Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1965: Diamond Seal, Golden Scissor Hands

Qin Chuan did not expect his sister-in-law to be so powerful. He even felt that his sister-in-law did not have a standard definition of her own strength.

It's just that this time the situation was special, so she had to stand up. In fact, she didn't know if she could bear it, but now she had to bear it.

With this move, the power of the Thunder God Sword was continuously displayed.

The old man on the other side easily dodged the first sword, with a dull look in his eyes, and said disdainfully: "You overestimate your capabilities, you are seeking death!"

As he spoke, the old man smashed out the crutch in his hand.

It was smashed out like a stick, with golden light shining on it, especially the dragon head on it, which was ferocious, huge, majestic and violent, as if it was choosing people to devour, really like a real dragon jumping out.

Qin Yunwu didn't say anything, and continued to attack, unhurriedly, calmly, and decisively, seemingly without any reservation.

But Qin Chuan could see that the attack itself was powerful, but what was even more terrifying was the comprehensive attack and its follow-up.

The old man didn't take it to heart. He already knew that Qin Yunwu was just a teacher at Tianwu Academy, so he naturally didn't take it to heart. The disparity in status between the two parties hurt the old man. He was already angry and offended him, and the consequences would be serious.

The old man has already had murderous thoughts. He wants to kill Qin Yunwu to scare others.

The old man's violent blow was full of momentum. Many people couldn't bear to look at Qin Yunwu. After all, it was a pity that such a beauty died. This is human nature. The disappearance of beautiful people and beautiful things will always make people feel sad. uncomfortable.

But they soon realized they were wrong.

The golden light cracked and the thunder and lightning flashed. The shock of this attack was enough, and it seemed that they were equally matched. This shocked many people. Qin Yunwu seemed to be able to carry out such a powerful attack, and it seemed that he was not simple. He should not be so easy to get into trouble.

Qin Chuan has noticed it a long time ago, and now Qin Chuan is extremely calm. His formation and divine position have not been used yet, and his sister-in-law can fight on par with this old man. This is still temporary.

You must know that the Thunder God Sword pays attention to efficiency, and its combat effectiveness will increase rapidly in a short period of time. This is the terrifying thing about the Thunder God Sword. The attack power is greatly improved, the speed is greatly improved, and the most important thing is the improvement of the rhythm.

In many battles, for example, when the strength is about the same, the rhythm is decisive, such as the environment, such as the first move, such as momentum, etc. This rhythm is a comprehensive and not specific.

But the power of the Thunder God Sword is that it can greatly improve the rhythm ability. This is true.

It didn't matter that they fought for several rounds at the beginning, but there was no winner. This shocked many people. The identity of this old man was unusual, and many people still knew the old man's identity.

Third elder!

The eldest elder of the Pei family and the third elder of Tianwu Academy, this status is definitely extraordinary, but such a person has not been able to defeat Qin Yunwu for several rounds. This has made many people curious about Qin Yunwu's strength. ?

"Teacher Qin is so strong!" a student said in surprise.

He is Qin Yunwu's student, but he didn't know that Qin Yunwu was so strong. Originally, many students only knew that Qin Yunwu was beautiful. One of the two most beautiful women in Tianwu Academy was Fairy Nuo and the other was Qin Yunwu.

There is something wrong with Fairy Nuo. She is not like a mortal and is difficult to get in touch with. Many people even want to get close to this woman, but end up in a miserable end. Besides, Fairy Nuo's own aura is too strong. Most men can't even stand up to this aura. live.

Both students and teachers in this college know a lot about Qin Yunwu, but they didn't expect Qin Yunwu to be so strong. This move really shocked many people, and that's not even counting, because when everyone was shocked, it was A few moves passed.

Before they knew it, they had fought more than ten times. If it was once or twice, it would be fine, but if it exceeded ten times, it would be different. Now everyone could see that Qin Yunwu's strength may not be as good as the old man, but he should small differences.

At this time, everyone was staring closely at the field, because many people found that Qin Yunwu seemed to be more and more comfortable at this time,

Many people are confused, and now it seems that Qin Yunwu has the upper hand.

However, no one around him believed it, and even a few people who could see what was really going on were a little confused.

Two old men were drinking tea in the southeast corner. One of them was holding a teacup. An old man who had been there for a long time spoke: "Old Xu, how strong is this girl?"

The old man known as Lao Xu shook his head slightly: "Lao Wu, it seems that we are really old, and we can't accept it anymore."

These two old people come from the other four major families, the Xu family and the Wu family, and their status in the family is top-notch. Although they are not the ancestors, they are the only ones other than the ancestors. Even the head of the family has to meet them. Perform a courtesy as a junior.

As time goes by, the battle becomes more and more mysterious. Now anyone with a discerning eye can see that Qin Yunwu has the advantage. It has only been more than thirty rounds, and there are many rounds, but the two sides are fighting at a very fast speed.

The shooting speed of Ben Lei Divine Sword is too fast. As time goes by, it becomes faster and faster.

The old man of the Pei family was more shocked than others at this time. In fact, he was more frightened because he did not expect that after so many years of comfort, he might not be safe in the end. How could he not panic?

It is said that at this age, you can look away from everything, but this is not the case. The older many people get, the more they look away. This is human nature. Warriors are powerful. Although they are older, everything is fine. For this The nostalgia of the world, as well as the expectations of the family, have an impact on future generations.

But now if he loses at the hands of a young man, then he, including many people around him, will be greatly affected, and it will really affect his whole body.

With this distraction, Qin Yunwu's Thunder God Sword came directly in front of him. The old man was shocked and his body was radiant with light in his panic.

Diamond Seal!

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that the other party was actually a practitioner of the Vajra Path, and the level of the Vajra Seal was not low.


There was a dull but metallic sound, and the old man actually blocked the sword with his Vajra Seal.

However, the Vajra Seal cannot be used all the time. It is a life-saving ability. Every time it is used, a lot of energy is consumed.

And the Ben Lei Shenjian continued in succession. Just after one sword was blocked, the next sword came again.

This time it was faster and harder.

The old man frowned, gritted his teeth, and his body shone with light again. At the same time, the old man suddenly stretched out his hand and struck out.

Golden scissors!

A hand instantly transformed into a sharp saw, shining with golden light, extremely sharp, and cut towards Qin Yunwu's throat as fast as lightning.

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