Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2228: Just break the legs

The icy cold air hit him instantly, as if the earth was frozen, making Qin Chuan slightly stunned. It was too strong.

Qin Chuan saw the specialness of the opponent's weapon. He had seen similar weapons before, made by Wannian Xuanbing. Even Chu Master Qingzhu almost died.

However, this Ten Thousand Years Black Ice White Snake Spear is more advanced. It is a spiritual weapon. Although it is not as good as a divine weapon, it is much more powerful than ordinary weapons.

Even the magic weapons that most people call are not as good as this Ten Thousand Years Black Ice White Snake Spear.

In addition, this thousand-year black ice white snake gun contains the soul of a thousand-year-old white snake. The exact millennium is unclear, at least one thousand years, and at most nine thousand years.

This White Snake Soul is the spear soul of the Ten Thousand Years Black Ice White Snake Spear, and it is well integrated with the Beiche Palace, so the actual combat strength of the Beiche Palace is terrifying.

Now that the move is executed, the coldness in the air makes up for it, and there is a scalp-numbing hissing sound, like a thousand snakes coming out of their holes.

This move really brings out all the snakes out of their holes!

The powerful snake soul has the ability to suppress and cholera. If the strength is not enough, you can see thousands of snakes flying around you at this time, and your nose will be snotted and your feet will be wet.

But at this time, Qin Chuan shook his head slightly, holding the Forging God Sword Hammer in one hand and reaching out with the other.


A deafening roar of dragons resounded through the sky, and at the same time everyone saw a huge dragon flying out.

The dragon is extremely huge, shining like gold, domineering, majestic, and carrying supreme dragon power. When you see it, you have the urge to worship it.

Beijugong's expression changed. Dragon and snake all said that snakes can transform into dragons. Snakes are inferior in front of dragons. Even high-level dragons and snakes, and even the legendary Hydra, are afraid of real dragons.

The legendary Twelve-Winged Demonic Dragon, Nine-Headed Dragon, Two-Headed Dragon, Demonic Dragon King, of course there are also Hydra, Twelve-Winged Demonic Snake, Yamata no Orochi, Three-headed Black Snake...

But in general, in principle, the dragon is definitely more powerful. The strongest one in the legend is naturally the Shenlong. However, some say that it is the Shenlong King or the Shenlong Emperor, but some say that there is only one Shenlong.

Qin Chuan doesn't know this, but he knows that his current combat skills such as the Diamond Dragon Claw are almost invincible against the Ten Thousand Snakes coming out of the Beizhu Palace.

There is no resistance at all,

This was a battle of energy and force, and Beizhu Palace was vulnerable. Since he couldn't win, Beizhu Palace charged directly with the Ten Thousand Years Black Ice White Snake Spear.

Forged sword hammer!

Bang bang...

When weapons clashed, there was no pleasant sound of metal clashing as expected. Instead, there was silence like drums, which made everyone feel heavy, as if they were about to vomit blood.

"So strong, but who has the upper hand?" Some people see it now and don't know who is more powerful.



Every time the Ten Thousand Years Xuanbing White Snake Spear attacks, at least three huge white snakes appear, entwining towards Qinchuan, spraying out a breath like white mist. Wherever it passes, the ground is frozen and the air is frozen.


A flame appeared around Qinchuan, and the flame was slowly spreading around. The cold air around him quickly dissipated when it came into contact with the fire.

Fiery Green Lotus!

The flames around Qinchuan slowly grew bigger, and they looked like a huge green lotus. There was a green lotus in the flames, and Qin Chuan was standing in the green lotus.


Fire is still a very shocking thing, especially high-level fire. After all, every time this thing improves, it is a narrow escape. Even if someone encounters it, they will not try to tame and absorb it.

It's too dangerous. Generally, those who have fire are by chance or have no choice. As long as there is a choice, generally no one will absorb fire.

The success rate is too low.

Beings like Qinchuan who have two types of fire, and also high-level fire, are definitely rare. But I don’t know if there will be a safe way to absorb fire in the wider world in the future. If there is, then maybe someone with fire will have it. There will be more people.

Even if the success rate of absorption and improvement is increased, there will be many more people. After all, there are too many people. If there is a little more probability, many, many people will appear.

When it comes to finding wealth and wealth in danger, there are always some people who are not afraid of death, or desperate people, who take a gamble. If they succeed, their lives will be smooth sailing from now on. At least compared to before, his own life can be regarded as smooth sailing, reaching the sky in one step.

If you fail, you will be wiped out and the rest of your life will be over. Anyway, you have no expectations for life anymore.

Qin Chuan raised the hammer of the Forged God Sword, and then slashed it down with a flash of golden light.

There is nothing fancy, just a casual slash, but this slash is different in the eyes of the strong, because this slash is definitely a skillful slash.

There is nothing fancy about it, but this move is full of vicissitudes of life, as if the world is collapsing.

The Forged God Sword and Hammer is now a divine weapon, and it is not just a simple weapon that can only use the Midas and Yin Yang Hammer.

Divine weapons, magical weapons, mysterious and unpredictable, the god of weapons, weapons used by gods, but Qin Chuan actually doesn't know what the explanation is.

I only know that the magic weapon is terrifying and powerful, and its power will continue to increase. Its magical effects also require slow research and practice.


Qin Chuan was stunned. His blow seemed a bit strong. He felt a bit powerful. It felt like an ordinary person hitting a rabbit with a stick instead of a cow or horse.

Originally, I felt that this stick should be hit on a cow or horse. Ordinary people may not be able to be killed with one stick, no matter where it is hit.

Just this feeling.

But the effect is like hitting a rabbit with a stick, destroying everything. The feeling of being invincible is very comfortable.

Qin Chuan was slightly startled, knowing that he had underestimated the divine weapon and his current strength. After this blow, Qin Chuan let go of his hands and feet, and forged the divine sword to move through the clouds and flowing water, like the water of a river, continuously and wildly. Sprinkle out.

Beijugong originally felt very uncomfortable after the first blow, but this was the beginning. The feeling of being able to only parry, and barely parry, was too uncomfortable, and he felt like he would collapse at any time.

It was extremely uncomfortable at first, and he might collapse at any time, but this attack was as dense as rain and airtight. He wanted to give up, but he was unwilling to do so because he didn't want to die.

Tired of coping and faced with many crises.


Qin Chuan did not kill anyone, but broke one of Beizhu Gong's legs, and then the opponent flew out of the martial arts platform.


The clear voice, the scene was quiet, deathly quiet, all this actually happened in an instant, Beizhu Palace was defeated, and it was a complete mess.

There is no suspense, not on the same level at all.

The most important point is that Bei Chu Gong also had a broken leg, which was the same leg that Bei Chu Shao had broken.

Young Master Bei Chu is a dandy, but even though he is a dandy, he is not weak in strength. However, many people can accept being defeated by Qin Chuan, but they just admire Qin Chuan's courage, ignorance and fearlessness.

But now that Beichu Palace has been defeated, people are surprised. This is one of the talented young people of the Beichu family!

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