Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2221 The arrogant flute monkey, Master Liu

Xiaohou's words made the eyes of everyone around him shine. In fact, no one doubted that this was a treasure. So many people didn't find anything wrong. Basically, there was nothing wrong with it.

If this is all wrong, then you will have no choice but to consider yourself unlucky.

"Master Hong, please." The person who spoke was Mr. Zheng, a person with a very distinguished status here. This is Chuzhou, and Mr. Zheng can be said to be the master.

"Mr. Zheng, you are so polite!" Master Hong quickly returned the greeting.

This is a white-haired old man, chubby, with a kind face, like a spring breeze. He does not look like a warrior, but like a rich man.

The people around were looking at Master Hong seriously. It seemed that these people had the highest trust in Master Hong.

Master Hong not only looked at it, but also took out many gadgets, including Bagua, a heavenly compass, and a treasure mirror.

No one around him spoke, they all stared at Master Hong seriously.

At this time, Mr. Zheng smiled gently and said: "Master Hong is one of the most famous masters in Chuzhou. He has a sharp eye when it comes to appraising treasures. No treasure can escape his eyes."

Qin Chuan wanted to laugh, but looking at the people around him who nodded naturally, it seemed that Master Hong's status was not low. Besides, Mr. Zheng was not a person who liked to talk big.

"Master Hong, he is nothing but a piece of shit. He is much worse than my Master Liu." It was Xiaohou who spoke.

This person is really annoying. He has dealt with Qin Chuan, Lao Luo and others again and again before.

Now Xiaohou is challenging Mr. Zheng again. After all, Master Hong is the master that Mr. Zheng found. If you don’t give Master Hong face, you won’t give Mr. Zheng face.

So as soon as Xiaohou said what he said, everyone else's expressions changed. Master Hong stopped directly, his expression extremely ugly: "In this case, if there is someone stronger than me, then let the stronger one come, I want to see your Xiao What kind of master did the monkey invite?"

Qin Chuan now saw Master Liu. At this sight, Qin Chuan was stunned. This Master Liu was indeed extraordinary in appearance.

His immortal style, snow-white beard, hair, and robe gave people an inscrutable feeling. He did not speak, but just looked at Master Hong and shook his head slightly.

His expression was calm and did not show disdain or contempt, but it felt like a form of oppression.

Master Hong seemed to have been suppressed as well;

His face turned red, but there was nothing he could do, so he made up his mind, hoping that he would not be determined.

"You are really not that good. I know you were being polite before, or you were trying to retreat in order to make progress, but I still tell you, you are not good, I will teach you a lesson today." Master Liu said with a measured expression. Just right.

Even though he was so arrogant, because no one could see his depth, there was nothing wrong with him.

If Master Liu really has amazing abilities, then there will be nothing. It is normal for strong people to do this if they have the ability.

But if you don't have the strength, are so arrogant, and treat other people like this, then how can others take advantage of you?

You know, Xiaohou scolded Master Hong in his previous words. If Master Liu is determined and doesn't come up with something, how can Master Hong and Mr. Zheng tolerate him so much?

This flute monkey is really extremely arrogant. He is so old and speaks so arrogantly and arrogantly. In Qin Chuan's opinion, it can be said that he has no brains.

He couldn't understand this kind of person.

Many people here are from Chuzhou, and even if they are not, it is still very uncomfortable. This is another slap in the face, as if everyone sitting here is rubbish.

However, Master Hong was very calm. He was very angry before, but now he is very calm. He just looked at Master Liu and Xiaohou as if they were going to make a fool of themselves.

He had already understood it to some extent before, but in fact, he really couldn't see what it was like. Xiaohou's words were unpleasant to hear at the time, after all, they were all curses.

But if you can just get off the slope, you can wait and see, and you can advance and retreat freely. If the other party is really determined and you have given up your position before, in the eyes of others, you may be able to do the same.

If the other party doesn't stand firm, Mr. Zheng won't make Xiaohou feel better without saying a word.

So now Master Hong can advance, attack, retreat or defend. He is very comfortable. No matter what, it is beneficial to him.

Master Liu now stood in front of the Yin Yang Fish, and then stretched out his hands. As a breath rose, Master Liu's palms were one black and one white.

Then two breaths, one black and one white, sprayed out from Master Liu's palm and sprayed on the Yin Yang Fish.

For just a moment, the yin-yang fish seemed to come alive, a flow of yin and yang, and the essence of heaven and earth spread.

Everyone around him seemed to be in a spring breeze. His whole body was in an indescribably good state, warm and comfortable, and the feeling of comfort was particularly strong.

If there is such a thing in the room, everything will feel relaxed and happy. This is definitely a rare treasure for their kind of self-cultivation.

Many people were moved at this moment, with complicated expressions in their eyes. This treasure must not be easy to obtain.

The mysterious black-robed man showed a proud look on his face, but most people couldn't see it. He was already sure that he could get a satisfactory price this time.

"Good stuff, really good stuff!" Xiaohou praised, his eyes shining, and his thin body must be satisfied.

Lao Luo and others also had expressions of surprise on their faces, staring at the Yin-Yang Fish, but Lao Luo still felt regretful in his heart, because he knew that he would definitely not be able to compete with them.

Hall Master Wu also likes it very much, but it is difficult for him to win it.

The old man, Mr. Zheng, was also a little excited at this time. At this age, he couldn't feel any pleasure from eating, and it was difficult for him to feel satisfied with other things, but this thing made him feel satisfied.

People are fighting for satisfaction in life, eating is for satisfaction, having beautiful women is for satisfaction, and cultivating strength is also for some kind of satisfaction, or to obtain the guarantee of satisfaction.

After Master Liu saw everyone's reaction, he looked calm, walked back with his hands behind his back, and sat there, while Yin Yang Fish continued for a while before stopping.

Even if it stops, it still gives the whole room an indescribable rhythm and comfort.

"How about it? Those who are dissatisfied can go up and have a look, how about giving it a try?" Xiao Hou said mockingly, and then looked at Master Hong, Qin Chuan and others.

There are many people here, and some of them look at Master Liu differently. He is a master. As for Xiaohou, in fact, everyone still doesn't like him.

But I want to try to curry favor with him. After all, if I can make friends with such a person, I might be able to use him if necessary.

"This is the real master, much more powerful than Master Hong."

Master Hong felt very complicated at this time. Although he didn't think that the other party was much better than him, he was in trouble.

"Master Hong, don't you want to say something?" Xiaohou said in an unforgiving tone.

Mr. Zheng's face looked ugly. After all, no one had ever been so disrespectful to him.

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