Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 1988 Finally faced

Hearing this voice, Jun Wushuang couldn't control himself, and his hands trembled slightly.

Qin Chuan knew that this voice should belong to the city lord, the person whom Jun Wushuang regarded as his biological brother, but it was this person who gave everything to Jun Wushuang, who cruelly took away everything from Jun Wushuang in the end.

Qin Chuan was also curious and looked towards the source of the sound.

A handsome man and a charming woman.

The man looked extremely young, much younger than Jun Wushuang, but he seemed more mature than Qin Chuan, elegant and elegant, and very well-dressed. At this time, he walked over gracefully.

Although the other party acted very calmly and calmly, Qin Chuan still saw a hint of uneasiness deep in the other party's eyes. Although it was very subtle, it also showed that he was actually a little worried about Jun Wushuang's arrival.

Jun Wushuang's eyes were fixed on this man and the woman beside him.

That woman is enchanting and noble. She is really beautiful. Even with Qin Chuan's current eyesight, he has to admit that this woman is very beautiful. Although not on the level of Master Chu Qingzhu and Tantai Huangqing, she is still on the level of a stranger.

However, this woman has a voluptuous temperament and is more confident. She is definitely a stunner that makes men crazy. She is charming and noble. When ordinary people see her, it is difficult to look away. This is a seductive existence.

For most people, such women are the most beautiful. After all, they are more real. Existences like Master Chu Qingzhu make people feel illusory. Women like Demon Lord are too cold and make people unable to think about life. These two This kind of woman is intimidating, not because of fear, but because she feels unworthy.

On the contrary, such a woman, a beauty in reality, is absolutely coveted and can make people enjoy themselves as much as in heaven. No wonder this man would snatch Jun Wushuang's woman. This woman is the real disaster of beauty.

She is a restless woman. It is said that women are more terrifying than men when they go crazy. This time, women play a bigger role. Others don't know what is going on. Is this woman being coerced or voluntary or even active?

Qin Chuan has been observing this woman, from her expression, from her eyes to Jun Wushuang, and then Qin Chuan sighed, the woman was only surprised when she saw Jun Wushuang, nothing else, no longing, no love, only surprise , surprised why Jun Wushuang is still alive, only surprised, no surprise.

Qin Chuan saw it, and Jun Wushuang naturally saw it too. He was more sensitive than anyone else. In fact, what Jun Wushuang hated the most was women. He was not that angry when he took away everything from him, even if he was tied to the ground with a hellfire lock. There is no such thing as uncontrollable anger even on the prison platform.

The only thing he couldn't forgive was his woman, who took away his woman. But when he came back today, he hoped to see a look that made him happy, but he didn't see it, and his heart dropped to the bottom in an instant.

He felt that he was very pitiful. He didn't feel pitiful about what the elders said before. No, even if he suffered any hardships, he never felt like this. But when he saw the woman's eyes again, he found that he was really pitiful.

In fact, it is very complicated for a woman to see Jun Wushuang. After all, she is the woman whom Wushuang is marrying, and they have lived together for many years. They sleep in the same bed, eat together, play together, and are close to each other. But now they see each other like this, naturally it is a little complicated.

Even if there is no love, after all, they were once the closest people, but now the person she is closest to is the person next to her. She knows that many people outside scold her and his current man, but she doesn't care, she doesn't care about other people's opinions, doesn't care other people's eyes.

But even if she didn't care, she was still embarrassed when she met Jun Wushuang. After all, she couldn't do anything she wanted to do to Jun Wushuang.

Jun Wushuang was very kind to her, impeccable and considerate. Perhaps it was this kind of too much care that made her feel that life was too plain and plain as water, which in the eyes of many people was what life was like.

But from a woman's point of view, it is meaningless. She needs excitement and challenges in life, but she can't find opportunities and doesn't know what to do. It wasn't until Jun Wushuang, the younger brother, revealed his feelings that he got out of hand.

In fact, strictly speaking, if it weren't for this woman's connivance, Jun Wuya would not have had the courage to do so. Jun Wuya is the current city lord. This name was given by Jun Wushuang. You must know that it is difficult to take the first step in doing such a thing. go out.

Without the help of a woman, it would be difficult for Jun Wuya to take this step, or even impossible. Therefore, at least half of the credit for everything Jun Wuya does today must be attributed to this woman.

"Second brother, long time no see." Jun Wushuang came back to his senses and spoke slowly, his voice hoarse. He kept staring at Jun Wuya.

Jun Wuya felt a little unnatural, but a smile appeared on his face: "Long time no see, where have you been, brother?"

Jun Wushuang ignored him, but looked at the woman, her eyes were complicated, really complicated, with pity, love, and a hint of madness and hatred. This look was really painful and heartbreaking.

How many heroic men were high-spirited, young and talented, with unrivaled genius and great reputations, but in the end they were miserable and fell into the hands of beauties, dying to a sigh-inducing and regrettable death.

Jun Wushuang is such a typical example. At a young age, he became the Lord of Jincheng City by his own efforts. In Jincheng, Jun Wushuang was the number one young person at the beginning. He was a role model for many young people and a benchmark figure.

It was also for this reason that this woman came into being. Maybe this woman didn't love Jun Wushuang at the beginning, or she just loved Jun Wushuang's gorgeous identity and reputation. Being by his side was a kind of satisfaction, and she was envied by many women.

Jun Wushuang only has her, and she is still a sterile woman. It is not Jun Wushuang's problem, it is the woman's own problem, but even so, Jun Wushuang still has no intention of finding another woman, even if she does not want children or offspring. .

But that's it, something like this still happened, which made Jun Wushuang feel very uncomfortable, especially when he saw the woman's eyes before. He didn't notice it before, and couldn't notice it. Now that he has experienced so much, he can naturally see it clearly, so he can also see it. .

You can see it, but the heartache and bloodshed, and the sacrifice of so much, have not brought back a little bit of sincerity. This kind of blow is no less than the loss of a warrior's cultivation.

"Why?" Jun Wushuang finally asked this sentence. It has been a long time, it has been a long time since he left last time, and such a big thing happened, and he never had a chance. Now he finally has a chance to ask why.

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