Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1954: 9 Heavens, 8 Wastelands

Qin Chuan is still happy. After all, people can't ask too much from others, and they are not qualified to ask others. In other words, they can do it if they have the strength, but it is not necessary.

It’s not easy to meet a few interesting and not annoying people.

The fat man is good, but Qin Qian still can't see clearly, but Jintong, a man like an iron tower, is definitely good, and Qin Chuan still has good eyesight.

After having nothing to do in the afternoon, Qin Chuan went to the library. This library is equivalent to the sect's library, which can be regarded as farming. The library is the library of Tianwu Academy, which is an important place among important places.

People from Tianwu Academy can enter the library based on their status, but sometimes the number of floors open to students in the library is different. For example, students in lower-level classes can only enter the first floor.

Qin Chuan is in the lower class, so he can only enter the first floor.

However, in the library, the first floor is the largest. It can be said that this first floor can at least surpass the other four or five floors, because the books on the first floor are the most miscellaneous. Although they are all the most basic things, whether it is cultivation Martial arts and exercises, as well as some geographical knowledge, common sense in humanities, miscellaneous notes about people...

It can almost be said that there is too much covered here. There are the most books on the first floor, but in fact very few people stay on the first floor.

After all, everyone knows some common sense things. Maybe you will say that this will give you a more comprehensive understanding, but what is the use of this?

So that's the reason. The first floor is very big, but there are almost no people. Even the people in the lower classes look down on this place, but they can only come here, so they choose not to come to the library.

After Qin Chuan showed his identification, he was told that he could only enter after the first floor.

What a big library.

Qin Chuan looked at the empty library and was shocked. He didn't know how big it was until he went in. After entering, he realized that this place is really too big. There are many vertical passages here and there are a dazzling array of books on both sides, neatly placed on the bookshelves. .

The bookshelf is so long that you can't see the end at a glance. Of course it's not that big, but it's really shocking.

Decorated with polished stones and pearls, the air is filled with a clear aroma of books. This smell is really delicious. This smell is not the smell of paper. The smell of books is not the smell of paper.

This is a special taste, just like bookishness and bookishness. This taste exists, but it is more of a feeling.

Walking into the corridor,

I kept looking at the books on both sides. The collection of books here is really complete. They cover almost everything, including medicine, cooking, weapons, geography...

There were books on cultivation and introductions to the Nine Realms Continent. Qin Chuan deliberately flipped through one because Qin Chuan wanted to see how it was written here in the Divine Realm. This sight made Qin Chuan shake his head slightly.

The things introduced on the first level were too rough, simple, and not detailed enough. However, Qin Chuan knew very little about God's Domain, so he still saw a lot from here.

For example, some of the terrain in the God's Domain, the Land of Nine Heavens, is a legendary place in the God's Domain, a real legendary place. Not everyone can know where it is. What is mentioned in the books is more of a legend, which is just mentioned in passing.

Therefore, it is impossible for Qin Chuan to understand the Land of Nine Heavens from this book. However, there are eight desolate lands under the Land of Nine Heavens. It is said that there is a huge desolate land. The desolation is just a past. How is it? There are only a few records of this species.

The deserted land here means sparsely populated. Human beings are concentrated in a special place. Most of the places are in a natural state, extremely dangerous and full of everything...

Qin Chuan looked here very seriously. After all, there are maps among these things. Simple maps, but Qin Chuan would also be very excited.

In the God's Domain, Qinchuan can be said to be completely dark now. Now he at least knows some areas, at least knows a simple outline of the God's Domain, and has the simplest understanding of some special places of existence.

Qin Chuan is very interested in history and legends, and there are many geography books. Legends are inseparable from the region, so when reading geography, you can also know some beautiful legends.

Qin Chuan looked at it very seriously and carefully, almost to the point of selflessness, ignoring everything around him.

A faint scent brought Qin Chuan back to his senses.

The smell was very light, like orchid and musk, with a little bit of fairy fragrance. It was so pure that I couldn't help but take a deep breath and saw a woman standing in front of me.

"Teacher, we meet again." Qin Chuan said in surprise.

He really didn't expect to see this woman here. Is this really the so-called fate? Naturally, he still wants to learn Fu Seal from this woman. After all, as long as he explains and tutors himself, the Fu Seal will improve faster. A lot, not several times the speed.

But it is difficult to make the other party believe in him. It is too difficult. Qin Chuan also knows that it is difficult, but such a wonderful thing happened. This is a very simple thing. If he is an ordinary person, he can just give money.

If it were a friend, it would be easy to achieve it by directly explaining it, but now if it comes to this woman, it can hardly be said to be more difficult than climbing to the sky, but it is not much less difficult.

Now that he saw the woman, Qin Chuan was pleasantly surprised. He was really happy, and the woman took the initiative to come to him. This was a good start. Maybe he would have more contact with her in the future and become familiar with her, and he could succeed.

The woman looked at Qin Chuan's book, and if she hadn't seen the surprise in Qin Chuan's eyes, it wouldn't have been a pretense, it would have been genuine surprise, and she could be sure that the other party didn't know she was here before.

She didn't understand why Qin Chuan was so fascinated by reading such a book, because these things were common sense, almost no different from knowing how to eat.

"Are you not from the divine realm?" the woman asked.

Qin Chuan was stunned, looked at his book and nodded: "No!"

The woman seemed to understand something and nodded: "Well, you can take a look, I'll leave first!"

After the woman finished speaking, she left without waiting for Qin Chuan to say anything, and seemed to have no intention of listening.

Qin Chuan was speechless, watching the beautiful figure of the woman walking by. Qin Chuan looked at the sky and saw that it was getting late. In the evening, people living together in the manor were gathering for dinner, so he planned to leave, so he said: "I want to leave too. , let’s go together!”

The woman was stunned and said nothing.

But Qin Chuan used his thick-skinned ability at this moment, smiled, and walked directly to the woman's side, but he was half a step behind.

"Teacher, I really want to learn talisman and seal script from you." Qin Chuan didn't know what to say, so he spoke.

Sometimes things don't look the same again if you say them again. Qin Chuan plans to say this sentence dozens, hundreds, or even more times in the future, hoping that this woman will promise him.

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