Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1948 Beauty, Three Lives on the Lotus Avenue

Qin Chuan didn't take Master Xilong's words to heart at all. He was really not afraid now, but he had better find a backer here first.

This is very important. You must find a backing, leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade. If there is any big trouble, at least someone can help you support it.

But then again, who are you looking for?

In Tianwu Academy, I don’t know anyone except my sister-in-law. In fact, I have never met my sister-in-law. Since I didn’t intend to disturb my sister-in-law when I came here before, naturally I won’t go to find her now, unless I can stand at the top of Tianwu Academy one day, at least And when no one can threaten me, I can recognize my sister-in-law.

Qin Chuan was assigned to the lower class.

The division of classes here leaves Qin Chuan speechless. There are low-level classes, intermediate classes, high-level classes, elite classes, and gifted classes. Of course, there are many low-level classes, many intermediate classes, many high-level classes, and much less elite classes. And gifted classes Just less.

This name is straightforward, leaving Qin Chuan speechless. Maybe this is to inspire everyone, remind everyone, it can also be regarded as a spur and encouragement.

Qin Chuan was assigned to Class 55 at the prefecture level.

Qin Chuan didn't know how many lower-level classes there were, and he didn't ask. He didn't care. Now he had to get familiar with the environment here. He didn't come here to learn, he just came to solve problems.

So it doesn't matter which class you are in, the lower class is better and you won't be targeted.

Qin Chuan arrived midway, and there was suddenly an extra person in the class, who naturally attracted attention.

What's more, he is a handsome young man with white hair.

While others were sizing up Qin Chuan, Qin Chuan was also sizing up the people in this class. There were exactly one hundred people in this class including himself. It seemed that there was only one person missing from this class, so he was placed here.

There are men and women in the class, but there are about thirty women, and the people in this class are relatively young. Only a few look mature, but they are not middle-aged, they are still among young people.

Qin Chuan reported with a sign that the teacher in class was a young woman.

This surprised Qin Chuan, because this young teacher was a woman, and she was a beautiful young woman. If she was just beautiful, it wouldn't surprise Qin Chuan, because she was so beautiful, and she had an ethereal aura about her.

She knew Qin Chuan was a new student and nodded: "Come in!"

The voice is also ethereal and distant,

Even though Qin Chuan was used to seeing stunning women, he was still slightly stunned by this woman's appearance and voice. She was so beautiful and sounded so good.

She is not cold, nor is she arrogant. Qin Chuan's golden eyes can tell that this is a woman's unique avenue, the Three Lives Lotus Avenue.

This avenue is extraordinary. It emerges from the mud and is unstained. It is a peerless green lotus. It has three lives and can draw on the purest power in the world. This avenue is very powerful. The most powerful ones can even be ranked first.

Let's just say that domineering is even higher in the rankings.

But there is also a huge disadvantage, that is, she cannot lose her body. She must always maintain the purest physique. If once she loses her body, then the Three Lives Lotus Avenue will directly change. Spotlessness is the essence of this avenue. If it is broken, then there is no need. Even if you think about it, you know it will become bad.

It was once recorded in the history books that a woman with the Three Lives Lotus Avenue fell in love with a man and started a family. After that, the power of the avenue was less than 10% of its previous power.

Therefore, this great way has been passed down, and it cannot be destroyed, just like the lotus flower cannot be polluted, which has become the biggest drawback.

And people with such a physique and great path will also be ethereal and resentful. They have a kind of self-protection, plus deliberate avoidance and avoidance. After all, this is related to their own cultivation.

Qin Chuan smiled and walked towards the seat. This was the seat at the back, just in the corner.

My deskmate is a fat man.

The big fat man who looked honest and honest showed an honest smile to Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan had a very good impression of fat people. Of course, if he was a kind-hearted fat man, the fat man in front of him would be better, so Qin Chuan smiled and nodded to him.

The beautiful teacher on the stage is talking about Fu Zhuan.

This surprised Qin Chuan slightly. He did not expect that what Tianwu Academy taught was comprehensive and the content was not profound. Qin Chuan did not have any ideas just because it was simple, but listened very carefully.

He wanted to see how far this beautiful woman could explain it.

Qin Chuan's cultivation can almost be said to have come from his own cultivation. Of course, he also received guidance from some people, but it was mainly his own cultivation. Even getting help from others was just a kind of perception and experience.

Qin Chuan understands the saying that master leads the door and cultivation depends on the individual.

However, famous teachers are very important. They can save you a lot of detours. However, sometimes some detours are not in vain, and some setbacks are not in vain. Therefore, many famous teachers do not give guidance on everything. Many times, they know that they will fail. If there are setbacks, they still let their disciples go through them once, because if they take some setbacks and detours now, they will not take them in the future. It is a good thing to experience them now. If they take them again in the future, they may not be alive.

Therefore, many masters try every possible means to prevent their disciples from taking detours, taking shortcuts, cultivating quickly, experiencing a long time, and showing sincere genius. But the facts prove that they are wrong. Their genius is like a flower in a greenhouse and cannot withstand setbacks. There is also no strong adaptability and resilience.

A lot of experience, sometimes seemingly insignificant experience, experience, setbacks, and some easy tasks, all need to be done. This is a kind of accumulation. Over time, this accumulation will slowly become apparent. Only then will I know the horror of time and the horror of accumulation.

Listening to what this beautiful woman said, Qin Chuan gradually calmed down. Qin Chuan knew everything she said, but sometimes knowing it didn't mean it was useless.

They say you should read a book a hundred times. The idea is self-evident, practice makes perfect, and turns decay into magic.

This is the power of repetition.

I don't know why, after this woman told it, Qin Chuan found that many of his understandings of Fu Zhuan had been overturned. Well, it wasn't overturned, but his understanding was more comprehensive.

This was quite a shock to Qin Chuan.

You must know that when you are making low-level talismans, you don't need to know everything, you only need to know one ability. But it is not until later, when you combine the talismans, that you realize that the comprehensiveness of the basic talismans is too important.

Qin Chuan listened very carefully.

The class of the beautiful teacher is very quiet. Many people actually come to admire the beautiful teacher. It doesn't matter whether they listen to the class or not. It is a great enjoyment to see such an alluring fairy-like beauty, even just to look at it.

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