Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1967 The Pei family’s plan

Although Qin Yunwu thought it was Qin Chuan, this ability was so unbelievable that he subconsciously ruled it out. But besides Qin Chuan, he couldn't think of anyone else who could help him.

She couldn't figure it out, so she stopped thinking about it. Anyway, it was a good thing. He must have saved her because he was in danger of waking up, so this person had no ill intentions towards her.

In addition, in addition to the powerful amplification ability and formations, it is the Vajra Seal. This Vajra Seal is of a very high level. With such powerful amplification and formations, as well as such a high Vajra Avenue cultivation level, it must be It's not his nephew. How old is he? It's impossible.

The battle is over, it is quiet here, everything is over, maybe this is an end, but it may also be a beginning.

The Pei family must be having a hard time now, because all the great elders of the Pei family have died here. This is the great elder of the Pei family. How many people in the entire Pei family can surpass the great elder in strength?

So the battle is basically over at this point, and the Pei family will not continue fighting wisely. Of course, they say that the four major families work together to advance and retreat together. There may be others to deal with Qin Chuan and Qin Yunwu.

But the four major families are juxtaposed. Even if their strength is high or low, they are on the same level after all, so the gap will not be too big. The great elder of the Pei family has been damaged. Who can they send to find a place? Besides, that It's not clear what Qin Yunwu's strength is.

It's okay to regain the position, but what if it fails and continues to die?

But they don't move. If the Pei family gives in, although it seems that the Pei family will be embarrassed, in fact, the four major families of Tianwu Academy are all prosperous, but if one of them is embarrassed, they are all embarrassed, because they are one whole.

Qin Yunwu clapped her hands and walked back. She saw the situation here very clearly, so she didn't say anything more because it was no longer needed. It was the Pei family who was worried and suffering now.

The Pei family is now worried and in pain.

The great elder is dead. It doesn't matter if the great elder is dead. After all, in such a large family, there are still people who can be the great elder. I can't say a lot, but finding ten or eight people is not a problem. The question is how Accounting with Qin Chuan would also damage the family's reputation.

Besides, he was unwilling to give in, but the matter was already in a dilemma. He was afraid that Qin Chuan would not give up and make some excessive demands. What should he do?

So the head of the Pei family has gathered the family members in the hall and is discussing this matter.

In fact, this matter is not something that the family has never encountered before. The elder also died and was killed. However, the other party was so powerful that the Pei family finally apologized.

There is no way. When you meet a powerful family, you have to give in when you should. In front of a powerful family, there is no shame in bowing your head and giving in. It is said that a man can bend and stretch. The most important thing for a big family is inheritance, so you have to bow your head when you should.

That family did not lower their heads. You are powerful and invincible here, but there are people stronger than you in other places. Therefore, survival of the fittest is the way to survive. No matter how you bow your head, survival is the key. What everyone sees is the result.

Of course, every breath of life is the same as the Buddha's fight for a stick of incense. If you bow your head and admit defeat, you need to pay a high price. Besides, sometimes you would rather die than bow your head. If you bow your head, the value must be lower. Only when there is no other way. Lower your head.

But there was only a young man and a young woman in front of him, who was also an ordinary teacher at Tianwu Academy. They asked the Pei family of the four major families to bow their heads.

They are unwilling to give in, and no one is willing to give in, but sometimes the longer it is delayed, the more serious the matter becomes. The most serious thing is that it is too late to bow down and give in.

So this is the current situation of the Pei family. It's a dilemma, and it's hard to make a choice. Put this issue out, and everyone with status in the entire family is here to discuss it together. When everyone adds fuel to the fire, the wisdom of a group of people is still useful.

"What are you afraid of? It's just two young men. I don't believe it. Master, please give me orders and I will deal with them. If something goes wrong, I will be responsible for it alone." A burly man stood up and said.

"Ba Tian, ​​you still have this temper. It would be weird if you didn't have this temper. Well, if things were so simple, would we still be so troubled here?" said an old man who looked very wise.

The big man sat down helplessly and sighed: "Hey, you guys, you just think of the problem as too complicated. It would be better to be simpler!"

"Master, I have an idea. I wonder if I should talk about it?" A man who didn't look very old stood up and said.

He looks like a scholar, middle-aged, handsome and elegant. He is indeed young, but he has a high status in the Pei family. He is a direct descendant of the Pei family. In addition, he has a good brain, and many times the family depends on it for some matters. He makes up his mind.

"Hu Yue, tell me." The head of the family was happy when he saw the middle-aged man's eyes, because all along, whatever Pei Hu Yue proposed was almost always adopted. This time when the family encountered difficulties in making a choice, Pei Hu Yue stepped forward, and many people Very happy.

"Head of the family, no matter what happens among our four major families, we will all prosper and suffer. At this time, we may not be suitable to do anything. The three other families must know this, so even if we bow our heads now, I say yes If the four major families are all embarrassed by then, they will definitely have complaints against us, so we can discuss it with them first and face it together. The worst is worst, and we can't get any worse."

The head of the family nodded after hearing Pei Huyue's words. That's what happened. Instead of his family being in a dilemma here, and even knocking out his teeth and swallowing it himself, he would make his allies unhappy and even throw dirty water on his own family.

This is a good idea.

So when Pei Huyue said it, many people nodded in agreement. In the end, the head of the family made the decision to directly contact other families to discuss and let them make up their minds. If they said they wanted to fight, then the three of them would take action.

If there is no fight, then the four major families will be embarrassed together and share some firepower. It will not be so embarrassing to be embarrassed together.

This matter was done as promised, and the head of the Pei family went directly to discuss it with them.

Qin Chuan had already left with Qin Yunwu and was drinking and chatting, just him and Qin Yunwu.

The location is Qin Yunwu's courtyard.

Qinchuan is not a place where many people live, but Qin Yunwu has a private courtyard. After all, he is a teacher, so this kind of treatment is nothing.

Qin Yunwu looked at his little nephew curiously, with a happy smile on his face.

"Sister-in-law, you look at me like this and I feel panicked." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"You brat, is your aunt that scary?" Qin Yunwu said angrily, but with a smile on his face.

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