Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2227 Beichu Palace, Ten Thousand Years Black Ice White Snake Spear

The man also rubbed his head. This matter must be dealt with. No matter what, he is his son. He did not show any sign of having his legs broken. It is unreasonable.

He also knew what kind of person his son was, and to be honest, he felt that what he did was too much, but after all, he was his son, and tigers can't eat their own children, so how could he really kill his own son?

There are many descendants of the Beichui family, but they are dandy children. There are not many like Mr. Beichui. Sometimes, it is like this. Rare things are more valuable.

Young Master Bei Chu is actually very popular with the old man in Bei Chu's family. The old man loves his juniors, especially the playboys who are eloquent.

This kind of liking is a kind of doting, and sometimes there is no reason. This is family affection and a kind of blood connection.

I hope my son will become a dragon, I hope my daughter will become a phoenix. There are too many dragons and phoenixes in the family, and a pheasant will make people more like it.

Bei Chudao shook his head: "Don't worry about this matter for the time being, let the juniors deal with it first."

There is no reason in this world, no matter how reasonable it is, it is hard to explain. A hard fist is the reason. At this time, several young people in the Beizhu family were extremely angry together.

Especially Bei Chu Gong, his elder brother who has the same mother as Bei Chu Shao.

Beizhu Gong is different from this playboy brother. He is the genius and genius of the Beizhu family, and he is definitely one of the top among his peers in the Beizhu family.

He actually didn't like his younger brother Beijui Shao, but his own brother had his leg broken, and the other person was still a young man. If he didn't step forward, would it be better for his father or the elders in the family to step up?

He couldn't afford to lose this person, so he had to take the initiative in this matter, and some other brothers and sisters were also coming up with ideas at this time.

"Why are you hesitating? Brother Gong, we will go with you and kill that boy directly. It has been many years since he has dared to do something to me who has been a monk."

"That's right, if you dare to break the legs of my Beizhu family, I'm going to see who they are. You're so brave."

"Our Beichu family has been too low-key. After so many years, I don't know why the Beichu family didn't participate in those things. Is it okay to be so low-key?"

"Let's go fool around with this guy named Qin Chuan and see what's so special about him that he dares to be so arrogant."

The group of people just walked out of Beizhu's house.

I came to Chuzhou Academy and came to the martial arts field, because Qin Chuan was here at this time.

For them, it is too easy to find someone and go directly to Qin Chuan.

When many people around saw this scene, their expressions were extremely exciting. They had watched a good show. This was a member of the Beiju family. I didn't know how Qin Chuan could deal with it.

For a moment, everyone around them was extremely quiet, looking at Qin Chuan, Beizhu Gong and others.

Now no one is watching the people fighting in the martial arts field. This makes the people fighting in the martial arts field very embarrassed. It doesn't matter whether they fight or not. It's too embarrassing.

"People on the stage, please stop fighting now. You can't miss the show. Let's fight later. Come down first and let the martial arts field out."

This call made the people on the stage even more embarrassed, and many people below started to boo. The two people above were not popular people, and their popularity was not good. This call made many people follow him.

In the end, the two people could only walk off the stage angrily. When passing by Beizhu Palace, they still bowed and said hello with a smile: "Young Master Gong!"

Beizhu Gong nodded and said nothing.

Where Qin Chuan and Zhao Han were watching, they naturally saw Beizhu Palace at this time. He had naturally thought of such a situation, so there was no surprise.

"Qin Chuan, you hit my brother, right?" Beizhu Gong said.

"Isn't it normal to hit that piece of trash?" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"No matter how useless he is, it won't be your turn to fight him." Beizhu Gong frowned. He thought Qin Chuan would be crazy, but he didn't expect him to be so crazy.

"It's not my turn to hit, so if I hit him, it will be your turn? Who do you think you are?" Qin Chuan sneered.

Qin Chuan would not be polite to this kind of person, not polite at all. He made such a big mistake and behaved like a beast. Even if the Beijue family didn't kill him, they actually allowed him to be so arrogant. , and still bullied and insulted Hall Master Wu like this.

Qin Chuan knew that the other party actually wanted Beizhu Shao to eliminate the roots. In fact, sometimes it was not because he was afraid of the other party's revenge, but it was just a habit.

Habits are scary.

Beichu Gong's expression was very ugly. When had he ever been told that? The Beichun family was the largest family in the five continents, and he was the young genius of the Beichu family. Even the people of the Beichu family were very polite to him and placed their trust in him. High hopes.

When people outside saw him, no matter who they were, they all complimented him and fawned over him. As for the young man, she could count the number of people who could make her take notice and look him in the eye.

So he was very unhappy. There are two types of proud people, one is dismissive, and the other is like a fried chicken.

Bei Chugong is the second type. He is very proud, but has a small tolerance and cannot tolerate others questioning or disrespecting him.

He likes others to be polite to him and compliment her, especially young people. It is best to show admiration and envy when meeting him.

Not only did Qin Chuan not admire and admire him, he even insulted him and ignored him, so he was very unhappy and angry.

"Very good. This is the first time I have seen such an arrogant and ignorant person like you. Yes, yes." Beizhu Gong suppressed the anger in his heart and said word by word.

Qin Chuan shook his head: "Does it feel good to say these words, does it feel like you are superior to others?"

He hates this kind of gesture. He has encountered it frequently in the past few years and feels disgusted. Therefore, when encountering such a person, the best way is to hit him hard in the face until it becomes swollen and broken.

"you you……"

"Come on, stop talking so much nonsense. Since you came to me, let's fight quickly and finish the fight early. I have to go back to eat."

The more Qin Chuan sounded like this, the angrier Beizhu Gong became. He roared, pointed a spear in his hand, and killed Qin Chuan.

This gun has a snow-white volume, like a graceful white snake, exuding the cold air of ice and snow.

Ten Thousand Years Black Ice White Snake Spear!

When this gun is fired, it is not only cold, but also possesses cold poison. Moreover, it is a spiritual weapon with its own spirituality. When combined with Beizhu Palace, it is perfect.

I don’t know how many people died in this powerful spiritual weapon.

Qin Chuan's consciousness flashed, and the Forged God Sword and Hammer appeared in his hand.

The opponent was a spiritual weapon, so Qin Chuan planned to destroy the opponent's weapon directly. His own was a magical weapon.

Almost every magic weapon can be said to have evolved from a spiritual weapon.

There are many levels of spiritual weapons. Only when you reach the top spiritual weapon can you have a little hope of becoming a divine weapon. It not only requires the spiritual weapon itself, but also requires many conditions of the user. Only the person and the top spiritual weapon reach a certain opportunity. Only when the right time, right place, and right people are achieved, and a certain fusion of heaven and earth can a spiritual weapon become a divine weapon.

This probability is too low, so there are very few magic weapons, and each one is very powerful.

Of course, Qinchuan's magic weapons are only junior magic weapons and cannot yet reach the ability to destroy the world.

But it is enough to deal with the Beizhu Palace in front of you.

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