Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2219 The hatred of the Lord of the Temple of War

[Title of the book: The 221st Hate of the Nine Realms God Emperor Author: I am a redundant person]

The latest chapter of "God Emperor of the Nine Realms"~ The domain name of this website: "1, easy to remember! Good novels highly recommended: Full-time Mage, King of Ten Thousand Realms, Strongest Sword God System, Urban Almighty System, God of War, Last Apostle in the World, Peak of Martial Arts The alien army Qin Chuan agreed. After all, the conditions are very good. He can advance and retreat freely and will not force himself into a desperate situation.しw.

Besides, Qin Chuan has great confidence in himself. As long as he gives himself time, other things will not matter. When the time comes, as long as he has the strength to help him, he should do it.

Qin Chuan agreed, and the master of the Five Continents War Temple was also very happy. His enthusiasm was very obvious. In fact, Qin Chuan was happy to make friends with the simple and honest man.

"Brother, I can't help you with my cultivation, and you don't need help. If you use me in other aspects, you're welcome. In the Five Continents War Temple, I can still help with most things."

As soon as this sentence was said, the two people were considered equals, so it seemed that Qin Chuan took advantage.

But now it is clear that they became friends for profit reasons.

This is okay, after all, there is nothing more reliable than profit in this world.

There are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends, only eternal interests.

Therefore, sometimes the combination of interests is the most reliable, because both parties must spare no effort to work hard for the common interests.

Lao Luo naturally saw Qin Chuan and greeted Qin Chuan with a smile.

This surprised many people again. After all, it was Master Luo, a real being known as a semi-immortal. In the Five Continents, Lao Luo's status was very transcendent.

Qin Chuan didn't know this Lao Luo, but he still smiled and nodded and said hello.

The Master of the Five Continents War Temple introduced to Qin Chuan: "This is Lao Luo, who is known as a semi-immortal. Don't underestimate him. To be honest, I can't beat him when I play with him." The Master of the Five Continents War Temple said with a bitter smile. .

Lao Luo waved his hand: 'Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Don't let the little brother laugh. Besides, my little tricks can't be hidden from the eyes of the little brother. ’

"Little brother, we old guys have all fallen in love with a treasure before, but this treasure is very strange. I happen to be going there. How about you help me identify it?" Lao Luo said with a smile.

Qin Chuan had a pretty good impression of Lao Luo. Although he was lean and lean, he was very kind and made people like him.

I originally wanted to refuse, but thinking about it, it doesn't matter. Maybe I can come across something good that I can use.

"Then let's take a look together. I don't understand much either." Qin Chuan said politely.

Qin Chuan has the golden pupil, so he can see treasures more accurately than ordinary people, but others don't know that Qin Chuan has the golden pupil.

This is an acquaintance in the north who wants to sell it. The treasure is different, although there is nothing outstanding in attack, and it does not even have any offensive ability.

But it can calm people's minds, nourish their hearts, and nourish their minds...

Sometimes the power of a treasure does not lie in its combat power, but in cultivating one's character, because cultivators regard themselves as the cauldron, and cultivating one's character and cultivating one's character is to nourish this cauldron.

Only if this cauldron is powerful can it go further, so the value of such a treasure is inestimable.

"It's not just the God of War and me here in Wuzhou. The people I have come into contact with now are not too eager for offensive treasures. Of course, if it is a particularly unnatural exception, they are more interested in defensive treasures, life-preserving ones, passive ones, and self-cultivation." I like the treasures even more." Lao Luo said with a smile.

Qin Chuan nodded thoughtfully.

"There are many people eyeing this treasure this time. Many powerful old guys from Wuzhou have come. Although they all like it, they don't know if this treasure is worth it. After all, the exchange value is too high." Luo said tangledly.

The value of this kind of treasure is hard to estimate. If these big shots want to get it, they have to bleed and exchange some of their own treasures for it.

Lao Luo didn't know why, but he wanted Qin Chuan to take a look.

Let's see if this treasure is worth it. He has a crush on Qin Chuan for some reason, but he just believes in him.

Cultivators who have reached this level are also pursuing some treasures, at least treasures that can be connected to their own blood and nourished by their own essence and blood, which are beneficial to the body.

It is also for this reason that some people use this method to manipulate treasures. Once the opponent's essence and blood are warmed, they will be affected.

Therefore, we are very cautious when it comes to good things. This time when we went to see the treasures, every big shot brought more than one or two "experts" to help Zhang Zhangyan. Don't be fooled.

If it is a really good thing, you have to buy it back even if it bleeds.

Qin Chuan said a few polite words, just as the martial arts exchange was almost over for the day, the three of them left directly and took a carriage to leave.

This is a remote, luxurious and quiet manor. The courtyard is neither big nor small, but it is quiet and leisurely. It is surrounded by lakes, bamboo forests, exquisite rockeries, small bridges and flowing water, pavilions, carved beams and painted buildings. It is luxurious without being tacky.

Walking into the hall, the room is spacious and bright, with the Eight Immortals table and the Taishi chair, giving it a hint of ancient flavor, and a hint of ancient wood and scrolls.

There is an Eight Immortals table at the front door, a chair for the Grand Master, calligraphy and paintings hanging on the walls, landscape paintings, pictures of birds and animals, wooden floors, and the room is spotlessly clean.

In the room, not only were there four people sitting at the Eight Immortals Table, but even the two rows of Taishi chairs on both sides of the Eight Immortals Table were also full of people.

That is, more than ten people. These people are not simple. They are all very famous people in the five continents. One of them, an old man who was as thin as a monkey and was sitting on the Taishi chair, laughed and said: "Lao Luo is here."

Instead, it was the master of the Temple of War. No one greeted him. Qin Chuan was stunned and didn't know why, but he didn't say anything.

The person who spoke was as thin as a monkey, a bit wretched, an old man felt wretched, and his eyes were disdainful, cold, and harsh.

Qin Chuan shook his head secretly. He didn't like this person, but he didn't know who this little old man was. He must not be an ordinary person to be sitting here.

Lao Luo smiled, but before he could say anything, another person on the Grand Master's chair spoke up and said to Lao Luo: "Who the hell is this young man? Don't tell me that this is your grandson, or is he here to help you?"

Lao Luo's expression changed, and he said coldly: "Xiaohou, this is not a place where you can act wild. Even if you act wild, you have to watch someone, so don't end up being a fool."

"Hahaha, Lao Luo, don't take yourself too seriously. What about you? He is still the one who killed his father, mother, son, and insulted his wife, but he still wants to be the master of the War Temple in front of others. Oh, are you talking about this young man? But what kind of young man can you, Lao Luo, invite?" The thin old man laughed proudly.

The master of the Temple of War tightened his body, clenched his fists, and his veins bulged one by one. At this time, Xiaohou smiled again: "If you want to be bloody, go find the person who deserves to fight and fight to the death, and you will be considered dead. , I still see you as a human being, but now who do you think you are? You are greedy for life and afraid of death, lingering on, do you think life is interesting?"

Qin Chuan now finally understands what the Lord of the Temple of War wants him to do, but think about it, this is the only thing in life, and there are so many contradictions every day.

Hatred, huge hatred, is nothing more than killing fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, seizing wives, killing wives, humiliating wives and humiliating daughters.

And the hatred of the master of the Temple of War was almost completely taken up. If the little old man hadn't said it, Qin Chuan wouldn't have been able to tell that this honest and honest man actually carried such great hatred. 166 novel reading network

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