Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1957: She agreed, rumors started

This drinking session really made a huge improvement in our relationship. Lewen Novels|

In fact, from the beginning when Qin Geng defended Qin Chuan, Qin Chuan felt that this person was good, kind, and human nature was good. A kind person was definitely not a bad person.

The moonlight was like water, falling on the room. Looking at the moonlight, Qin Chuan unconsciously thought of many people, parents, wives, children, Chu Master Qingzhu, Tantai Huangqing, etc. He also thought of Qianfei and Reaching for the Stars...

Some people can be erased by time, and will be forgotten as time passes, because time is too long. As long as there is enough time, everything can be smoothed out.

Many times Qin Chuan doesn't dare to think about it, because the more he thinks about it, the more confused he becomes.

It has been peaceful for the past three days.

Because there were no classes, Qin Chuan went to the library almost every day, but there was no movement from Master Xilong and the Pei family. Qin Chuan couldn't believe it. It shouldn't be like this...

Regardless, Qin Chuan is really not worried when the troops come to cover up the water and the earth. His current strength cannot be said to be unscrupulous, but there should be no problem in self-protection, and he is even somewhat expecting the other party to come.

Qin Chuan was fascinated by what he saw in the library, but he didn't meet another woman in the past two days.

Even when Qin Chuan was eating, he would go to the same place before, but he didn't meet that woman. That seat was empty, and no one sat in that seat. No one sat in the empty seat because he didn't dare.

Putting some thoughts away from his mind, Qin Chuan continued to look at the books in his hands, which still contained some knowledge from the mainland.

Qin Chuan has made great progress in the past few days, and his understanding of the world has also made a huge leap. During these times, Qin Chuan has read a lot of books. After all, his golden pupil can completely imprint it on his mind. , just digest it slowly.


Qin Chuan smelled the familiar fragrance again, the delicate fragrance, the fairy fragrance. He looked up and saw the woman standing in front of him again, with a calm expression, looking at Qin Chuan, and Qin Chuan still had a basic book in his hand.

"Hello, teacher!" Qin Chuan greeted with a smile.

The woman shook her head: "Are you sure you want to learn the most basic talisman and seal script from me?"

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up: "Really, more real than real money and silver."

"every morning,

You only have half an hour to find me. "The woman left directly after saying that.

Qin Chuan was stunned for a moment, and after a while he came back to his senses, with surprise on his face. He didn't expect that he actually agreed. Now, he can move forward faster, which is not a little faster.

Also, this woman's talisman and seal ability is extraordinary. If you continue to tell yourself this, you may be able to tell her a lot, all the way to high-level talisman and seal scripts, or even higher.

Qin Chuan now just hopes that he can talk for a long time, so that he doesn't mind spending more time in this Tianwu Academy.

In fact, Qin Chuan still can't fully explain why this woman explained to him the most basic talisman and seal script but it was so effective. It wouldn't work with another person. Qin Chuan has already tried it.

Qin Chuan couldn't figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it. Perhaps this could only be described as fate, or his own chance.

The next day, Qin Chuan got up early and went to the woman's small courtyard.

The woman's residence is not a secret, but no one rushes to break into it privately, because wherever there is a formation, Fu Zhuan and formations are well thought out, and Fu Zhuan masters are all good at formations.

Out of politeness, Qin Chuan knocked on the door.

It didn't take long before we opened the door. A woman stood behind the door. She was graceful, graceful, and independent. I don't know how to describe it. The more I saw this woman, the more beautiful I felt. She was a bit beautiful. Shocking.

Fortunately, Qin Chuan's immunity was strong enough, so he quickly came to his senses and said with a smile: "Good morning, have you eaten? I brought you breakfast."

Qin Chuan took out the breakfast he made.

"If you keep bringing some with you in the future, don't come here." The woman said softly, without any emotion, no hint of happiness or anger, just plain, so plain that it made people a little uneasy.

Qin Chuan quickly put it away: "I listen to you!"

The woman talked to Qin Chuan for half an hour. When the time was up, she rushed out: "Okay, that's it for today. Go back!"

"Okay, goodbye, teacher!" Qin Chuan said hello with a smile and then left.

The woman did not move, sitting there cross-legged, as if meditating, as if chanting sutras.

Qin Chuan felt that he was really chanting sutras, because Qin Chuan heard the inaudible sound of chanting sutras.

She also practices Buddhism.

But Qin Chuan was not surprised. After all, his Three Lives Lotus Avenue was the supreme avenue of Buddhism. Thinking about it, Qin Chuan understood something, why this woman would agree to him.

Qin Chuan thought of Fan Qingchen in the past. That woman practiced the Supreme Way of Buddhism. He didn't know what was going on now.

Thinking of her, Qin Chuan wanted to go see her immediately. She didn't know why, but she knew that it was a bit difficult to see her. Even if he had the dragon-seeking technique, he might not be able to find her.

In other words, it can be found, but the time is not a small number. It may even take half a lifetime or a lifetime to find it.

You can feel the approximate direction, but unfortunately the distance cannot be estimated. Even if it is impossible to estimate, you can still get a rough measurement based on the strength of the induction. This measurement is currently unthinkable with a mount and two legs.

It's not that we can't leave in a lifetime, even in ten years, eight years, or even three or two years. Besides, Qinchuan's direction does not conflict with this, so it's not that there is no chance of meeting each other in the future, it just takes time. .

Shaking his head, some things are better to let nature take its course. As time goes by, who can guarantee that everything in the past will remain unchanged? I am not a savior, let alone an unparalleled hero. Many things cannot go according to my wishes.

On this day, women talked about a lot of basic things, so the progress was very fast. Only women talked, and Qin Chuan only had to listen.

After agreeing to Qin Chuan, the woman was very serious about even the most basic things, mainly because she was very comprehensive, which surprised Qin Chuan. From this, we can also know that this woman's attainments in talisman and seal writing are definitely very deep.

After all, he had found this opportunity for a breakthrough. If nothing else, the woman knew about it.

There is no airtight wall, no matter how many days, everyone knows that Qin Chuan goes to the woman's small courtyard every day, every time for half an hour, but the time is in the morning.

This puzzles many people, makes many people jealous, and some people have very evil ideas.

It was quickly passed on, and soon someone came to trouble Qin Chuan.

Young Master Xilong was stunned when he heard the news: "This is really seeking death!"

He hadn't prepared how to deal with Qin Chuan, but with this news, he probably didn't have to do anything himself now.

Now he feels like he can watch the show first, it should be very lively.

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