Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1966 Beheaded

The golden scissors, with a gorgeous halo and even a trace of mysterious telepathy, suddenly rushed in front of Qin Yunwu, and even the huge scissors opened and pinched Qin Yunwu's neck. in.

The old man was decisive in killing, and he closed the scissors without any hesitation at this moment. As long as nothing unexpected happened, Qin Yunwu would be dead and dismembered.

Qin Chuan has always been thinking about this. When the other party used the golden scissors, he was confused. After all, the other party was an old man, and a very old man at that.

Even if he still cannot reach the level of the ancestor, he is still not far behind. For such an old man, a powerful existence, after collecting for so many years and most of his life, it is normal for him to have several killers and life-saving abilities in his hands.

Of course, this is not absolute. What we are talking about here is powerful trump cards and powerful life-saving abilities, which are not ordinary. So in fact, not all people at this age have terrifying trump cards and life-saving stunts.

But there are more or less of them, and it’s hard to say whether they can be put on the stage.

The old man's golden scissor hand is a terrifying weapon. It is definitely a super existence at this stage. In this situation, it is difficult to avoid it.

Most of the time, the killer's trump card is no longer scary when it is exposed. Therefore, the killer's trump card is usually not used. Once it is revealed, it will kill people, and generally most people who have seen the killer's trump card will die.

Therefore, it is very unwise to use your trump card here. Many people around you have seen it. Whoever is fighting the old man will be wary of the opponent's Golden Scissors. For example, do not get too close to the opponent. If you are close, the success rate of the opponent's Golden Scissors will be greatly increased. .

So if it is exposed like this, it will be difficult for this trump card to be effective.

But at this time, the old man can't control so much anymore. He wants to kill Qin Yunwu. Now only by killing Qin Yunwu can he save some face and prevent himself and the people around him from collapse.

He cannot fall. Once he falls, his descendants and people around him will suffer.

He belongs to the Pei family, a big family, but it is not absolutely safe in the Pei family. The more powerful the family, the weaker the family ties. Only interests are eternal. For the sake of interests, the Qin brothers, father and son will fight to the death.

So just being a marginal person in a big family is fine, but after death, you may be affected by the fish in the pond. If you become that fish in the pond, sometimes you will be used as cannon fodder and let you take advantage of it. Without strength, you can't even refuse. .

Therefore, in a big family, if you want to be prosperous, you have to climb up. Once you compete with others, you will naturally be in danger. ,

Qin Chuan saw a hint of panic in Qin Yunwu, but it was just panic, not despair.

However, Qin Chuan still used his methods, including the Fourteen Flower Goddess and the Five Elements Formation of the Holy Buddha.

Diamond Seal!

Qin Chuan also used the Vajra Seal, and a brilliant halo appeared on Qin Yunwu's body. With these layers, Qin Chuan no longer worried. He was still confident about his Vajra Seal. Besides, there were Formation gods and formations.

The most important thing is that Qin Chuan didn't see much panic in Qin Yunwu's eyes, just a little surprised.


In addition to Qin Chuan's Vajra Seal, another halo appeared on Qin Yunwu's body, directly blocking the huge golden scissors.

At the same time, Qin Yunwu withdrew from the golden scissors,

Unscathed, Qin Yunwu still did not forget to wave his hand when exiting, and the long sword in his hand suddenly burst out with dazzling light.

Like the stars, the sun and the moon, the silver light twinkles, and like the moonlight, it is bright and bright. It does not seem to be dazzling, but it greatly interferes with people's vision.

The old man's face became calm at this time, because his eyes were full of despair.

Qin Yunwu's attack this time was an angry blow. The old man used his trump card to kill Qin Yunwu. Naturally, Qin Yunwu didn't need to be polite at this time. After all, at this time, kindness to the enemy is kindness to oneself. cruel.

Needless to say, kill your opponent or be killed by your opponent.

Therefore, this attack was made by Qin Yunwu in anger, and it was also a trump card in the Thunder God Sword. This move was called the Thunder God Sword.

The halo exploded.

At this moment, the sky and the earth were all bright. It was really bright, as if the sun suddenly appeared in the dark night. It appeared so suddenly without any warning, making everyone around it feel as if they were blind for a moment.

This move made no sound, even very quiet, but by the time everyone came to their senses, the battle was over, and only Qin Yunwu was left standing in the field.

And the old man has disappeared.

"Where is the eldest elder of the Pei family? Why is he missing? Where did he go?" someone shouted in shock.

"Silly, such an idiotic question must have gone away. Why should I ask?" Another person said matter-of-factly.

"You two idiots, can you stop being such idiots? The eldest elder of the Pei family is dead, not running away." This man couldn't stand it anymore and said directly with disdain.

"Ah, dead. How is this possible? This is the eldest elder of the Pei family. How can he be dead? I don't believe it!" One person said stubbornly.

"Believe it or not, I won't let you believe it. I didn't ask you to believe it, idiot." This person was also speechless.

"Boy, who are you calling stupid? Are you looking for death? Why don't we go practice?" This man was scolded twice, and he became angry and shouted directly.

"Only you? You don't have the qualifications yet." The young man sneered and looked at the other person.

"I'm going to beat you today, what can I do about you?" The man rushed forward.

The other one also rushed forward. It seemed that the relationship between the two people was very good.

Bang bang!

There was a crisp sound, and then the two figures flew out directly, and fell to the ground with a painful groan. Their faces were swollen like pig heads, and there was blood at the corners of their mouths.

"Do you still want to practice?" the young man said with a smile.

"No, no, no, no, no..." The two people shook their heads very quickly. The huge heads were swollen. It looked so funny to shake them rapidly at this time.

The young man didn't seem to care about them. He turned away and looked at the field.

At this time, the surroundings had already exploded. After all, most people could still see that the eldest elder of the Pei family and the third elder of the Tianwu Academy Presbyterian Council was dead.

Qin Chuan was also surprised. He still underestimated this aunt. His strength had far exceeded his imagination.

However, Qin Yunwu was also shocked at this time, because just before, her strength had greatly increased. It had increased many times. At that moment, she almost lost her mind. In the end, she was able to kill the old man like this, which was somewhat comparable to this increase. relation.

Now she was wondering who could help her, so he was very confused. After all, there were very few people who could help her, and even fewer people who were willing to help her. In the end, she had to think of one person, and that was her little nephew, Qin Sichuan. (To be continued...)

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