Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2220 Treasure? Magical formation

[Book title: Chapter 2220 of the Nine Realms Divine Emperor: Treasure? Author of Magic Formation: I am a redundant person]

The latest chapter of "God Emperor of the Nine Realms"~ The domain name of this website: "1, easy to remember! Highly recommended for good novels: The King of Ten Thousand Realms, the Strongest Sword God System, the Martial God, the Urban Almighty System, the Last Apostle, the Full-time Mage, the Peak of Martial Arts Qin Chuan, an alien army man, finally understood what the Lord of the Temple of War wanted him to do, but think about it, this is the only thing in life, and there are so many contradictions every day.

Hatred, huge hatred, is nothing more than killing fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, seizing wives, killing wives, humiliating wives and humiliating daughters.

And the hatred of the master of the Temple of War was almost completely taken up. If the little old man hadn't said it, Qin Chuan wouldn't have been able to tell that this honest and honest man actually carried such great hatred.

Qin Chuan was still quite surprised. It would be a great pain to know that even one of these hatreds could be taken over by several of them.

Lao Luo reached out and grabbed the master of the Five Continents War Temple. At this time, the master of the Five Continents War Temple was on the verge of going berserk. After all, few people would say it to his face in front of her.

The previous person had already ridiculed Lao Luo, the Master of the Five Continents War Temple, and Qin Chuan, especially the Master of the Five Continents War Temple.

It is said that hitting someone is not a slap in the face, and swearing is not a curse. The other party was ruthlessly tearing open the scar of the Lord of the Five Continents War Temple. This scar was extremely huge and could kill someone.

"Xiaohou, that's enough!"

The old man sitting on a Taishi chair spoke. The old man was thin, but he gave people a very majestic look. Not only that, there was an indescribable feeling that made people feel that this man was like a mountain.

"Lao Luo, Master Wu, you also know that Xiaohou has this kind of virtue, so don't take it to heart."

After speaking, he looked at Qin Chuan, nodded with a smile, and said nothing.

Qin Chuan also smiled and nodded. Although this old man was majestic, he was very kind and could communicate with others. It was very comfortable to listen to him talk.

Xiaohou seemed to be afraid of the old man. When he heard the old man speak, he snorted coldly, sat back and stopped talking.

Qin Chuan followed Lao Luo and Hall Master Wu to find a place to sit down.

Xiaohou is also an absolutely strong person in the state. He can change everything with just one more stamp of his feet. When talking about Xiaohou, he is also a well-known figure.

Lao Luo is from the local area. Although he has no strength, he himself is a symbol of strength. Lao Luo is a very puzzling existence. This man seems to know everything, but the most important thing is that Lao Luo knows how to read people. .

Recognizing people is actually the most difficult thing. Lao Luo is very accurate in identifying people, so he is very popular. After all, he has the ability to help some worthy people, and gradually he has become an existence that no one can touch.

Lao Luo is like this when his whole body is touched. If anyone touches Lao Luo, the consequences will be really unimaginable.

The old man who spoke before called him Mr. Zheng. He is the evergreen pine in Chuzhou. In Chuzhou, if you rank one, two or three, Mr. Zheng must have a place.

The Zheng family is an ancient family with a long history in Chuzhou. A large family that has been established for many generations, knows how to survive and thrives for ever.

Mr. Zheng also has a name, Zheng Banzhou. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is enough to explain Mr. Zheng's status.

Although Hall Master Wu is the master of the Five Continents War Temple, he is much inferior to the Zheng family. What makes Qin Chuan curious is who is the enemy of Hall Master Wu?

Lao Luo explained some situations to Qin Chuan in a low voice, which was all information and common sense.

After listening, Qin Chuan nodded: "I understand!"

Qin Chuan actually didn't take it too seriously. Although the people here were very powerful, being able to come here meant that they were all about the same strength.

Birds of a feather flock together, and Qin Chuan is not as good as them now, but that does not mean that he will not be as good as them in the future. Besides, Qin Chuan feels that it may not take long before he can leave these people behind.

"This is your last time. If you exchange, exchange. If you don't exchange, I will take the things and leave. There are people waiting for exchange elsewhere." A mysterious man wearing black clothes and a veil sitting on the Taishi's chair said.

"Don't worry, as long as your things are fine, we will definitely take them." The man with fair face and beardless eyes and bright eyes said with a smile.

This is also a strong man from Zhongzhou. He looks very young. In fact, he is not much younger than Mr. Zheng. He just looks young.

Perhaps it can be said that it is due to cultivation. People with strong cultivation can delay aging. As long as their body functions are strong, this person will be young.

It is said that the mentality will lead to aging, but this is not true. The mentality gradually becomes that of an old person due to the degradation of the body.

It's just that there is more than enough intention but not enough strength.

As long as the heart is strong, the heart will never grow old.

"Okay, in this case, this is the last time. I will only give you one hour. After one hour, if no one buys it, I will take it and leave." The mysterious man in black robe said.

As he spoke, the mysterious man in black robe personally took out a brocade box, which was a bit big, then opened it and placed it on the table without saying anything about taking it out.

Then the mysterious man in black robe stretched out his hand to indicate that everyone could watch again and get closer.

What is placed in the box is a lifelike yin and yang fish, black and white noodles, this is the purest black and white, perfectly combined, but the only flaw is that there are some small lines on it.

These lines looked a bit dazzling, but they were not too inconsistent. The other party said that these were lines, the lines of the Yin-Yang fish exuding mysterious power.

"Brother Qin, how do you feel?" Lao Luo asked with a smile.

No one here is optimistic about Qin Chuan. As soon as Lao Luo said this, many people looked at Qin Chuan. Unexpectedly, Lao Luo actually found a young man.

You must know that this kind of treasure has no strength and age. It is impossible to tell whether it is good or bad, and you don't even know what it is.

The people brought by others are all older and have good backgrounds. No one is optimistic about Qin Chuan now, and many people even shake their heads with disdain.

Xiaohou was at loggerheads with Lao Luo and Hall Master Wu, so he couldn't let go of the opportunity at this time, so he spoke again, with a hot tone in his tone.

"The boy you brought has probably never seen the two treasures. Let alone the treasure, has he ever seen the treasure?"

Qin Chuan still had a smile on his face, said nothing, and didn't even look at the flute monkey.

Qin Chuan was naturally very familiar with yin and yang fish. He was not familiar with yin and yang fish, but familiar with things related to yin and yang.

Whether this yin-yang fish is a treasure, the answer must be yes, otherwise it would be impossible to hide it from the people who are doing it, but this treasure is just a very ordinary treasure.

The problem lies in the mysterious formation carved on this treasure. This formation is very clever. Qin Chuan is happy now because of this formation.

Qin Chuan is very accomplished in formations and talismans. What he lacks is his knowledge and experience in formations. There is no problem with his attainments.

Qin Chuan had been staring at the Yin-Yang fish before, copying the formation patterns and structure of it.

Soon, for Qin Chuan, this thing was just a health treasure, nothing special, because this kind of thing has disadvantages and its useful life is too short.

Otherwise, it would really be a good treasure. After all, this treasure's ability to cultivate one's moral character is very powerful. Unfortunately, this formation is very powerful, but it cannot be used continuously.

"I said yes. I've seen it several times and I can't believe it." Xiaohou spoke again. 166 novel reading network

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