Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1819: Tree Demon, Sea Spirit Snake

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Qin Chuan was also surprised by Baby Long's reaction. He had been struggling whether to leave or not.

But he also wanted to see what it was that could actually make this place a forbidden area, and also make it devoid of any life. :乐:文:Novel 3w.し


The sound came, but it was very far away. Qin Chuan kept looking for it. This thing was getting closer and closer, and he became more and more uneasy. What on earth was it? He could feel that this thing was approaching him.

The sound sounded like a snake, but no snake was seen.


Qin Chuan shook his head. His golden eyes were still very powerful. Wouldn't he be unable to see snakes, no matter how powerful his hidden ability was?

Suddenly Qin Chuan looked not far away, because he clearly knew where there was nothing before, but now there was an extra tree.

It was just a tree, five or six meters high, not prosperous, very ordinary, no one noticed, and it appeared silently.

Qin Chuan remembered clearly that there were absolutely no trees there before.

This surprised Qin Chuan. He thought of the hissing sound before. It was not a snake, but a branch or a vine. Qin Chuan looked at the tree, and his expression changed when he saw it.

Tree demon!

Because there is a looming and ferocious face on the trunk of the tree, which ordinary people cannot see, even those with special eyes and low level cannot see it.

Suddenly, the tree demon moved directly towards Qin Chuan. It looked unpleasant, but it was indescribably fast.

Qin Chuan directly used the ruler.


He left with the others, but in the wrong direction, moving directly deeper.

This movement made Qin Chuan's heart tremble. There was already a tree demon here, and he didn't know what would appear there.

The tree demon is an ancient monster. They belong to the tree people clan, but they absorbed the demonic energy of the demons of heaven and earth, transformed into demons, and became tree demons.

This is a powerful race,

In addition to many powerful beings in our ancestors, the tree body, the tree of life, and the spiritual roots of heaven and earth are all super beings.

I just don't know why it appears here, Qin Chuan is confused.

But when he left, he seemed to understand, because he felt a kind of fluctuation between heaven and earth, which was a restriction, a restriction specifically aimed at the tree demon.

It seems that a super strong person has appeared here. After all, he is a being who can suppress the tree demon. What is the origin of this big man?

The closest place here before was Guangming City.

Guangming City, in order to protect this place, then what is the origin of the main palace of Guangming City?

Qin Chuan has read a lot of books about mainland races, history, etc., and he knows a lot about the several clans, as well as the tree demons. To suppress the tree demons, seals and formations are generally used.

In addition to directly setting up the formation, there is also a higher level of ability to use the heaven and earth in the formation method.

This has gone beyond the normal formation, which requires great wisdom and vision, otherwise it would not be so easy to use the heaven and the earth.

Ordinary people destroy their strength and practice their muscles and bones. This is ordinary people, ordinary people, practitioners. What they practice is Qi, the vitality of heaven and earth. People may rely on breathing and breathing Qi. This is actually not a kind of cultivation.

Practitioners only strengthen their own Qi, which is an existence far beyond ordinary people.

But there is also a kind of existence like saints of heaven and earth. They are called the darlings of heaven and earth. They can easily draw on the power of heaven and earth. This is wisdom and constitution. Both are indispensable. These people can do it easily and take advantage of the power of heaven and earth. It is used to suppress and attack.

This kind of suppression and attack is terrifying. How terrifying it is. Some of them can move mountains and seas. Think about how terrifying it is. It is an inhuman ability.

So these people were made gods.

According to legend, gods can fall, but their thrones must be filled up. The so-called gods have two origins: the gods, the descendants of gods, and the other is cultivators competing for the godhead and the godship.

Only when you have the godhead can you be considered a god, and only when you have achieved the godhood can you be considered a true god.

According to legend, there are many definitions of what kind of existence God is, but there is no standard answer.

When Qin Chuan saw it at that time, he also hoped that one day he would know what kind of existence God was.

Also, God can perish, that is, die, so it does not mean that God cannot die.

Gods can die, and anyone who knows it will be sad. Since gods can die, what kind of gods are they?

In the eyes of ordinary people, God is just a fantasy.

Have faith and trust in your heart, and God will bless you.

However, only warriors, after reaching a certain level, can understand the existence of another kind of god. Their vitality is super tenacious, with a long life and strong vitality.

After a teleportation, Qin Chuan had better be prepared. As long as there is danger, he will use the second teleportation ruler to leave here immediately. However, this time after teleportation, he arrived at a water area, and the situation looked very big.

This made Qin Chuan wonder whether to stop. There was a sea below, and he could still see the edge, but if he looked at the other sides, he couldn't see the edge.

go back?

This is the sea, and there doesn’t seem to be much to see if we don’t go back.

Qin Chuan was planning to go back, and the others also said to go back, after all, there is nothing here.

Qin Chuan also agreed, nodded and prepared to leave, but swept under the sea.

His face looked weird this time.

Because Qin Chuan discovered something.

There is something under the sea, and it is a living creature, the sea spirit snake.

This thing is proficient in the Five Elements Book, and Qin Chuan once captured the Earth Spirit Snake.

These are spiritual creatures, born from the essence of heaven and earth. They have the same origin as treasure beasts. However, this thing cannot hunt for treasures, but it has more combat effectiveness.

Qin Chuan naturally encountered it and couldn't miss this thing. This thing was only one meter long and about the thickness of a thumb. It was blue in color and could swim quickly in the water.

It's just such a small snake, but it contains huge energy. After all, it was born from the essence of heaven and earth.

The essence of heaven and earth, this is a good thing. The dead things bred by this kind of thing are treasures, the plants are the treasures of heaven and earth, and the living things are treasure beasts, spiritual beasts, etc.

It is very easy for Qin Chuan to catch the Earth Spirit Snake or Sea Spirit Snake now.

In addition, his strength was much weaker, so Qin Chuan was prepared to be captured by strangers.

The strength of this little thing has no effect in Qin Chuan's hands. Of course, Qin Chuan has the Divine Beast Formation Eye Stone. I don't know if it has any effect, but he doesn't plan to use it himself. This thing is a treasure in the hands of strangers.

Chaos furnace!

Qin Chuan took out the chaos furnace.


Very alert, as soon as Qin Chuan took out the chaos furnace, the little thing was ready to run away.

However, Qin Chuan would definitely not let it escape, and rushed forward quickly, the chaos in his hand emitting a bright halo, grand and thick.

Dragon capturer!

Snakes are afraid of dragons, and Qinchuan's dragon spirit is very domineering.

Because he was not strong enough, he was quickly caught by Qin Chuan and placed in the Chaos Furnace.

This can be considered a good harvest, and Qin Chuan feels balanced...

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