Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1821 Phoenix Crystal Coffin, the real woman...

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The underwater world is more mysterious, more prosperous and dangerous, but in general there is very little interaction with the human race or the so-called god race. `乐`文`Novel`www.し

Of course, it may be due to Qinchuan's level of reasons. Different paths lead to the same destination. In fact, it is said that many of the powerful people in the underwater world live on land or even on the so-called Nine Heavens.

Above the Nine Heavens, Qin Chuan has always felt out of reach. It was a legendary existence. Qin Chuan didn't know whether it was still in the Nine Realms.

In his opinion, God's Domain, since God's Domain can be called God's Domain, it means that there are so-called gods somewhere. It is said that the gods live above the Nine Heavens. Doesn't that mean that there is still a God's Domain above the Nine Heavens.

There are still nine heavens above, that place is too mysterious, and it is still mysterious to go to the underwater world. At least everyone knows about the ocean, the sea creatures, and the aquatic creatures at least have some basis.

But what about the so-called Nine Heavens, such as the moon and the Moon Palace? It is said that there is land above the Nine Heavens. There are many palaces and temples. Wherever there is more spiritual energy, where the environment is more beautiful, where the people are better qualified, where The monsters, fairy beasts, and vicious beasts are even more terrifying...

If this place really exists, Qin Chuan will definitely go and see it, for sure, but it is very far away and seems a bit unrealistic at the moment. The most practical thing now is to quickly improve his strength and enter the divine domain first.

Qin Chuan has always felt that the Divine Realm is a huge martial arts platform, the world, if there really is some kind of terrifying world above the Nine Heavens and some underwater world, then the Divine Realm is definitely a special existence, such as a bridge connecting the Nine Heavens Above and the underwater world.

The divine domain has the Nine Domains Temple, the Nine Domains Demon Gate, the Demonic Dragon Palace, the Sea Dragon Point, the City of Gods...

The more he thought about these things and practiced the so-called world of gods and men, Qin Chuan felt that finding a special place in the God's Realm was very special. This made Qin Chuan want to go to the God's Realm quickly because Master Chu Qingzhu and Emperor Tantai Qing were there.

He was afraid that some young genius would appear, a son of God, a demon saint, or something like that. If these people had an idea for them, Qin Chuan couldn't stand it when he thought about it. It seemed that the sooner he could go to God's Realm, the better. Besides, what's so exciting about it? It also attracted him.

About half an hour later, we stopped in a mountain under the sea.

This is an underwater mountain range, completely in the deep sea. There are many corals on the mountain, which looks very beautiful. Many fish gather here.

There are many fish here, and they are also very big and fierce, but they dare not approach them in front of Qinchuan and the others.

Come to the treasure beast King Kong Rat.


This is a small cave entrance. It is so small that only two people can go in side by side. A small halo appears at the entrance of the cave. Water walks in, and the entrance of the cave is fragrant and surrounded by spiritual energy.

Qin Chuan looked at the entrance of the cave, and when he looked in with his golden eyes, he realized that the cave was very deep. It was a dripping stone cave. Is this a cave caused by dripping water, or was it dripping water that appeared in the water.

Because Qin Chuan saw water dripping in several times during this period.

This water drop is not an ordinary water drop. The water drop is as big as a fist, and this water drop is formed from the essence of water. It just goes in.

It's not that the water is dripping down, but that there is something sucking in the cave, which can condense the essence of the river water, and then suck it in and smash through it. After how many years, the water dripping through the stone is a skill.

But now Qin Chuan is curious about what is in this cave that has such great ability and perseverance. Is it a dead thing or a living thing? If it is a dead thing, it is definitely a treasure, and it should be a water treasure.

But if it is a living creature, it is a monster, or even a terrifying existence, such as being sealed somewhere. This reminds Qin Chuan of a time he encountered, when the huge tentacles stretched out under the ice sea, that time It can be said to be extremely dangerous. Thinking about what is under that sea of ​​ice makes Qin Chuan still frightened.

He has always thought about going to see that big thing when he has the strength, but what kind of strength can he go to see?

Qin Chuan really didn't dare to try it easily. He thought he was pretty good at first, but just one of the opponent's thousands of tentacles could make him almost cornered. What if tens of thousands or even millions of such tentacles touch together and get entangled? , I guess the so-called god has only one way to die...

Qin Chuan, because of what happened last time, must be cautious this time and not be careless. Sometimes even life-saving things are useless. After all, most life-saving things can only resist the fatal damage you receive. Once.

But if you are entangled by something, no matter how many life-saving treasures you have, it will be useless, unless it is the kind that can directly protect you and last for a long time to let you leave.

But that kind of treasure is too rare and too precious. Even Qinchuan's most precious gods and Buddhas currently don't have this ability. As for the future, I don't know if Qinchuan will have it, but once, when he was fatally attacked, he directly Rumor has it that it's a dangerous place.

Therefore, the most precious gods and Buddhas are very good among the life-saving treasures, and they are definitely at the top at the moment.

The treasure beast King Kong Rat has gone down.

Qin Chuan shared the vision of the precious beast Vajra Rat, and then followed the Vajra Rat in to see what was going on below.

The precious beast, the Diamond Rat, is only the size of a fist. It is born from the essence of heaven and earth. Its body is definitely not weaker than the artifact. It is not to mention dangerous. As long as there is a hole in your body, once the Diamond Rat gets in, then the gods will also be affected by it. Kill.

What's more, there is also the special skill of drilling holes, the power of which is absolutely terrifying.

Very deep, very deep. How long did the water take to make such a deep hole? Hundreds, thousands of years?

If the thing down there was a living thing, it would make Qin Chuan a little scared.

Well, there are actually restrictions down there, um, very clever restrictions.

This is a super formation, a very large formation, surrounded by a circle of light curtains. The drops of water spirit hit this light curtain, and then the water spirit energy enters and is absorbed.

Qin Chuan was shocked at this time because he saw a crystal coffin with a phoenix carved in it.

So magnificent, so majestic, so tall, the crystal coffin is extremely gorgeous and colorful, with a pair of phoenixes on it, phoenixes and phoenixes, lifelike, and the arrow branches seem to come to life.

But at this time Qin Chuan looked inside the crystal coffin in surprise.

It was a woman, wearing a colorful fairy dress with a phoenix embroidered on it. From Qin Chuan's perspective, this dress was very scary. It was an absolute fairy dress. When Qin Chuan saw this woman's face, I was also stunned.

He has seen many beauties, such as Master Chu Qingzhu, Tantai Huangqing, Yu Luoqing, etc. Especially Master Chu Qingzhu, whose beauty is absolutely unparalleled and she is definitely a real fairy. If Master Chu Qingzhu is a fairy, then the woman in this crystal coffin is a goddess. , a true goddess.

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