Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1956 The Mysterious and Beautiful Jade Book

Qin Chuan didn't expect that Qin Xian would speak for him like this. In fact, he wouldn't be choked or even insulted if he just pretended to say it again.

And at this time, Zhao Long burst into laughter, full of disdain: "Look up and look down, who do you really think you are? I really don't want to see you in the future. You all stay away from me. I don't want to see you again." .”

Qin Xian's face looked ugly, but in the end he had to suppress the anger in his heart. He couldn't afford to offend him. Being tough would be asking for trouble.

He looked at Qin Chuan with a wry smile and shook his head slightly.

Qin Chuan smiled, nodded, and looked at Zhao Long: "Do you think you are very noble, so arrogant and capable here? Or are you sick? Or did you eat some excrement?"

Zhao Long was stunned.

Everyone else was also stunned. No one expected Qin Chuan to be so fierce and dare to say this. Qin Xian and Fatty were worried about Qin Chuan, and the golden boy also looked at Qin Chuan in confusion.

Qin Zhi was completely confused. He helped him like this, but now it seems that this young man who feels good seems to be a little unclear about the situation. That's all, just do your own thing.

Zhao Long came back to his senses, looked at Qin Chuan, his eyes were like fire, staring at Qin Chuan, and said almost word by word: "Little beast, you are looking for death,"

Qin Chuan's eyes were very dull. People who were familiar with him knew that the more he was at this time, the more dangerous Qin Chuan was. Soon, Qin Chuan's figure flashed, and a long afterimage of his whole body was drawn, which was extremely clear.

In fact, bringing out the afterimage is nothing, but it is very difficult to draw out a clear afterimage like this. This is not only fast, but also requires some special Dao abilities.

This is not a doppelganger.


A crisp slap in the face, they say, slap someone in the face, but Qin Chuan likes to slap you in the face. He will slap you in the face. He will not slap you in other places. Not only slap in the face, but also hard slap, directly in the face.

This slap is definitely hard enough, and it will send the opponent flying away immediately. The head is also a vulnerable part. This blow is very strong. If ordinary people just hit it, their head will explode. But Zhao Long is a warrior, and his resistance is naturally better than Ordinary people are too powerful.

So naturally he won't explode and he won't die, but the teeth in his mouth cannot be saved. Half of his face is swollen bigger than the other. At this time, all the orifices are bleeding. This is so shocking that Zhao Long's whole body at this time It's all buzzing.

It was a concussion in the brain, dizziness in the eyes, and ringing in the ears. Even at this time, he couldn't contact outside signals, couldn't see clearly, couldn't hear, and couldn't speak.

With one move, there was no way to fight back. It was a slap in the face. In fact, Qin Chuan held back his hand, otherwise he could have killed the person in one blow. What if Qin Chuan had a sharp weapon in his hand, so Qin Chuan could easily kill him. Zhao Long’s strength.


In deathly silence, Qin Chuan clapped his hands, as if his hands were stained with dirt. After this slap, he felt much better, and then looked at Zhao Hu: "Do you want to come?"

"No, no, no..." Zhao Hu shook his head like a rattle.

"Are you cowardly now? Weren't you very arrogant before? I just slap him in the face and it's not enough." Qin Chuan said with a frown.

"Brother, I was wrong, please spare me this time." Zhao Hu said quickly, but his eyes flickered, hiding a trace of malice, but there was no benefit in sight, so he gave up verbally.

"I want to know where I offended you,

Are you going to do this today? Qin Chuan asked curiously.

"This is no regrets. This is not a new brother. I want to give him a surprise." Zhao Huqiang said with a smile, while looking at the brother who was in a daze, but now he was afraid that Qin Chuan would give him such a blow. If he was beaten, If you are stupid, you will be out of luck.

"I don't want to see you in this small courtyard in the future." Qin Chuan said slowly.

"Yes Yes!"

Zhao Hu left with his people at this time, and several other people left at the same time. Five people left, and only five people were left.

"Brother, it turns out you are so fierce." Qin Xian said in surprise.

Fatty was also a little surprised, but relatively speaking, it was okay. After all, this was the second time he had seen Qin Chuan take action, so now he only felt that his new friend was extraordinary.

The remaining five people naturally have to go to dinner, Qin Xian, Fatty, Jintong, Qin Chuan and one named Yushu.

This is a shy young man, dressed like a scholar, very androgynous, soft and weak. This is the first time Qin Chuan has seen a man look like this. He is a man. This is not wrong, but he looks very like a woman.

Either effeminate, or too feminine and weird. This is the most beautiful man Qin Chuan has ever seen. He can only be described as beautiful. He is 100% a real man. He is very natural and has such a little bit of chicness.

This kind of chicness is different from a man's chicness, but it is not completely feminine. This kind of person can make those who like men crazy, or some men will be tempted by him.

Qin Chuan said hello to him. When he looked at him before, Qin Chuan found that there was definitely a crouching tiger, hidden dragon in this low-level class, because this jade book was one of them. In Qin Chuan's view, the horror of this jade book was not necessary. Canglan is small.

Needless to say, Canglan's potential is natural. At least I have seen many geniuses in Qinchuan. Among the peerless geniuses, Canglan's talent and qualifications are the best. In the future, Canglan will definitely aspire to be the best. The jade book in front of him does not need to be different from Canglan. , it can be seen how deep this person hides, and why.

This made Qin Chuan a little curious.

This time I wasn't at Qingyun Restaurant, because it was quiet wherever I needed it, so there were no dinner parties or anything like that.

The five of us were quite lively. The men naturally talked more when they drank, and soon they seemed to be brothers.

Going with the flow, Qin Chuan's current mentality is very special. Sometimes he feels as if he is experiencing life. For example, he comes to Tianwu Academy just to go through the motions, so there is an unreal feeling here.

Including the few people in front of him, no matter how he is a brother, he will cherish this fate, and he does not underestimate anyone. He values ​​fate, and meeting him is fate, and he should cherish it if he has fate.

Besides, there is a special character named Jade Book in this book, which makes Qin Chuan particularly curious.

You must know that the origin of such a person is definitely not simple, and his background is not simple, but why is he hidden in the low-level class? With his current ability, he can definitely enter the genius class.

Several people seemed to be drunk, but Qin Chuan knew that he was not drunk, and neither was Yushu.

Although Qin Chuan was curious, he didn't want to explore the other party's privacy. Since it was the other party's privacy, even if he asked, the other party would definitely not tell you or admit it, so why bother.

The day passed like this. Everyone did not go to live upstairs. They were still on the first floor. The five rooms above were empty.

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