared thousands of miles away.

Thousands of miles may seem like a long distance to ordinary people, but to a warrior with a powerful mount, it really only takes a moment.

However, there are many sects on this land of thousands of miles, and even if they sweep across, they will slow down. It is not a problem to delay for a day, but Qin Chuan still needs almost two days.

But regardless of this, Qin Chuan still insisted on setting up the formation.

The Demon Lord has been looking at Qin Chuan not far away, feeling sorry for him.

Although Qin Chuan has enough energy, it is nothing to go without sleep for a few days and nights, but not using the formation is still very draining of energy and energy, not to mention it is such a large formation, she can't help, she can only watch from a short distance He looked at Qin Chuan and supported him mentally.

The materials are all the best and most precious. When Qin Chuan set up the formation, he kept a careful eye on it, that is, first lay out the rough outline and then slowly fill it in.

Now most of them have been filled in, only some hidden positions need to be continued, because only then can they be considered perfect and impregnable in Qin Chuan's eyes.

Now it can only block people who don't understand the formation. If people who are proficient in the formation can see it, they can find the flaws.

So Qin Chuan is now eliminating these flaws and making the formation reach an absolutely perfect level. This time the formation is related to the life and death of himself and many people.

And just today, the sect that did not come to the Demon Sect Temple was destroyed. It was the sect that felt that its sect's formation was good.

The opponent has powerful formation-breaking masters.

It happened to be dark, and the people of the White Tiger Temple were less than a hundred miles away from the Demon Sect Temple. This area was the gathering place of the sects, and their sphere of influence did not include this area.

The sphere of influence is the distribution of interests, and this area is where the sects and aristocratic families gather. It is like the imperial city of a country. The imperial city does not belong to anyone. The sects and aristocratic families are all in the imperial city. Even the imperial family cannot be said to own the imperial city. .

This world can truly become a generation of great emperors. There are very few people who dominate one side. Many are just an interest group. There are even sects behind the empire, and there are many who can compete with this sect. Therefore, the relationships here are complicated and they are all working hard. Survive, climb up, and try your best to make your own survival better.

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