Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1,759 I am an array mage

Qin Chuan's words were extremely bold.

Now he not only offended the White Tiger Sect, but also almost offended the Qinglong Immortal Sect.

Many people were sweating for Qin Chuan, but he looked around indifferently and waved his hands: "You guys fight. Don't think that just because you are the two largest sects here, you can dominate other people's lives. Maybe you can." , but have you ever heard a word about Buddha, Buddha has mercy on the world, and you can take care of yourself."

The man from Qinglong Xianmen frowned slightly and looked at Qin Chuan, but did not speak. The strength displayed by this young man made him pay attention. At least the other party did not offend him, and there was no need for Qinglong Xianmen to provoke him.

The White Tiger Holy Cult is now in great disgrace.

Saying that, Qin Chuan went back directly.

Baihu Xingjun felt extremely unlucky today. He met a person like Qin Chuan and was blocked by a formation, making it difficult to negotiate terms with the Qinglong Immortal Sect.

After all, being stopped by a demon sect temple was already extremely embarrassing. How could he still have the nerve to confront the Qinglong Immortal Sect?

"Actually, we don't need the Azure Dragon Fruit, but you, the Azure Dragon Immortal Sect, have to agree to a condition." White Tiger Star Lord thought for a while and said.

"Although I don't have to agree to your conditions, please tell me, I'm very curious about what the conditions are." The man from the Qinglong Immortal Sect said.

"If you break this formation, I will kill him with my own hands." White Tiger Star Lord said.

Qin Chuan rubbed his head and said, "I'm so angry with you, you idiot. Should I kill your whole family, or let you eat it? Why can't you live with me like this? Very good, I'm going to kill you today." Speaking of which, you and I, Lord White Tiger Star, will fight until death in this life, and I will destroy anyone from the White Tiger Holy Cult who dares to participate in this matter."

"You little beast, you are not ashamed of your words. If you have the ability, come out and see who lives and who dies." White Tiger Star Lord was also so angry that he started scolding.

"Idiot, listen up. I am a formation master. If I go to fight with you, are you stupid or are you stupid? Do you know why I asked you to come to the formation before? You'd better be careful if you are defeated. Maybe that day I will I'll let you suffocate yourself to death in the formation." Qin Chuan's voice was very cold.

I am an array mage...

Many people were startled by Zhang Yang's tone, because they suddenly thought of the great formation of the Demon Sect Temple, why did this young man dare to curse like this, and why did he dare to say that he would fight until death with the White Tiger Star Lord.

All of this has only one result, and that is that this powerful formation was arranged by him.

This shocked countless people. How powerful this formation was. They knew that even the White Tiger Holy Cult could not break the formation. White Tiger Star Lord could only escape in embarrassment after entering.

The most important thing is that Qin Chuan is very young. At such a young age, his attainments in formations are so terrifying. Given time, how far can he reach? The previous sentence made you suffocate to death in the formation like a curse, and many people were clever.

Because if you are trapped by the formation here in the Demon Sect Temple, you will really be suffocated to death.

"Did you arrange this formation?" Baihuxingjun said with a frown.

"It's none of your business. Remember what I said before. I will fight until death." came Qin Chuan's disdainful voice.

White Tiger Star Lord had one idea at this time, to kill Qin Chuan, so he looked at the man from Qinglong Immortal Sect: "How about it, do you agree to the previous conditions? As long as you help me get rid of him, I owe you a favor."

The man from the Qinglong Immortal Sect is indeed moved. A favor from Lord Baihuxing is quite nice, but he is a smart and understanding person who sees things very clearly. He will not accept this favor.

No matter whether Qin Chuan has that ability or not, he won't want it. After all, he is opposed to the White Tiger Holy Cult. It is a good thing to have Qin Chuan to contain the other party.

"Hahaha, forget it, the Demon Gate Temple is a neutral zone. You have to solve the trouble you caused yourself. And you have forgotten that we are opposites. It can also be said to be a fight to the death. You said I will Can I help you?" The man from Qinglong Immortal Sect was very happy at this time.


Very good, let’s call it a day. I want to see who can have the last laugh. Let’s go! "The White Tiger Holy Cult left directly.

The people of the White Tiger Holy Cult have left!

The Demon Sect Temple breathed a sigh of relief, and other people also left one after another. In fact, everyone now knew that the White Tiger Holy Cult would not kill Qin Chuan and had no intention of killing others.

Qinglong Xianmen is a bit embarrassed now. In the past, he was a savior-like existence wherever he went and was worshiped by many people.

But now almost no one greets them, and they go directly back to their own sect. Now their backbone has become the Demon Sect Temple.

Because Qin Chuan is in the Demon Sect Temple.

The neutral area is gradually gaining cohesion, and some people can even see that there may be a third major force here in the future, an alliance, an existence that can compete with the White Tiger Sect and the Qinglong Immortal Sect.

This time, it was Qin Chuan's formation that saved everyone. Many major sects said goodbye politely to Qin Chuan and the Demon Sect Temple when they left. Needless to say, their attitude was that Qin Chuan saved their lives after all.

What's more, if you have a good relationship with Qinchuan and the Demon Gate Temple, you can take refuge here if there is any dangerous situation in the future, and you can ask the Demon Gate Temple for help.

Now that the limelight is out, Qin Chuan will be under greater pressure in his future life, because Lord White Tiger Star will definitely take action against him unless Qin Chuan never leaves the Demon Sect Temple.

Even if he doesn't leave the Demon Sect Temple, Lord White Tiger Star will definitely find someone to break the formation.

With his strength, he can get in touch with some higher-level people, so he will definitely come. If Qin Chuan is not eliminated, he will probably have trouble sleeping.

What Qin Chuan has to do now is to increase the strength of his side, and the most important thing is to strengthen the acupuncture technique, for example, it can incorporate some special abilities, such as fire and poison.

The other is to refine elixirs to allow some people around you to achieve breakthroughs in strength.

Although these are urgent, they are not urgent and need to be discussed carefully.

After the others left, Qin Chuan also decided to go back and take a rest. He was really tired these days.

The Demon Lord held Qin Chuan's arm and naturally went back with him.

"They will definitely not give up. We must be prepared in advance." Demon Lord said slowly.

"Well, my wife is right." Qin Chuan smiled.

"I'm telling you the truth, be more serious!" The Demon Lord glared at him angrily.

"I just like to see my wife stare, it's pretty."

The Demon Lord shook his head helplessly.

Qin Chuan put away his smile: "Although Lord White Tiger Star will find someone to break the formation immediately, it is not that easy to find, but I will make preparations, and I will try to see how to improve the formation. Also, take a look at the Demon Sect Temple. There’s no powerful prescription, it’s just to increase your strength.”

It would definitely not work before, but it is no problem now. If there is, the master of the Demon Gate Temple will definitely take it out.

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