Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1987: Killing, Divine Bell Magical Power

The old man would naturally be sarcastic when he took the opportunity, and even more than that, because in his opinion, Jun Wushuang's return was the most unwise choice.

After all, it was a miracle that he could survive in such a situation, but Jun Wushuang didn't know how to cherish it, and instead came back. Wasn't he looking for death? Besides, with such a good opportunity, how could this elder not be worthy of him if he didn't show his loyalty.

Besides, when Jun Wushuang was the city lord, he felt that he was often on the bench. It was also for this reason that the current city lord would contact them first.

So he still has a place in the eyes of the current city lord.

It was okay when Jun Wushuang was the city lord, but now he is not the city lord, and he is not the opponent of the current city lord. Why should he be afraid of him, why should he be respectful to him? When he was the city lord, he could not do anything. Can he compare with himself now? Can he? Are you nourishing yourself? Now his woman has run away and he is still with his best brother. His best brother wants him to die...

In fact, he couldn't stand the behavior of the current city lord. After all, such a person could not stand up anywhere and would be reviled by others. But now that he had the strength, most people did not dare to say anything, at least not openly.

Jun Wushuang looked at the elder standing in front of him and knew what he was thinking. He was not angry. Even he was surprised by his current mood. He was calm, too calm. Maybe he didn't see those two people.

"I don't want you to interfere in today's matter." Jun Wushuang said lightly.

"Hahaha, you don't want us to interfere, who do you think you are?" The elder laughed, his voice full of disdain, looking at Jun Wushuang with even pity. In his opinion, this was not the former city lord, but What a poor man.

Jun Wushuang frowned slightly. He didn't like this look. The person in front of him didn't deserve to pity him.

"You choose your own path. If that's the case, don't blame me for being rude. I'll say it again, those who quit now can still quit." Jun Wushuang glanced around and said.

"Mr. Jun, the past was before and the present is now. Please Mr. Jun recognize the reality. If you go to the city lord to admit your mistake now, we won't make it difficult for you." Another elder also stood up to express his loyalty at this time.

Jun Wushuang looked at the elder who was speaking and asked calmly: "I don't know, Elder Xin, what mistake did I make? Do I need to admit my mistake?"

Xin Changlao was stunned and looked at Jun Wushuang in astonishment. He did not think much about it before to show his loyalty, but now when Jun Wushuang asked, he was a little confused, because he found that Jun Wushuang was not wrong at all, not at all. No, if you insist on saying that you are wrong, you are too trusting in that ungrateful brother who is worse than a beast.

But can he tell him about this mistake? After all, he is following the city lord who is worse than a beast with a heart like a dog and a dog. If he tells it, he probably won't live to see the sun tomorrow. He is a cruel beast, cruel and suspicious. , no one believes it.

Jun Wushuang sneered, then shook his head and walked forward.

The oldest elder took another step sideways, blocking Jun Wushuang's way.

This time Jun Wushuang was no longer polite and took action directly without waiting for the other party to speak. Jun Wushuang was once the city lord and an absolute strong man. After being rescued by Qin Chuan, his cultivation level also improved greatly. In fact, they did not know that the previous Jun Wushuang is no worse than the current city lord, but he has no precautions and trusts his brother too much. Moreover, his brother also used other methods at the beginning, so when they fought, Jun Wushuang was invincible.

No one knows these various reasons, so these people all think that Jun Wushuang is not the opponent of the current city lord. It seems to be much worse. This illusion also makes the current city lord a person who cannot be provoked.

This time Jun Wushuang took action and shocked many people at once.

With one hand, a golden bell seal appeared, making a loud buzzing sound that resounded throughout the world. It was solemn and sacred. At this time, Jun Wushuang was even more like a god descending to earth. Every step he took made the earth shake and the mountains shake.

Divine bell power!

This is a magical ability of Jun Wushuang. It is very high-level and very powerful. Although it cannot be regarded as Jun Wushuang's trump card, this ability can definitely be ranked in the top three among all his abilities.

This ability is usually used the most. It is extremely fierce and domineering. Generally, few people can stop it. This time he needs to show off his power. After all, it is his first attack back here, so it must have a deterrent effect. Some people, save yourself some unnecessary trouble.


There was a huge movement, accompanied by a figure flying out, and a long red line of blood was drawn out because the speed was too fast.


The elder who stopped Jun Wushuang fell directly to the ground, unconscious. He didn't know whether he was dead or alive, but no one cared about the elder's life or death now because Jun Wushuang's strength was a bit too strong.

"Let me just say, since Jun Wushuang dares to come back, he has two brushes. He cannot come back and die in vain. Besides, it has been a long time. People will change and have adventures."

"Is it so easy to encounter adventure?" Someone asked disdainfully.

"You know what the hell, do you know how Jun Wushuang left here in the first place? Without the adventure, he would have died long ago."

"Yes, that's right. I was hid on the underworld prison platform by the Hellfire Lock. If I hadn't had the adventure, I would have died long ago. Now that I'm alive and here, it means there really was an adventure. Now there's something good to watch. , I really want to see Jun Wushuang succeed in revenge."

"I don't care who succeeds, I only care about the reaction of the current city lord's palace when he sees Jun Wushuang. The scene should be exciting." Someone said in a bad way.

In fact, it's not a bad idea to say it. In fact, to put it bluntly, many people can think about what would happen if they were Jun Wushuang. As a bystander, they can feel extremely angry. Human nature is good, and it is actually right, especially in this situation. When looking at things from the sidelines, it can be said that most people sympathize with the weak and those who are bullied. This is their nature.

Once he took action, Jun Wushuang did not stop. The hatred in his heart also included these people. These people were the first to join the current city lord. There is no need for such people to be polite. Being polite before and giving him a chance is enough.

So you don't have to be polite now. The opportunity was given to him, but he didn't want it, so he didn't hesitate at all and kept taking action. In an instant, the three elders were damaged.


At this time, a loud voice sounded. Jun Wushuang stopped when he heard the voice. His originally calm mood could not calm down at all. He thought he could do it, but it was not until this moment that he realized that sometimes he cannot control himself.

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