Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1952 Is this shameless and shameless?

Qin Chuan and Fatty came here and found a quiet place to sit down. It was very quiet here, so the two of them found a corner. Tianlai Xiao "Speaking of Ww" W. 』⒉3TXT. COM

Soon a waiter came forward and asked what to eat. Although this is a restaurant, it is not a big pot of rice, but an a la carte order.

This was Qin Chuan's first meal when he came to Tianwu Academy. He was a little curious. Now his nose is also very good. He can judge the quality of the food here just by smell.

Qin Chuan feels that the quality of the food here may be a little inferior to that of the Jiuyu Restaurant in King Qin City, but because it is light and elegant, and the environment here goes well with the food.

This can add a lot of points.

You must know that eating depends on your mood and feelings. For example, if you are asked to eat in the toilet, it will be difficult to swallow no matter how delicious the meal is, let alone taste delicious.

The environment and the food here are both elegant and light, like a wisp of fallen leaves, like a spring breeze, full of vitality and the blooming of human instinct.

This feeling alone can attract countless people.

What's more, there is another factor that cannot be ignored here, beauties, many, many beauties, all say that beauty is delicious, good food plus beautiful women are invincible, and food, sex, and sex are both complete. It is rare to have such an opportunity in life.

The owner of Qingyun Restaurant is interesting and a quickie.

Even though these things look simple, it is actually not that easy to make them. What Qin Chuan didn’t know is that it is true. There are also several restaurants that imitate Qingyun Restaurant, but the effect is more than one and a half stars away. It’s a bit like a tiger but not a dog. a feeling of.

Imitation is ultimately inferior.

The food arrived soon, and they were all specialties here. They were as green as works of art, so beautiful and vivid that people couldn't bear to eat them. The presentation was enough.

The food here seems to be very refreshing, there is no meat, they are all vegetarian dishes, and it is more of a mood here.

Qin Chuan poured a glass of wine and drank with the fat man. The wine here is made of bamboo, green bamboo wine. The wine is light green in color and exudes a faint bamboo fragrance. It is suitable for all ages and has excellent taste.


Qin Chuan suddenly noticed a woman in the corner not far behind him.

There are many women here,

So he didn't pay attention, but when that unique aura came, Qin Chuan immediately knew who it was.

She was the woman who possessed the Lotus Way of Three Lives, and was the teacher who taught him Fu Seal.

Qin Chuan didn't expect her to eat here, or in other words, such a big restaurant would be so close. Maybe she was looking for a corner, so she met her like this.

This restaurant is so big that tens of thousands of people are eating in it. Now it can be said that there are more than half of the people here. Meeting so many people so close makes Qin Chuan feel that there is really a fate...

Qin Chuan wanted to go there because the woman ate alone, and the people around her seemed to be used to it, and no one went to sit at the same table with her.

"Brother, do you want to go there?" Fatty said after seeing Qin Chuan's intention.

Qin Chuan nodded, there was nothing to hide.

However, Qin Chuan was too embarrassed to go alone. After all, he invited Fatty to dinner. What was the point of going there alone? But if Fatty wanted to go with him, Fatty didn't want to go, so it was not good to force him to go.

Although Qin Chuan is not the kind of person who cares about details, it is not good to force others to do something difficult.

The fat man seemed to understand Qin Chuan's intention and nodded: "Let's go there together, so that I can help you share some firepower when others see you, because no one believes that I will pursue the teacher, and others will not think that you are pursuing the teacher." I’m an eyesore.”

Qin Chuan smiled and shook his head: "Brother, I'm so kind. I was mainly worried that you would be lonely here..."

"Damn it, I'm not gay." The fat man was stunned and laughed.

Qin Chuan nodded: "Then I'll be relieved."

After saying that, he stood up and left, and walked to the woman. The woman was eating slowly, all alone. Although she looked like a fairy, she was still mortal after all. She was surrounded by people in groups of three or three, even here. In a quiet environment, eating together, drinking and drinking, people coming and going, the more lonely the woman seems here.

"Teacher!" Qin Chuan thought for a long time and didn't know how to start. He walked up to her and called teacher.

The woman looked up and was slightly startled, because no one had disturbed her for a long, long time, and she hadn't even talked to anyone for a long, long time. Except for lectures during class, lectures were lectures, and she didn't talk or interact with anyone.

When I come here to eat, it's the same thing every time, so I don't have to say anything. As long as I see a woman coming, I'll serve the food, because she's always the same.

She recognized Qin Chuan. After all, she had just met him before. Qin Chuan was new here, and with his recognizable snow-white hair, he recognized Qin Chuan, but she didn't know his name.

"Well, are you okay?" the woman said softly.

She was right in front of Qin Chuan, but Qin Chuan felt like he was in two worlds. This feeling was too clear and had never been so subtle.

In fact, after arriving here from Qinchuan, it instantly attracted many people to look at it, and many people were even talking about it.

"The white-haired boy is so handsome. I like him. What do you think I should pursue him?"

"Forget it, didn't you see who she was standing in front of?"

"Hey, it's a pity. I don't know if I will be beaten to death now. Why doesn't this stinky man give up?"

"Beauty is a curse. This woman has already harmed many people."

"Actually, she can't be blamed for this. It's because these men are overestimating their abilities."

"Why do you think this man would contact Fairy Teacher?"

"You don't have to guess, it's just that kind of thing. Inviting the teacher to dinner, watching the sunrise, or talking about your family background, praising the fairy teacher for being beautiful, falling in love at first sight, wanting to be friends, you can't help but..."

At this moment Qin Chuan's voice came.

"I listened to the teacher's class in the morning, which was of epoch-making significance to me. This kindness is so great that I want to learn the art of talisman and seal script from the teacher."

After Qin Chuan finished speaking in his serious voice, poof...

I don't know how many people fell down at once. They had seen shameless people, but they had never seen such shameless people.

You must know that everyone knows that the teaching of talisman seals in the lower classes is the most basic, and Qin Chuan's words, it seems that the basic talisman seals can make him go to heaven, like a peerless magic skill, mainly because of Qin Chuan's sincere look.

In fact, Qin Chuan's expression was serious and sincere from the bottom of his heart. After all, the benefits to Qin Chuan were real.

But others didn't think so. They were just amazed that Qin Chuan could be so thick-skinned in order to pursue a beautiful woman, which refreshed their understanding.

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