Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,757 White Tiger Star Lord, scolding

The Qinglong Immortal Sect and the White Tiger Sect face each other far away. 【Read full text】

A middle-aged man walked out of the Qinglong Immortal Sect. He had an extraordinary bearing and exuded an aura of immortality. He really looked like an immortal, and every step he took was like a dragon swimming around.

He looked towards the White Tiger Holy Cult and spoke slowly: "If you continue to kill more evildoers over and over again, aren't you afraid of being destroyed by the law of heaven?"

And a man also walked out of the White Tiger Holy Cult. He looked middle-aged, had a bit of demonic aura, red eyes, extraordinary appearance, and made a loud noise when he walked around.

"I, of the White Tiger lineage, practice the avenue of killing. Have you ever seen those who practice the avenue of killing being destroyed by heaven because of killing?"

"Okay, in that case, the matter must be solved. How to solve it?" The man from the Qinglong Immortal Sect said calmly.

"One hundred green dragon fruits." said the man from the White Tiger Sect.

"Should I give it to you?" The man from Qinglong Xianmen still said calmly.

"If you don't give it, I will fight over you, and all those who die will be counted on your Qinglong Immortal Sect." The man from the White Tiger Sect said with a smile.

What the White Tiger Holy Cult said is actually true. They don’t feel guilty when they kill people because they follow this path. However, the people they kill will always be counted on some people. After all, everything has a reason, even Some people don't know why a cause and effect can happen.

Practitioners who seize the fortune of heaven and earth and go against heaven will naturally have to endure the calamities of heaven and earth. For example, the calamity of life and death is the most effective restriction. In addition to these, there are also some special calamities, such as three disasters and six calamities. With Qinchuan's current situation, The strength is still out of reach.

"Do you really think that our Qinglong Immortal Sect is afraid of you?" The man from the Qinglong Immortal Sect was also angry. Anyone else would be angry. He would bear the consequences for others for no reason and also give benefits to others. Who would be happy?

"I don't care whether you're afraid of it or not. All I want now is a hundred Green Dragon Fruits, otherwise there will be nothing to worry about. Everyone will see who they are." The man from the White Tiger Sect said a bit rogue.

Qin Chuan has no good impression of this kind of person, and he has no good impression of Qinglong Xianmen. In Qin Chuan's view, there are just two dogs, one is a mad dog, and the other is not a good dog. Just because of Qinglong Xianmen's delay this time Qin Chuan didn't like him at all.

Therefore, it is best for two sects to fight each other, and it is best for both sides to suffer losses.

"Okay, mark it down and I'll continue." The Qinglong Immortal Sect was also angry.

"How about this,

Let's break the formation in the first game. There is a big formation here. Whoever breaks it first will win the first game. "The White Tiger Holy Sect pointed at the Demon Gate Temple and said.

When Qin Chuan heard this, he directly cursed: "Who didn't fasten his pants and let such a shameful thing like you out? You really like breaking the formation, you do it yourself, you piece of shit."

Qin Chuan's words were extremely clear in the world, but after saying these words, the world suddenly became quiet.

"Hahaha!" The Qinglong Immortal Sect burst into laughter.

And everyone in the White Tiger Sect looked ugly. To insult that man was to insult the White Tiger Sect.

"Very good, you are very talented, do you know who I am?" the man said slowly.

"It's none of my business who you are. Do you think that just because you follow the killing method, you can kill people? You can kill people at will. What a piece of shit you are. You really take yourself seriously and you look so complacent. You To put it bluntly, he is just a beast." Qin Chuan said in a leisurely manner, no matter what avenue he takes, Qin Chuan doesn't like people who kill like this, very much.

"I am Lord White Tiger Star!" the man said slowly.

Qin Chuan's sneer voice came: "Do you feel that your title is very prestigious, but now it sounds so damn disgusting to me, more disgusting than seeing dog | shit. As I said, if you have the ability, you can do it yourself Just playing around in the formation, don’t be afraid to be a bitch.”

Qin Chuan was really unhappy, so he couldn't help but cursed. After the scolding, he felt much better.

He felt much better, but Baihu Xingjun was holding back his breath, really a breath, and he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Many people feel happy to be scolded, many people are frightened, and many people are watching the show.

White Tiger Star Lord sneered and said: "Very good, you really think your formation is invincible, I want to see what's so great about it."

Saying that, White Tiger Star Lord rushed towards the formation.

Qin Chuan was not as calm as he appeared. He looked at the master of the Demon Sect Temple.

The old man nodded and entered the formation.

Qin Chuan gave him the Five Elements Formation of the Holy Buddha and the Thirteen Flowers Goddess.

But Qin Chuan was still worried and looked at an old man again. This old man was not from the Demon Sect Temple, but he nodded.

"You always stand here and use your strongest attack every other breath. Just attack the position ten meters in front." Qin Chuan said.

"Okay!" The old man nodded and entered.

Qin Chuan let six people in again, and eight people continued like this.

Lord White Tiger Star entered the formation.

He snorted coldly and waved his hand, blowing away many illusions: "Little tricks!"

Qin Chuan looked at White Tiger Star Lord with a smile. The opponent's strength was really terrifying, so Qin Chuan directly used the Golden Eyes and the seven-story Demon Suppressing Immortal Tower.

Dayang's hand covers the sky with the divine dragon seal!

Qin Chuan stood in a special position and directly launched a shocking attack. It was also Qin Chuan's strongest all-round attack.

But this time Qin Chuan did not want to hurt his opponent, but just wanted to hit the Yang in the opponent's body.

With normal yang power, Qin Chuan couldn't defeat the opponent's yang. After all, the strength gap was a bit big.

The sun from heaven and earth converged, dragons chanted and swords rang, and a huge handprint, carrying a dragon shadow and a divine sword, came pressing down, covering the sky and the sun.

Star Lord White Tiger looked at this powerful attack and shook his head slightly. He didn't even block it and allowed the attack to fall on him.

The previous weakening ability shocked him.

After all, if the strength is reduced by 30%, no matter what level of strength it is, it will be shocked.

Qin Chuan smiled slightly, and then struck again, still the Great Yang Hand Covering the Sky Divine Dragon Seal!

Lord White Tiger Star frowned slightly, it's like a fly, it can't cause you any harm, but it's very annoying.

But he has no choice now. He will definitely crush the opponent to death after breaking the formation.

Baihu Xingjun understands the formation, but only slightly. His confidence in entering the formation is based on his confidence in his own strength. Besides, even if he cannot break the formation, he can escape intact.

So he comes in.

But he soon discovered something was wrong. The formation was full of murderous intent, and the aura in front of it fluctuated very strongly. This aura made him dare not take it lightly.

As soon as he stepped out, he could have raised his hand, but he found that it was blocked.

Just when he thought he was hallucinating.


A palm hit him.

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