Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2229 Beiqi family’s decision

Qin Chuan didn't even look at Beizhu Palace, let alone say any harsh words, and left slowly with his hands behind his back.

Bei Chugong had forgotten his pain at this time. He had always been conceited. Among his peers, there were only a few people who could surpass him and who could convince him.

But now he was defeated by an unknown boy with almost no resistance. This was unacceptable to him, and his whole heart collapsed.

The surrounding discussions made him lose face and made him feel like the end of the world. After all, his entire worldview and spiritual sustenance had collapsed. He suddenly felt boring and the world was not that beautiful.

This is a blow, a devastating blow. The more conceited you are, the more severe the blow will be.

The main reason is that Qin Chuan's display of strength was so monstrous that it immediately made Beizhu Palace despair. Now it feels like it is like a mountain standing tall.

"Beichu Palace was defeated. Beichu Palace, this is the leader of the younger generation, the absolute leader. You must know that the Eight Dragons are not as famous as Beichu Palace."

"This Qin Chuan is so powerful, but I don't know whose disciple he is. Haven't you heard that the Qin family in Wuzhou is powerful?"

"Maybe it's the hidden family, otherwise it wouldn't be so powerful. Besides, this Qin Chuan doesn't seem to be afraid of the Beizhu family at all. What does this mean?"

"That's right. The family power in Wuzhou won't give the Beichu family any face. The Beichu family is the absolute overlord. Who dares to hit the Beichu family and beat them so hard."

"You are wrong. In fact, this young man is very smart. You see, he is just fighting, not killing. Even if it is for the sake of face, the Beizhu family will not let the big bully the small. Only young people can come here. Return to the field, but depending on the situation, young people are not willing to return to the field, and this Qin Chuan probably also saw this."

"That's not the case. I'm obviously embarrassed to bully the small with the big, but it's still okay to come secretly. So, if this Qin Chuan doesn't have the background, he will probably be miserable."

"The Beichu family shouldn't be like this. If anyone knew about it, they would lose more status and lose face."

"What is face? There are a few people who care about face. The big shot is not very thick-skinned and despicable. If he wants to survive, he can't care about so many things. Face is just put on for others to see. As long as he doesn't do it on the street in front of everyone. Shit, it’s not a shame.”

Beizhu Gong and others left, but this time Beizhu Gong was defeated and broke a leg again, which has attracted the attention of the Beizhu family.

Having broken Master Bei Chu's leg before, some of the Bei Chu family were angry. After all, they were members of the Bei Chu family, and the Bei Chu family had not been beaten for a long time.

After all, it has always been the Beichu family that beats others. When will it be someone else's turn to beat the Beichu family.

When Young Master Bei Chu was beaten, although some people were angry and took it seriously, after all, at least a few people were close to Young Master Bei Chu.

There are many people, and there are still some people who don’t know about the Beichu family. The so-called ignorant people are fearless. When they don’t know about the Beichu family, it is understandable that they beat the people of the Beichu family, even if Beiqi’s cultivation is good. , but there are people outside, and it’s normal to meet them once.

But Beichui Palace was defeated and one of his legs was broken. This was different. This shocked many people in the Beichui family.

The cultivation base of Beizhu Palace is completely different from that of Master Beizhu. They are not on the same level. It is a bit exaggerated to say that they are Yinghuo and Haoyue, but creeks and rivers are still okay.

With such a big gap, Beizhu Gong is the leader of the younger generation of the Beizhu family. What does this mean? Beizhu Palace is a terrifying existence in the five continents. Even the elders of the big families are no match for Beizhu Palace.

But Qin Chuan did it easily. It could be said that he defeated Beizhu Palace with one move. What kind of strength is this? Even the elders of the Beizhu family could not do this.

This time, a lot of people had gathered in the Beizhu family to discuss this matter, and everyone frowned.

"Which of you knows the origin of Qin Chuan? I want to be accurate and tell you as much as I know."

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man, not very handsome, but very charming. This was a very strange middle-aged man, whose temperament was king. This man's temperament was particularly noble, and his wealth was amazing.

"It is certain that this Qin Chuan is following the path of Palace Master Wu, Palace Master Wu and Lao Luo..." said a young man whose age could not be discerned.

"Are the people our Young Master Bei Chu killed before and did ridiculous things to be relatives of Hall Master Wu?" the middle-aged man said with a frown.


The middle-aged man's expression became even uglier. He had heard about the saying that bad people come and good people don't come. To be honest, any man would be unable to bear this incident. Moreover, this hatred is absolutely like the sea. It's simply impossible to resolve.

He thought he had superhuman tolerance, but when faced with such hatred, he couldn't stand it, absolutely couldn't stand it.

"Does this person in our family usually behave like that of Palace Master Wu?"

Originally, this matter was nothing. Although it was ridiculous and bullying, to the Beiju family, it was nothing at all and there was no need for him to take care of it.

But now a young man comes from the same place as a person with such hatred. He seems to be such a good manager and has such potential that he has to pay attention to him.

The atmosphere in the room was a little heavy, just a little bit.

"What are you afraid of? Could it be that Hall Master Wu is still so troubled? He is probably just a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death." A young man said.

"Shut up, don't say anything if you have nothing to say." The middle-aged man from before shouted.

The middle-aged man was slightly confused. He didn't know if he was too cautious or if his courage had become weaker after so many years.

He thinks a lot, but doesn't want to do it right. He always feels that this is not a good thing. Sometimes he feels that he thinks too much, and sometimes he laughs to himself whether he is too timid.

In Wuzhou, no one can do anything to their own Beizhu family.

But there is another way to make yourself feel at ease, that is to kill Hall Master Wu and the young man, silence them, and end everything once and for all.

This idea is very clear, but he still has many thoughts in his mind. Does having this idea mean that his mood is unstable and he is timid.

"This Qin Chuan has no blood relationship with Hall Master Wu. He is not a master and apprentice, nor a teacher and student. Can you be sure?"

"You can be sure that the other party calls me brother and brother."

"It's not surprising that he is called like this despite the age gap. This Qin Chuan has such good talents and qualifications, so we can be sure that there is no close relationship between the two parties." The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief.

Relatives who are related by blood are the closest, followed by masters and apprentices, sworn brothers, friends, teachers and students, etc., but the most important ones are relatives and masters and apprentices.

As long as this is not the case, generally this kind of hatred will not be involved.

But if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of the worst, so the middle-aged man thought for a while and said: "During this period, you young people have been in contact with him. If he is really a genius, you have no choice but to try to introduce him to the Beizhu family. "

The middle-aged man didn't say it clearly, but they knew what he meant. This is a matter for young people. You younger generation can't stand him. You can try to win over him. If you can't win over him, you can use some inhuman means.

In short, this Qin Chuan cannot be kept.

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