Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1820 Treasure Hunting in the Sea

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This is also a good harvest. Once it is included in the Chaos Furnace, it will be much easier to tame it. Worth your collection

Qin Chuan held the stranger's hand and began to tame this sea spirit snake, carving the brand and carving it with its essence and blood.

Qin Chuan stood behind the stranger, holding her hand, while the stranger was leaning in his arms. The lines of her back, especially the lines of her waist and hips, were the arc that made people's blood boil.

Perfect, enchanting.

Ruoyouruowu's touch made Qin Chuan feel a little distracted, and the stranger naturally felt it. He was a little panicked and a little shy, but there was also a trace of inexplicable impulse and joy.

Although there has been no progress between Qin Chuan and the stranger these days, there is no intimate action, and they don't even hold hands much, but the relationship between the two people is gradually changing. For example, the stranger has slowly let go. I will deliberately care about what I have done.

She cherished and cherished this hard-won warmth. She never dreamed that this day would come, so she now felt that her life had never been as good as it is now.

Even if this day only lasts for one day, he is content.

Taming successful!

The sea spirit snake was swimming around the stranger, flying around her affectionately. The stranger was very happy, especially when Qin Chuan gave it to her.

What kind of existence is this sea area? There is such a treasure as the Sea Spirit Divine Snake.

The sea area that can breed the sea spirit snake is certainly not comparable to ordinary sea areas, so Qin Chuan prepared to take a good look here, and Jun Wushuang and others also stopped.

Several treasure beasts have already entered the sea. The treasure beasts are all proficient in the five elements, especially the dragon baby, Long Congyun, who can go to the sky and go to the sea, with stronger fighting power, and the Xuan Water Turtle. Qin Chuan and his group are standing on the Xuan Water Turtle at this time. On the back of a water turtle.

The huge black water turtle was now like a small island, swimming slowly in the sea. The speed was deliberately slowed down, and everyone looked around.

Qin Chuan actually wanted to see if there were any treasures.

After all, the sea spirit snake can be born here.

The Hai Ling snake body was also put into the sea to look for something good.

The golden pupil is cast,

It completely enveloped the surroundings. After what happened before, Qin Chuan also knew that his Golden Eyes were not omnipotent, but there were definitely very few people who could escape the Golden Eyes.

There is no danger. This sea area is full of spiritual energy, with many fish and shrimps, as well as many good medicinal herbs and some rare fish.

A few people got some and cooked a delicious meal, which was pretty good.

Danger is usually in the deep sea, and of course treasures are also in the deep sea, so Qin Chuan asked a few treasure beasts to search for them. They walked slowly on the backs of Xuan Shui turtles and watched the scenery on the sea.

The sky is clear, the sun is shining, the wind is gentle, and the weather is really good. Not far away, there is a high mountain in the sea, with jade in a hurry. This mountain is the nearby huge mountain range that spreads into the sea, but it also shows that the foundation of this mountain is how thick.

Now they are making some food on this mountain. It feels really good. The top of the mountain overlooking the surrounding sea is also a visual enjoyment.

Qin Chuan's breakthrough in the formation still failed to create the God's Realm Teleportation Stone.

The fourteenth-level formation was still not enough, which made Qin Chuan understand that his formation was still far behind. It might be good at this stage, but a frog in a well would never know how big the outside world is.

Qin Chuan actually thought that he still couldn't touch the real big world. Maybe his formation could only be regarded as average, and there were many who surpassed him...

I have had adventures, but there are too many people in this world, and there are countless people who have adventures. Everyone will be pretentious, but there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. There is always a level.

Qin Chuan will continue to study. After all, Tianmen's escape is not very safe, so he still needs to carve out county teleportation stones and divine realm teleportation stones.

This is what Qin Chuan hopes. In addition, he hopes that the talisman and formation will break through, so that he can almost break through to the Star Lord realm.

Qin Chuan is currently studying the Talisman Seal, and the progress is going very smoothly, with the Shenlong Talisman Seal as a breakthrough.

Although the progress is going well, it is estimated that it will take some time to break through. This is why Qin Chuan wants to come out and practice, so that he can speed up the breakthrough of the talisman and formation.

Qin Chuan can calm down now. It's not that he is impatient and can't wait. He doesn't even attach much importance to breakthroughs now.

He likes to work steadily, step by step, and accumulate more and more. He believes that he can break through, but sooner or later, and the difference will not be too much.

This is a state of mind and a kind of practice. They say that you can't eat hot tofu if you are anxious. This is the truth. There is no point in being anxious. On the contrary, the more anxious you are, the more likely it is to do bad things. So Qin Chuan always told himself to keep a normal mind.

Haste makes waste. Sometimes if you don't fight or rush, if you don't rush, you can go further faster. There is nothing missing.

Suddenly, a message came from the precious beast King Kong Rat.

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up and he smiled at the others: "Let's go and see if it's a treasure."

Others are also a little excited. After all, everyone is instinctively curious about treasures. After all, what is the relationship between everyone, and whoever gets the treasure will be happy. After all, they are in the same camp in the future and now, and the Qin brothers are nothing more than that, and they have been together in these years. They have a good friendship and can understand their respective personalities. These are people who can be brothers for life.

So Qin Chuan would not hide it from them and take them with him.

If the treasure is suitable for other people, Qin Chuan will not hesitate and will definitely give it to others, but if it is suitable for him, he will not be polite.

Qin Chuan pulled the stranger into the sea and swam toward the deep sea.

Qin Chuan is also considered to be proficient in the five elements. Five of the nine divine dragon positions are in the five elements, so he can be said to be at ease in the water. Within a certain range around him, the water automatically disperses, and they seem to be in a water ball.

The stranger looked around happily. He could touch the fish and shrimp, but the water would not fall.

Several other people are also near Qinchuan. Qinchuan's ability range is not very large, but it is not very small either. It is about thirty square meters in size. It is not large, but it is not very small either.

The sea is calm, but as you go down, the current is very strong, but it has no effect on Qinchuan. This ability has the advantage of being like a protective shield.

With rapid currents, whirlpools, and some like black holes of death, the world under the sea is very dangerous, a different kind of danger.

Legend has it that there are so-called gods above the nine heavens. There are humans, powerful cultivators, and some monsters on the earth. But in the sea world, there are also some extremely terrifying beings, such as the legendary mermaid clan, sea dragon clan, and sea gods. A clan, the mysterious sea, that world is even bigger than the land, and it is full of crises, but it also contains countless treasures.

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