Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1949: Benefited a lot, looking for trouble

Qin Chuan could feel that the woman knew this, but she didn't seem to have any other plans. She never thought about letting them listen to the class. WWW.lwXs520.cOM

The people here are no longer children, nor are they ordinary warriors, so as long as they don't disrupt the order of the class, she won't say anything.

"These are basic talisman and seal knowledge. You pretend to be very similar. I feel like you are listening carefully." The fat man said to Qin Chuan in a low voice.

This is the back of the classroom, so speaking quietly will not hinder the order of the class, because there are people talking in the back two rows, but the sound should be controlled so that it does not spread beyond the three rows behind.

Qin Chuan was stunned, then looked at him with a smile when he understood: "What are you pretending to be? I really listen to the class too seriously."

"Haha, brother, actually you can watch it openly and no one will say anything, because everyone is watching it openly, so you don't have to cover up." The fat man chuckled.

This honest fat man is not as honest as he looks, but Qin Chuan can still see that this fat man has a good nature and is very kind. He may have a little bit of his own personality, but he is a normal person.

Qin Chuan's arrival still caused quite a stir.

One is his appearance. His appearance, temperament, eyes, etc. are not inferior to Canglan, so he still attracts many girls in the class.

On the other hand, the men were not interested in Qin Chuan, and some of them even wanted to do some little tricks. Every time a new guy came, they did it all the time.

After class, the beautiful teacher left. Qin Chuan was still thinking about Fu Zhuan. He was really thinking that this beautiful teacher opened a window for him.

Originally, he thought he would not make any progress after hearing this, but he did not expect this unexpected gain. This gain was really great, because this gain allowed Qin Chuan's Fu Zhuan to take a further step.

Up to now, whether Qin Chuan's talisman, formation, or formation divine position, it is really difficult to upgrade. It requires opportunities and opportunities.

This time the talisman seal script was an opportunity. He didn't expect that the woman explained the most basic talisman seal script to him, but he got such great benefits.

Many times, it's just like this, the right time, the right place, the right people, none of them are enough. Qinchuan's own talisman seal ability is sufficient, the environment, atmosphere, and the people he meets.

If it were another person, it might not have this effect. Things in nature are so wonderful.

Qin Chuan is still thinking here,

Unknown to him, a group of people had already surrounded him. The leader was a handsome man. This man was very tastefully dressed, or he had a very good temperament. From a glance, he was from a big family.

"Brother, he looks very strange. I wonder where he comes from?" The man looked at Qin Chuan and asked.

Qin Chuan didn't hear it. He was still immersed in his own world, thinking about some problems. Now he just wanted to think about it casually, and all aspects of the foundation of Fu Zhuan were being continuously improved.

Just like before, it was a road that led to where it is now, but now it seems that it has returned to the starting point, and then like a spider web, all roads lead to the current position.

This is a progress, a huge progress, a leap, almost epoch-making for Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan felt that he would find an opportunity to thank this woman properly, because today's harvest will be immeasurable in the long run, because the door to Fu Zhuan has truly been opened, so he doesn't have to worry about Fu Zhuan, and he will definitely be able to reach the peak.

The formation gods and formations are interdependent with the Fu Zhuan. As long as the Fu Zhuan breaks through, other formations and formation gods will also be able to easily break through. These three abilities have saved Qin Chuan countless times, and they are also Qin Chuan's. One of the most important foundations of Sichuan.

Qin Chuan's silence made the man's face change slightly. In his opinion, Qin Chuan was ignoring him, which made the fire in his heart burn inexplicably.

You must know that sometimes, ignoring is the greatest harm to a person. Especially on this occasion, I brought someone with me and asked condescendingly. I felt that I was much nobler than the other person, but I was ignored by the other person.

This time it seemed like he was slapped in the air, and he even dodged. Needless to say, this was embarrassing.

The fat man frowned slightly. His status in the class was very low. In fact, many people bullied him, but he could only endure it.

No, the man was angry when he saw Qin Chuan ignoring him, but he couldn't figure out Qin Chuan's details now and didn't dare to do anything blindly, but his face was lost and he would always get it back, even if he couldn't Even if you get it back completely, you have to work hard to get it back. No matter how much you get it back, it counts.

So he slapped the fat man directly in the face.


The crisp sound was very harsh, and the slap was so hard that half of the fat man's face was swollen and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

A hint of viciousness and anger flashed in the fat man's eyes, but he quickly lowered his head slightly to hide it. At this time, the man spoke: "What are you doing sitting here? You don't have eyes!"

The fat man quickly stood up, took a step back, and hunched over slightly. The humiliation and self-esteem made him tremble now. The humble helplessness and self-esteem of the little man were vividly displayed.

The crisp sound finally brought Qin Chuan back to his senses. He looked at Fatty and the people around him in confusion. When he saw Fatty being beaten, displeasure flashed across his face, although he was not Fatty's friend and didn't know Fatty. What to call it, but seeing the fat man's appearance at this time made him very angry.

He is not a bad person, nor is he a living Bodhisattva. There are too many injustices in the world, and he cannot control them even if he wants to. Besides, he is not that powerful.

But when something happens, it is called fate. There is good fate and bad fate. No matter what fate is, it is always fate. So he has always been like this. When he encounters something, he has to solve it. This can be regarded as fulfilling his part. edge.

So he stood up and said to the fat man, "Is something wrong?"

The fat man shook his head slightly: "I'm fine, thank you!"

When Qin Chuan was about to ask why, the man spoke again and said to Qin Chuan: "What family are you from in that city?"

After hearing what the other party said, Qin Chuan knew that the other party was here to get the details. He wanted to find out the details about himself, so that he could do something unscrupulously.

In fact, those in the lower classes are rarely from big powers or families, and there are almost no people who can cause trouble for him. However, he has always been cautious and sailed with caution, so he usually wants to know the details before taking action.

Qin Chuan looked at him calmly: "Does it have anything to do with you?"

"Boy, you are so arrogant!" The man looked at Qin Chuan. During this period, it could be seen from some details that Qin Chuan definitely did not come from any big family or power.

This is his observation and feeling from the details, such as Qin Chuan's dress and demeanor, which are too casual. You must know that the children of big families are arrogant. Even if they are polite, there is still some arrogance. , and pride.

But Qin Chuan didn't, so he already had a guess in his mind.

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