Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1953 Residence

Qin Chuan's words completely refreshed the limits of these people. "乐〈文"Novel www.lwXsM

Many of them consider themselves not good people, and of course they don't think they are bad people. Many of them have also been scolded for being shameless and shameless. But now they find that they are completely incomparable to Qin Chuan. The gap is as big as clouds and mud. Farewell is like a firefly and a bright moon.

The woman looked at Qin Chuan and was stunned. He originally thought that Qin Chuan had thoughts about him, but when she looked at Qin Chuan's eyes, she found that she could not see the falsehood and was 100% sincere.

This is what surprises women, what kind of person can open his eyes and talk nonsense so calmly and sincerely, and not feel the slightest bit uncomfortable in front of these many people.

Qin Chuan naturally heard the surrounding discussions and saw the surrounding reactions.

But what he said was the truth, and it was all the truth, so he said again: "Teacher, I speak with all sincerity. Your teaching of talisman and seal script is very good. You are the best one I have ever seen."


Some people who had just gotten up fell to the ground again, and some even chewed the ground directly.

Originally they thought Qin Chuan was the most shameless and could not be described as shameless, but now they were completely confused and didn't know how to express their feelings.

This sentence is no longer as simple as lying with open eyes, it has risen to the shameless state of the soul.

After all, even if it talks about the lowest level talisman seal script, it doesn't have any special features, at least here it doesn't have any special features, it's just relatively comprehensive.

What this woman said is like this to them, and has no special characteristics. After all, low-level things are just like that when they talk about flowers, but it is different for Qin Chuan.

This truly opened a window for him and led him to a glorious avenue.

A beacon of light on the road of life, this metaphor is not an exaggeration at all, but it is a pity that no one here can believe it, not even women.

"Classmate, you are a talented person, but enough is enough. You have become too obvious. I advise you to leave and don't cause trouble for yourself." Someone really couldn't stand it anymore and stepped forward to persuade him.

Qin Chuanneng also frowned slightly. He didn't like to be disturbed by others, and this person's tone was condescending and condescending, which he disliked very much.


I just want to learn Fu Zhuan from you. "Qin Chuan ignored others and said to the woman seriously again.

The woman shook her head slightly: "Okay, I'm going to eat."

She didn't believe it, after all, it was too obvious, because these elementary talismans were completely useless to beings at their level, but teaching them was a rule of the academy.

This is the inheritance of Tianwu Academy and cannot be cancelled.

So this is why it is like this. No one has learned it at all, but Qin Chuan said this today. This is simply unreasonable. Everyone can see that Qin Chuan is a drunkard and does not care about drinking.

But Qin Chuan was speechless now. What he told was the truth, but unfortunately he couldn't prove it to others, and there was no way to make people believe it. The helpless Qin Chuan sighed, shook his head, and walked back.

Many people dispersed when they saw Qin Chuan leaving.

When the fat man saw Qin Chuan coming back, he gave him a thumbs up.

"Brother, I'm convinced. You are my life direction. If I were as shameless as you, I would probably have seven or eight children by now."

"Eat without talking!" Qin Chuan said simply.

The fat man felt his asshole tightening. This was really shameless, but he didn't say anything and continued to eat. Although it was unsuccessful, Qin Chuan expected it.

So Qin Chuan didn't feel too much. At best, he could explore slowly by himself and then go to two classes a week. That would be enough. You couldn't force anything. That was already good, but it was almost impossible to convince the other party.

After all, the other party is the Three Lives Lotus Dao. Even if the other party is not the Three Lives Lotus Dao, he probably won't agree, because if he agrees, it means that he likes this student, and there is such a meaning.

Qin Chuan didn't think much about it. He was still thinking about how to tell the other party next time that he really asked her for advice.

It was okay in the afternoon, so Qin Chuan returned to his residence. The residence here was pretty good, but it couldn't be a small courtyard for each person. In the lower class, there were ten people in a small courtyard and a small building.

The courtyard is very small, with a two-story pavilion and five rooms, with one person in each room.

Unless they are in elite classes, gifted classes, etc., students with a certain status will all have their own small courtyard, Xiaozhuangyuan, which is larger than the small courtyard where ten people live here.

Qin Chuan also wants to have his own small yard. After all, it is so convenient, but for now this is not bad.

Ten people. After Qin Chuan came back, he found his own room. After cleaning it, Qin Chuan settled here.

The room is nice and next to the fat man.

The houses here are all on the sunny side, with two floors. Qin Chuan is the innermost one on the first floor, and the fat man's room is his.

Even in this small courtyard, those who are capable live on the second floor and those who are not capable live on the first floor, but Qin Chuan has no idea or feeling about these people.

It doesn't matter where he lives, he doesn't care about this, he doesn't care about it, it's just a place to sleep and rest.

After Fatty's introduction, the ten of them soon became acquainted. After all, they were all under the same roof and could not see each other without looking up. Another reason was that the people who lived here were all from Qin Chuan's class.

So they naturally saw it when Qin Chuan beat people before. They were afraid of Qin Chuan and couldn't afford to offend him. They even wanted to change rooms with Qin Chuan when the one who lived in the best room stayed.

But he was rejected by Qin Chuan. This man had the same surname as Qin Chuan, named Qin Geng.

This man has a slender figure, handsome appearance, good temperament, and good cultivation. Because Qin Chuan discovered that the other party had hidden his strength. Since he hid it, it meant that the other party did not want people to know, so Qin Chuan naturally would not say anything.

Qin Geng is the eldest here, while the second eldest is a big man. He looks a bit older, and his whole body is like black iron. Everyone calls him Iron Tower.

It's really an apt name. His whole body is like an iron tower. His muscles are as strong as iron knots. His height is compared to that of ordinary people. Even Qin Chuan, who is over 1.8 meters tall, is still a head above his opponent. many.

His name is Golden Boy.

A very inconsistent name, not gentle and honest enough, has a good relationship with the fat man, and shakes hands with Qin Chuan warmly.

Qin Chuan also shook hands with the other party happily, but Qin Chuan knew that this person was not there in the classroom, and he was sure of it.

But he didn't ask either.

The others haven't come back yet, or they have already done other things, but they agreed to have dinner together in the evening, and Qin Chuan naturally agreed.

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