Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,753 The troops are approaching the city, and the complicated promise...

The White Tiger Holy Cult is approaching, and many people are panicking. After all, this is a time of life and death. A normal person is not afraid of death. He just wants to see whether death is meaningful, such as for his parents, family, women, children, etc. Many people are not afraid of death and can fight tooth and nail.

No one is afraid of dying for no reason, and no one wants to die. But at this time, others are like Daozu, and I am like fish. Although I haven't really reached that stage yet, I'm almost there.

The best thing you can do now is to prevent the opponent from catching you.

I don't know if he will come tonight. If he comes tonight, it will be troublesome. If he comes tomorrow, Qin Chuan will almost complete the formation.

So now we have to postpone it until dawn.

But soon a wave of people came.

There are not many people on the other side, only about twenty people. It seems that the other side plans to use these twenty people to destroy the Demon Sect Temple.

Twenty people were all wearing white tiger uniforms, including a dozen old men and a dozen middle-aged Anren. They came directly in a strange formation. Looking at the form in front of them, one of the old men frowned slightly.

"What's wrong, Third Elder?" asked a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged Anren has a slender figure and handsome appearance, but his eyes have a faint red light, making the whole person look full of animality and wildness.

"The opponent has a formation, and the formation is very clever, but there are flaws. The flaws are very strange. This flaw seems to have been left on purpose. There are powerful formation masters in the opponent's camp, so everyone should be careful and not be reckless." The third elder said slowly, looking at the Demon Sect Temple in front of him.

"Can we break the formation?" the middle-aged man said.

The third elder frowned slightly. He was originally very happy to see a flaw, but such a brilliant formation was so obvious that it made him hesitate. This was a bit unreasonable and more like a trap.

He is a master of formations and has a lot of research on formations. It is completely impossible for such a brilliant formation to have such obvious flaws. If he knew that it was because he did not have time and actually did not arrange it well, would it be possible? Will vomit blood for his own entanglement.

So he hesitated and refused to attack immediately. It was also night now. He had been running all the way with almost no rest. He simply rested in place for a night to see what happened and make a decision tomorrow.

But he didn't know that with his decision, he suddenly lost the possibility of breaking through the formation. This was the only good opportunity, but he missed it because he thought too much and was too cautious.

Qin Chuan is still perfecting the formation quickly, getting faster and faster because there is not much time left for him.

This time the luck can be said to be really good.

Because Qin Chuan worked day and night, and it went very smoothly at the end, it would be fine if he had one more night. Normally it would take until tomorrow afternoon, but now he can be fine tomorrow morning.

The long night passed little by little, and no one could sleep because everyone was afraid that the other party would attack in the middle of the night.

In fact, even if he survives tonight, tomorrow, although he has a certain degree of confidence in Qin Chuan's formation, that confidence is really too small, but now there is no hope except grasping this last straw.

These large sects and powerful forces have consciously formed a team. The opponent only has twenty people. If not, we will directly fight them tomorrow, kill them and flee here directly.

Qin Chuan looked at the east and saw a trace of fish white. It was about to dawn. Qin Chuan took a long breath and the formation was finally completed.

Look at the Demon Lord standing not far away. In fact, Nuo Xue was there before, but at this time, Nuo Xue's figure is still far away and is leaving.

The Demon Lord came over and took Qin Chuan's hand: "Thank you for your hard work!"

"Then why don't you reward me with a reward?" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

The Demon Lord gently stood on tiptoe and kissed Qin Chuan.

But Nuo Xue suddenly turned around for some unknown reason in the distance, and happened to see the scene of the demon kissing Qin Chuan, which made him freeze in the distance.

The two of them kissed deeply, infatuatedly and selflessly, but Nuo Xue was the strong one after all.

The distance is far, but you can see everything very clearly, including the expressions of the two people, even the sucking and intertwining.

The two people kissing could not be seen, but Nuo Xue could see it clearly.

After a while, she came to her senses, and Nuo Xue left. As she walked, she found that her steps were a little unsteady, her body felt hot, and she felt out of breath.

He couldn't describe that feeling. He didn't know what it was like. She had been pure and pure for many years. She was a normal woman. She also thought about finding a man she liked, but as time passed, she found that she couldn't find the man she liked.

She is a perfectionist, so she has always been alone.

Now that she sees Qin Chuan, it doesn't mean that she likes him. In fact, she is still influenced by the Demon Lord. She feels that she is at most on par with the Demon Lord, or even a little bit worse, but Qin Chuan is the Demon Lord's man. .

People are like this sometimes. A title is very important, as well as status. Those who are close to ink are black, and those who are close to red are red. Those who can be friends with strong people are no different, and those who can be friends with good people are no worse. .

A man who could be worthy of the Demon Lord would naturally be worthy of her. She was very curious about the man who could make the Demon Lord willing.

It is said that women cannot be curious about men. Once they are curious, it is the beginning of their downfall.

After a while, Qin Chuan let go of the demon king and looked at the delicate pink face, mature and elegant temperament, porcelain-white jade skin, and bright eyes that were so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes away.

Qin Chuan couldn't help but kiss her eyes. The devil smiled and instinctively closed his eyes.

Qin Chuan was kissing her nose, which made the devil smile softly.

Qin Chuan spoke softly in the Demon Lord's ear, and the Demon Lord smiled sweetly like an immortal from time to time.

Qin Chuan took Demon Lord back, made some delicious food, and had a good meal. He was very tired these days, so he can relax now.

Qin Chuan was still confident in setting up the formation this time, but he still had to go to the front after eating. After all, he was here, and the formation-devouring beast could definitely make the formation impregnable.

In the formation, Qin Chuan was confident that he could play with the opponent. Several treasure beasts, baby dragons, and several treasures in the formation would definitely greatly reduce their combat effectiveness.

Coming to the front, which is the position opposite to the White Tiger Holy Cult, you can see the outside through the formation, but you can't see the inside from the outside. Nuo Xue is here, and her face turned slightly red when she saw Qin Chuan and Demon Lord, but she still Came over with a smile.

"The opponent is already preparing to attack and break the formation." Nuo Xue said.

Qin Chuan smiled: "It's okay, they can't break the formation."

Seeing Qin Chuan's smile, Nuo Xue felt a strange feeling for some reason. She lowered her head calmly and nodded: "I believe you!"

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