Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,758: Return without success, angry

A palm hit Baihu Xingjun. 【】

He was beaten until he staggered back.

This is the main attack of the Demon Sect Temple. After being boosted by Qin Chuan, even a real hit on him would only make the opponent stagger back. This White Tiger Star Lord is really extremely powerful.

It is much stronger than the strongest existence here.

There is no comparison at all, so all Qin Chuan can do now is to scare the opponent away.

However, Qin Chuan also has some abilities of his own. Whether or not he should show them depends on the situation.

The opponent will definitely not be able to break the formation, Qin Chuan can be sure, so what he has to do now is to deal a blow to the opponent, preferably injuring the opponent, but Qin Chuan knows that it will be difficult.

Qinchuan's hitting the sun turns stone into gold and ice bursts.

Lord White Tiger Star doesn't take it seriously at all. He won't refuse anyone who comes, and will let you beat him.

The level of Ice Explosion is low and has no slowing effect.

But the current Midas touch is at the semi-god level. Unexpectedly, this power seems to be particularly effective against White Tiger Star Lord.

Demigod level, instantaneous, basically Qin Chuan has never encountered anyone who can avoid the Midas touch and turn it into gold. Unfortunately, he has never been able to truly turn the opponent into gold stone.

It's a pity that it cannot be accumulated, but it is difficult for the target to get rid of this influence.

With the current strength of White Tiger Star Lord, he has not been able to resolve it for so long, so it seems that it cannot be resolved.

The Immortal Power of the Divine Eyes cannot be resolved. The seven-story Demon Suppressing Immortal Tower can be resolved in principle, but it is not easy to resolve it.

Coupled with Qin Chuan's constant hitting, Baihu Xingjun is now a little irritable. His strength has dropped a lot. The most important thing is that his speed has dropped by at least 40%, and he can't suppress the irritation in his heart.

The master of the Demon Gate Temple was also very shocked. After all, he was very confident in his own strength after being boosted. He even felt that he could fight against the White Tiger Star Lord alone, but once they met, he found that there was a huge difference.

You must know that in addition to the realm gap between warriors, there is also a gap in actual combat strength. If the gap is large, beings of the same realm can be instantly killed. For example, Qin Chuan can now easily kill beings of the same realm instantly.

This White Tiger Star Lord is not only at a high level, but also extremely powerful in actual combat. Even if the Master of the Demon Sect Temple is exposed to such a presence and is amplified, he still cannot be on par with the White Tiger Star Lord.

The White Tiger Star Lord is extremely talented, a legend, and famous far and wide. All of this is not unreasonable. This is his heritage, his confidence and confidence.

If there were no formation obstacles, Baihu Xingjun could easily crush the Demon Sect Temple alone.

But now he can't break through this formation, and the longer he stays in the formation, the more and more irritated he becomes. He only feels that he is irritable because he cannot break the formation, and he has never thought that it is actually related to Yang.

His physical condition is declining, and his irritability is due to mild physical discomfort.

The eight people who entered followed Qin Chuan's request and did not take the initiative. As long as they delayed for time, they would be victorious.

White Tiger Star Lord couldn't see Qin Chuan in the formation. He looked up and looked around and let out a huge roar, a tiger roar: "If you have the ability, come out and let's fight. I only have one hand, how dare you?"

"I will believe you if you chop off your other hand." Qin Chuan said something that would make people angry even if they died.

White Tiger Star Lord felt like smoke was coming out of his head. He had never hated someone so much. If he could catch Qin Chuan, he would crush him to death without hesitation.

"Do you dare to fight me, ah ah ah!" White Tiger Star Lord roared loudly.

"Don't dare!" Qin Chuan said gloriously.

Everyone: "..."

They have never seen such a shameless person, the one who cursed before. Now that he is such a rogue, many people don't know what Qin Chuan looks like. Although his voice is not unpleasant, they think in their hearts that Qin Chuan must look wretched.

The corners of the Demon Lord's smile raised up, looking at the rogue man beside him, he felt very happy.

And Nuo Xue seemed to realize at this moment that this guy was really good.

"Are you a man?" White Tiger Star Lord roared angrily.

"What does it have to do with you whether I am a man or not? Do you like men? Don't try to meddle with me. I'm disgusting. Please let me vomit for a while before talking." Qin Chuan's words sounded coldly.

The tone was cold and full of disgust, but these words could make the White Tiger Star Lord go crazy.

And this time, countless people finally understood the power of this young man named Qin Chuan.

In the past, I could curse loudly, but now I can curse people without using any curse words, which can make people angry to death.

"I will definitely kill you, no one can save you." Holding back the anger in his heart, White Tiger Star Lord gritted his teeth and said.

"Aside from screaming like a shrew, what else can you do?" Qin Chuan said disdainfully.

Many people feel that the world has changed. They never thought that one day someone would be able to call Ban Bai Hu Xingjun like this, saying that Bai Hu Xingjun is like a shrew. What can he do? He can only bark. Bai Huxing Jun is definitely one of the few in this area. One of the great ones.

He was filled with rage and extremely angry, but there was nothing he could do to help the other party. Moreover, Qin Chuan was still using the Sun-Shielding Divine Dragon Seal to attack the target, which made him even more upset and angry.

I can't hit you, I can't scold you, you can't say I'm angry or not.

Soon, Baihuxingjun's expression changed slightly, and he finally realized that something was wrong. The opponent kept attacking, but it couldn't hurt him, but he kept attacking. Now he knew why, because the Yang in his body was a bit out of balance now.

He was already feeling discomfort in his body, and he couldn't resolve it right away. The opponent's attack continued, and he had to pay attention to it. If he continued like this little by little, in principle, he could kill himself.


There is no other way, we must leave.

He was extremely angry and took out a crystal ball because he found that he couldn't get out if he wanted to by his own ability.

The reason I dared to enter the formation in the first place was because of this crystal ball. It was a one-time use. Even the ancient heavenly formation could come out of it. It could be said to be extremely precious, but it was wasted here.

Baihu Xingjun didn't vomit blood, but he felt more uncomfortable than vomiting blood.

The embarrassed White Tiger Star Lord left the formation without breaking the formation.

At this time, Qin Chuan walked out of the formation, stood in the sky above the Demon Sect Temple, and looked at White Tiger Star Lord: "You can fight as much as you like, don't get involved with us, I hate you the most."

The last sentence was naturally addressed to Lord White Tiger Star.

White Tiger Star Lord almost collapsed.

But from the sounds around him, he knew that Qin Chuan was the person who had been cursing people before.

"Impossible, how can someone who curses be so handsome?"

"Yeah, I thought he was a dirty and wretched guy. This guy is so young and handsome."

"He has a good temperament. I like him. I want to marry him." A mature woman's eyes shone.

"Wake up, auntie!"

"Who are you calling aunt? Your whole family is aunt." The woman looked at the middle-aged man angrily.

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